#the bluerglar berry sr pelo
cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
the thieves video isnt even that long,,
there isnt even that much content there
and yet... I’m already fucking planning and cookin’ up a funky lil au for the bluerglar berry,, its silly and probably makes no sense whatsoever but I want it and it shall be done
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sacachorch0vo · 5 months
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El Esmorador Azul y mi tarea de química que se me salió de las manos, mejor llamado como Limoncillo
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morbidmist · 2 years
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The Blueberry Boys
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
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i legit looked in my folder today and i forgot i made this fjvdjdks i apparently did it last night (i just got back from a l o n g ass trip so ye)
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
without a w o r d...
my icon and header changes again...
and of course the fucking icon positions itself to not show the funny gjfkdjgdfks
needless to say u h- im fuckin,, g a y- my grubby lil mentally ill brain is LATCHING O N T O these guys
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
Doodle Dump Time
Let’s start off with the one I hate
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I was testing the markers ...yeaaahh... n o.... no.
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this was mostly me fuckin around,, i was in like kinda bad mood so I drew some creachurs ...oh and blueberry mans and bob is here too I guess-
NOW MY PERSONAL FAVORITE FROM LAST NIGHT: Me, realizing something I now have the power to do since im learning to draw:
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(I used a translator for that Spanish so let’s see how fucked up that turned out ...I used DeepL but I guarantee,, like always, its going to be somethin wrong)
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Drew CC and Bob again (some selfship art? In MY sketchbook? ...Y’all best get fucking prepared- fgjkdlfjgds also gave CC a mullet unintentionally but ya know it does fit him tbh)
...also ignore the thieves,, d-dont worry about that- jgfkdgdjfs shut- shut up, you dont see that bit-
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
if there’s not going to be gift thieves x reader content
then I will be the one to step up to the playing field (...A F T E R I finish what I got currently in progress...)
even the fucking r a t bastard that I hate,, I’ll do it,, for thieves c o n t e n t
y’all will S E E one day
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
oh btw
the au with the bluerglar berry- I’ll give a basic desc of what its gonna be fhjgkdjfdks it makes no sense either way and this came from fucking nowhere
but headless horseman au with the bluerglar berry essentially, if I could draw horses and poses I’d legit fuckin draw him just holding his three heads while riding a silly lil horse
there is actual er... ‘’lore’’ and things I’ve got cooked up but I legit just dont know how many of y’all wanna hear bout this silly lil idea
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
CW aka Gift Thief Sona
Oh btw, here’s the uh sona for the whole gift thieves stuff
lmao I legit decided well hes gonna change REGARDLESS of what I do, just like CC, he’s changed s o goddamn much from his og document
sooo... yeah, also with each media Pelo releases I gain a new initial themed character- The Initial Collective grows
also I realized while editing this CW also stands for fucking content warning HFJDKSHDSK- ya know what im keeping it, fuck it we ball
| Name: Chase (me? Using MY name again bc I’m too lazy for anything else? LMAO yeah) Wolfe
| Nicknames: CW, Cryptid/Crypts
| Pronouns/Sexuality: He/Him (Trans FTM) and CW is p much Polyamorous
| Age: 30
| Species/Race: Human (White/American)
| Height: 5’5”
| Occupation: Has a small business The Cryptid’s Comforts (he sells comfort character letters and packages)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Body Type: He’s fat
| Appearance: CW (wow, I got CC and now CW …T h e C o l l e c t i o n  g r o w s…) wears light pastel purple hoodie with puppy/dog and flower designs on it) has some mint colored pants that go with it
(they look somewhat like pajama pants) and then finally he wears checkered sneakers that match his outfit (his right shoe is light pastel purple and the left is mint green)
He has some light pastel gauge earrings, has a silver puppy paw necklace that has purple gemstones all over it, he has a circle beard before I forget that detail, he’s painted his nails to match his aesthetic.
