#the dark is that same image but shattered like a broken mirror. every aspect isolated and alone
circle-around-again · 2 months
"The dark side ignited and fueled his anger. He was enraged by the icy water and by the entire planet of Mygeeto. He fought his way to the surface, kicking and clawing and bursting through the ice. And after he broke through the ice, while he was still gulping freezing water and struggling to keep his face above the surface, he saw his Master on the shore." (Windham, 86-7).
This is not only one of Maul's coolest moments, but perhaps a key insight into the nature of the darkside and its users.
Maul experiences the dark side as fire. Maul's dark signature is that of "ignition" -- like a machine being awakened, or a furnace of power. However, it has distinctly desperate traits -- it is one of struggle.
However, Sidious' force signature is here as well. It is ice. What feels like an entire world of awful power pressing down on Maul specifically. Something he rebels against, but is smothered in until his death. And I always preferred the interpretation that Sidious' force signature was frigidly cold.
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