#the color changing background on the hyunjin gifs was so hard
pillbug-hanjis · 9 months
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SKZ x Les Twins Series - Piano
🍀Source Videos: SKZ - Les Twins
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littleracha · 10 months
hii! It’s a little late at night for me but I have an idea! can you do a How would CG OT8 Skz would put their little to sleep? Or wake them up in the morning? (it’s all up to you!)
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I put these two asks together as I felt like they fit!
CG! SKZ Putting Their Little to Sleep
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Chan wishes he could have spent more time tucking you in tonight. With the new album just on the horizon, he needed to make sure everything was finalized. With a quick kiss to your head and a gentle goodnight,
Chan clicked on your nightlight and left the door ajar.
He wasn't surprised when he heard the pitter-patter of bare feet on the wooden floor of his office. You were used to a much more detailed tuck-in. Chan couldn't help the twist of pain in his heart as he heard your sleepy little voice.
"Yes, my little cub? It is past your bedtime, sweetheart. Why are you out of bed?" Chan made sure his expression was soft on the blank computer monitor before turning to you.
"Can't sleep. Daddy didn't do it right"
"Daddy didn't tuck you in the right way, baby?"
You simply nodded
"Well that won't do now will it little cubbie"
With that Chan whisked you off to bed. He snuggled up next to you and read your favorite picture book. As you began to fall deeper asleep, his voice became softer. Soon enough you were passed out on his lap. Maybe the album can wait one more night.
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Lee Know
Pajamas? Check. Potty run? Check. Scared off evil monsters? Check. Sippy cup? Check. Baby monitor? Check.
Everything seemed to be crossed off Minho's mental bedtime checklist, the last task was to get you to lie down. Most nights it was a rather tough battle but after a long day out on the town, you were ready for sleep.
"Come here little kitty, Noona has the bed all set up" Minho called for you to come out from the bathroom where you were changing.
"Noonie tuck me in" You crawled under the covers Minho was holding up for you.
"Of course little one! Noona always tucks you in" Minho began to make sure you were as snug as a bug.
It wasn't long after he left the room that something felt off. He missed something, he knew it.
"NOONIE!!!!!" He came rushing in at your alarming cries
"What is it, baby? What made you so upset kitty?"
"Too dark Noonie"
THE NIGHTLIGHT! He forgot to turn on your night light. Minho quickly set up your dinosaur color-changing light on your bedside table. He watched you bop it for a bit until you fell back asleep. Add a nightlight to the mental checklist.
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Bedtime with Binnie was a challenge, but he was always up for good competition. Currently, you were standing at the side of the bed that lead to the window. Binnie was standing at the side next to the door. All you had to do was distract him and make a run for it. Once you were out the bedroom door, the world was yours!
"Give up little bunny, it's bedtime!" Changbin tried to reason with you. He was so silly for thinking that would work.
Slowly you picked up your stuffy pig named Oinks and chucked it at the wall by Binnie's head. Once he looked stunned you made your getaway. But why were you in the air and not out the door?
"Dada's got you, silly little bunny" Changbin held you up like he just won you at the county fair.
"Dada let me go!" You tried to wiggle out of his hold but it was no use.
"Fair is fair baby, bedtime for you."
You tried to argue with him as he tucked you in. Even went as far as whining as he put on some soft background music. The next thing both of you knew, you were out cold. Wresting a Dwaekki is hard work!
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Most nights you were asleep in Hyunjin's arms before he could get you ready for bed. However, some days your caregiver could tell bedtime was going to be a bit more of a challenge.
These nights usually came when you have been having a hard week or haven't had time to be regressed for a while. He knew how much you wanted to stay up and play but at the same time, little ones like you needed sleep. Especially after such a hard week. So what was his solution? To make bedtime fun!
Hyunjin loved setting up themed bedtimes for you, it was another way he could express his artistic side. Your caregiver was known to go all out when setting up these special nights, spending way more money than he probably should. It was always worth it in his eyes.
When he carried you into the bedroom after your little crying fit, he watched all the tears be replaced with joy. Stars were illuminated on the wall from a projector Hyunjin cleverly hide behind some books. Your comforter was switched with a spaceship blanket and planet pillows were all around the room.
"Mama! Space" you pointed out the theme for the night while wiggling from his hold.
"Yes, little one! We are in space! Mama got a very important call from Space Captian Jinniret, he is lost on one of the planets and we need to rescue him" Hyunjin put on his best narrator voice.
You saluted to Mama as he put you in your new space suit pajamas. When he tried to kiss you on your head you pushed him away, you were on a mission! After hours of searching (15 minutes), you found the captain stuck on Neptune in a broken space suit. You retrieved him and brought him back to the spaceship for safety.
Hyunjin tucked you both in stating that the captain must be cold after being lost for so long. You informed Mama you would stay on the ship to keep an eye on him. Hyunjin watched you drift off to sleep, dreaming of your space adventures.
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"Little quokka, you can only pick one movie," Han said followed by a chuckle.