Only scars he has is his top surgery scars, has lil fangs (those are real btw), has a BUNCH of light pastel purple and mint bandaids all over him (legit it’s for aesthetics plus I dig OCs with bandaids on em like that lmao)
| Personality: Lmao watch this bullshit change IMMENSELY over time, ya know what, I’m gonna TRY to stick with basics- CW is a pathetic wet cat of a guy,, he has NO rizz, gets NO bitches but god d a m n will he try (gonna rizz up that Blueberry dude and Bandron) sucks at flirting, hell this dumbass motherfucker wouldn’t even KNOW if someone was flirting with HIM.
Aside from that however…
CW is actually super sweet, kind, caring, wouldn’t hurt a fly in all honesty… Can be very oblivious to some pretty obvious danger (CW THEY ARE GOING TO SHOOT YOU N STEAL YOUR SHIT S T O P BEING GAY FOR THEM- ‘’hehe, funny blueberry man and silly robot go brrr’’)
CW is super chill usually, seems carefree (trust me, he’s not just carefree lmao) ALSO a lot of people seem concerned for him because he’s got some VERY dark circles around his eyes and his eyes are usually half-lidded anyways, he looks EXHAUSTED but he promises he’s actually genuinely fine! (he is tho legit, he just has that look)
He can also be so so silly …What does that mean? … 🤡
| Side Facts: When CW isn’t working on letters/packages, in his free time he’s usually playing video games (now you might think bc of his aesthetic it’ll be something like Stardew, MC, AC, etc …Yes actually but he fucking LOVES horror games the most)
In fact he has tons and TONS of horror games, merch, etc- He fucking LOVES horror a lot which throws people for a loop whenever they see his house both inside and out (his house LITERALLY looks fucking scary even on the outside) there’s a cute pastel colored house not that far from his actual house.
Whenever he invited someone over for the first time it legit went like “Oh, is that your house? It’s so cute!” CW just blinks and then shakes his head with a soft laugh “What? Oh no, that’s not mine, that one’s mine” and then he points to fuckin haunted ass lookin’ house on the hill (cue dark storm clouds and lightning)
CW also listens to music a lot, in fact he’s rarely seen without his headphones (music can help him function in general, also,, it helps him de-stress) sometimes he’ll be writing or drawing and then other times he’s playing his electric guitar (never plays in front of others, he’s very self conscious tbh)
I don’t actually have a very coherent storyline for him just yet lmao but I know that’ll change, the same way it did with CC- It’ll change. The only difference is genuinely that I’m sticking MOSTLY to canon, like he goes to that one place to choose a gift, it gets stolen, etc.
(also a side edit: ...i do have- s o m e ‘’lore’’ now in those regards but not sure how many people actually wanna hear that shit so lmao)
Final tidbits are that CW has a southern accent and speaks in a soft spoken tone of voice most of the time, only time he gets loud is when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about or his hyperfixation/special interests.
(Bats, Hyenas, and Dogs are his main animal themed special interests, he knows a LOT and can talk your ears off about those funky lil creechurs, but there’s a LOT more I’d be here all day tho otherwise so yeye)
I guarantee all this will change lmao,, he just doesn’t feel… Silly enough but who knows for now
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
I’ve already thought of two AUs for this dumb blueberry fuck (affectionate)
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
A continuation of the last photo
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
Drew my two new bbgs
and also the cute lil doggie cop
and uh ...Don... Coco? I think that’s his name-
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Btw I’m using DEEPL to translate like stuff from English into Spanish, so sorry in advance if any shit I post is inaccurate/VERY inaccurate- idk how well that translator works ...hopefully better than gooble’s stupid shit
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
this fucking god damn blueberry sonuvabitch
and this fucking robot bastard have taken over my brain
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
art of CC dying in a glue trap idk (while the others look on in horror, considering Dex used to be an exterminator I coulda also drawn him annoyed like ....r e a l l y, CC?)
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also a bonus:
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mmgh... b l u e b...
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
I drew some more funky lil guys,, bc im excited for the upcoming thing Pelo’s gonna be releasing- the thing with the thieves
so... I drew them (...sadly,, the blueberry guy who I really was excited to draw didnt turn out too good oofy, its always the characters ya WANT to draw that never turn out right)
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The Gift Thief, Ugly ass rat i cant remember the name of, The Bandron, and The Bluerglar Berry (...i dont even know if I got their names right)
EITHER WAY- yeah there’s the gift thieves, im excited for that to release
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