#the creator of hh did say lures cant control their appearance so i was just thinking about it.
a-trying-writer · 2 years
[[ clothes make the cat -- hh fic. no reblogs, likes are ok. ]]
Over the top, colorful, blinding, and eye straining, are the closest descriptions I have for Maison’s clothing choice for me.
One dress is too plain, with it’s bright pink style that reaches half way down my thighs. The stripes of various colors that the shirts and pants are dyed in makes me believe I will stand out in this valley, in a very bad way. Even the accessories are gaudy, with how large they are -- some sunglasses are heart shape while the earrings are large disco balls!
But I did ask Maison for advice for clothes, so I can only blame myself for this. All my clothes are either black or white, which is kind of bland in comparison to him, even though his “clothes” are actually his skin. Which does make it interesting to know what he considerable fashionable.
Besides, even though I don’t really like his choices, it doesn’t hurt to try something new. Maybe I will grow to like it with time.
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