#the day it was due. i cant write papers longer than like three pages i lose focus
ricketybonez · 2 years
been listening to too much lore podcast at work and started entertaining the concept of what writing an episode for that might look like and how for my irish cultural history class i happened to read allegedly the first report of the loch ness monster and now im like what if i wrote a thesis paper on accounts of cryptid slash supernatural event sightings
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ohcndrea · 5 years
[ 9:13am ] haha u nerd [ 9:15am ] this like stupid nice tho and stupid cool  [ 9: 27am ] also cant wait to draw secret dicks on all ur graphic design shit 🤗🤗
she doesn’t quite make it to dinner. maybe its the picture and the kind, albeit stupid, words with it. maybe its that she feels the need to get everything out. maybe it’s some annoying combination of the two that’s insisting that andrea drop defences and simply be honest, kind. she didn’t like it, but she didn’t like the weight in her chest more. something jay said playing on repeat: I just want to be honest. she didn’t know if she really did, be honest that is, but she did want to even the playing field between her and jay again. and the only way she felt she could do that, was honesty.
she considered writing a note, like kat had suggested. she was far better with words when they were written down and not spoken. but that honestly wasn’t the issue, the issue was that she didn’t know what she should say, hell, she didn’t even know what she wanted to say. kat had said she should draw something. but now jay had done that. would it be cliche for her to return the gesture ? and she didn’t know what she would draw for him either. drawing for other people was worse than writing something for them. too many expectations, from both sides. she flicked through a notebook as she thought. or rather, overthought. the pages rest on her stomach as the cover leant again bent legs. half finished “projects” on the pages, but she knew she’d never finish them to the degree she’d once envisioned them. none of them were right, until one was.
fingers stopped on the page, studying what she’d considered a scribble. what, in truth, she still did. for one, it wasn’t etched into the pages, it was taped there. a flimsy piece of paper from a stowe mountain resort notepad. it was from when she’d hung out in bed all day, claiming to be sick (claiming specifically to sister florence that she felt really dizzy whenever she stood), but she’d really just been hungover, upset, and watching the sucker music video on repeat while eating hot cheetos. she really liked the drawing, maybe it wasn’t the most complex thing in the world but neither was she, neither was this situation now that she’d had her time to be cold and then be thrust back into a situation with jay, about kat, and those two people were bigger than most things too her. they were important.
she ripped the page from the spine, wishing she’d been more delicate the moment after she done it as she saw the crinkles sprout out from under her hand. a little too enthusiastic because she knew if she was careful and considered things she wouldn’t move from where she sat. maybe, for once, that was good. maybe her instinct and rash decisions would lead her somewhere for once. following that momentum she sat up, setting aside rest of the notebook then laying out the ripped page in front of her. leaning over, she grabbed pencil from her desk. then after a moment, she leaned over again grabbing the post it notes too.
late afternoon sun peaked past clouds as andrea marched her way over to bart wing, carefully folded crumpled piece of paper in her hand. she didn’t mean to walk with such determination but she thought if she unfocused for a moment that she’d just wander off and do something else stupid. maybe more stupid, though she’d set that bar pretty high already. slipping past another student or two as she walked, offering a small smile as she did to say ‘i’m not a bitch, but i’m busy’, until finally she found herself in front of b2 then she froze. paper clutched in her hand, she didn’t know what to do here. in a moment of panic she knocked, and instantly regretted it. knocking meant facing and seeing his face when she handed it over. fuck. she quickly pulled fist back to her chest, holding it there for a moment as she tried to think of a way to fix this. there was only one thing she could think of as an alternate to the reality she might be about to face. quickly kneeling down so she could jam the note under the door. but, unfortunately, it was three pages folded into one and didn’t simply slip under the door like she’d imagined. instead getting caught, and then her getting caught. looking up when the door opened, she just had to chuckle. “ hey, ” she said, pushing herself back up onto her feet only a little mortified.
“ i was hoping you weren’t in, ” she lied, pushing hair out of her face. she hadn’t thought that until he opened the door on her and her cheeks warmed as a result, but once they had she’d wished she’d thought this through some more. “ but, since you are, ” she held out the folded up note. on top, his name was scrawled in rushed writing. she couldn’t remember if jay’s roommate had actually left or if that was just a rumour and she had to be safe. “you don’t like, have to open it now, ” she’d really fucking prefer if he didn’t actually “ but for the record, it was kat’s idea. ” she noted, part of it was giving their friend credit where it was due, but most of it was making sure she didn’t seem like a total puss as she handed over a folded up drawing of some fucking hand holding on a stowe note, you don’t have to be sorry written to one side, and then, a sticky note with a dumb joke drawn on it on top of it all. “ i heard a rumour that they’re doing tacos for dinner tonight, if you wanted to head over now? get it when it’s good? ” she suggested, throwing a thumb over her shoulder while her other hand slipped into the pocket of her jeans for lack of anything else to do now that she no longer had the note.
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