#the difference is staggering bc of the very basic fact that larian remembers how children work and byeoware just forgot i guess
ayrennaranaaldmeri · 3 years
i feel like for me the reason priority: thessia had a bigger emotional impact wasn’t just bc of its late placement in the game, it’s more to do with the soldiers you encounter on the ground, all of them fighting on their last legs to buy you precious time, only for your mission(TM) to end in failure and for you to have to know that literally everything they did, staying instead of retreating was bc you asked them to, and now they’re all dead, something that’s extremely relatable for Shepard as a soldier too and i think it’s a more organic way to hit you in the feels than the starchild. 
it’s so funny bc the starchild is so blatant and forceful in trying to make you ‘feel bad bc innocents die’ that it ends up completely not working bc as i’ve said before it’s a child that straight up doesn’t act like a child, and doesn’t exist or fit the world in the slightest because its magically the only (1) civilian that shows up for the sole purpose of trying to make you feel bad while you leave earth. 
bc it’s not like you’re leaving someone else you're already predisposed to give an enormous fuck about or anything (*koff* anderson *koff*). 
and it’s so funny bc basically every other minor instance of things that are designed to get you in the feels don’t try nearly as hard and still do more than the kid and those painfully slow and boring dreams (charr and ereba, the teenager talking to the turian in the refugee camp, the turian who ends up sending his wife and kids to sanctuary, the human soldier who sends her daughter to thessia bc she and her wife are being deployed, joker’s sister, that woman whose brother joined cerberus and so on...). 
Like, I’m a huge crybaby, literally takes nothing to get me going, I start pre crying before sad scenes if i know what’s coming and yet I feel absolutely nothing when looking at the soulless eyes of that nightmare child esp knowing the catalyst is gonna come to our first and last meeting looking like that. no thank you. 
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