It was predictable at this point. Han would bring you to your bedroom and ask you to pick out a movie to watch while getting ready. He would hope that you would be so immersed in the film that he could finish everything in the background and by the time he was done you would be out like a light. While it worked for the most part, Han never accounted for how hard it was to get you to pick a movie.
"But Oppa! If we watch Finding Nemo then we have to watch finding dory!" He had to admit, you were getting better at reasoning. Han pulled out your pajamas and started to help you change.
"And why is that, Ponyo?"
"Because if we have to find Nemo then it's only fair we find Dory too! Can't not find her" He had to laugh at your adorable conclusion.
"That's very true baby, it would be mean of us to not find Dory." Han tucked you under the blanket and grabbed both movies. "Let's find Nemo first and then we will see if we have the energy to find Dory, deal?"
"Deal!" You gave your caregiver a big nod to seal the agreement.
Han laid your head down on his lap after he got cozy next to you in bed. Before Nemo ever went missing, you were fast asleep.
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Felix has created the perfect plan for bedtime. That plan; do not let you know he is getting you ready for bedtime.
Every night Felix knew he would have to battle you to go to sleep and he never won. Then you would wake up the next morning being cranky over the fact you didn't get enough sleep. You just had so much to do and say, that your little brain doesn't even consider sleep.
"Mommy, then Spiderman met the other spider people!" You toddled behind your caregiver as he put away some dishes.
"Yeah, honey? What else little chick?" Felix lifted you on his hip and carried you to the bathroom.
"Well, then the bad guy gets stronger! And I didn't get scared, ow! Mommy you pulled my hair" You winced as the hairbrush got stuck.
"Mommy is sorry pumpkin" he made sure to be more careful on the next pass-through. "You are so brave for not being scared"
"Mhm then um then…then Spiderman uses his powers to defeat him" Your speech started to get slurred and a big yawn threatened to escape your lips.
"He must be pretty powerful" Felix chuckled as your story started to not make sense.
"Then he um he….miles…spiderman…yeah" Your eyes grew heavy as Felix tucked you into your bed.
"Goodnight my little superhero" Felix kissed your sleepy head as you began to snore.
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"Minnie in the building!" You jumped off the couch and ran over to your caregiver as he entered the front door. When he left for work this morning, he could see the glint of regression in your eyes. Seungmin hated that he had to leave you but this had happened before.
Throughout the day he was constantly calling and texting you. He would ask you to send pictures of lunch and dinner to make sure his little one was eating something other than candy. He called you on his lunch break to tuck you in for a nap. Voice notes often contained other reminders and simple little questions to keep you regressed. It was hard but it was the best either of you could do.
The last voice note he sent was reminding you bedtime was in half an hour. That one was recorded 2 hours ago. When you didn't respond he assumed you had already fallen asleep. Much to his surprise, you were very awake.
"Little one is not in the bed!" He said with the same energy as his iconic line. Seungmin whisked you up and cradled you in close. The giggle you let out was electrifying. He wanted so badly to sit down and play but it was already nearing 1 am.
"Minnie, couldn't sleep" Your little sleeve-covered fist rubbed your eye and showed just how tired you were. Seungmin could tell it wasn't that you couldn't sleep, rather you weren't letting yourself.
"Little pup, Minnie is here now. Shhhh my sleepy little thing" he pulled you in close and rocked you back and forth. "Let's get you to bed, firefly."
Seungmin laid you down in bed and tucked your two favorite stuffies in with you. As he stroked your hair and whispered sweet little things to you, he could tell something was wrong.
"What's up, sweetie? What is keeping my little one up?"
"Too loud" you pointed to your head.
"Awh honey, is your brain being too loud right now?" All he got was a weak nod in response. "Maybe we need to fill it with something else instead. Maybe a lullaby?" He melted as your features lit up.
Seungmin got himself situated in bed with you and laid your head on his lap. He sang soft melodic tunes to you until he felt your body become a weight. He stayed until the song was finished.
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Bedtime was one of Jeongin's favorite times with you. He got to snuggle up with his little one and read together. Every night your caregiver made sure to grab a selection of books to choose from. Some were simple picture books while others were shorter chaptered stories.
If you were his tiny baby, Jeongin would read the words out to you while you babbled away.
"Little Kit, look at you! Reading better than Innie can!"
If you were more of a toddler then your caregiver would read you the stories and ask you to point things out.
"'Then the fox snuck into the rabbit's home looking for a bite to eat'. Can you show Innie where the fox went? Through that big window? I think we have a little detective right here!"
And if you were more in a kid headspace, Jeongin would popcorn read the paragraphs with you.
"Okay kiddo, this next paragraph is a big one so why don't we break it in half? You read the first part and Innie will read the rest."
After he finished a book, or two, something three; it was off to bedtime for you. Once the sentences started to become mushy and your attention faded elsewhere, Jeongin knew sleep was fast approaching.
He always read one final story, one he memorized by heart. It was a story about a smart little one who dreamt about all the big adventures they'll have one day.
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