#the benefits to talking to a sorcerer u-u he's done some strange stuff
magnifiico · 6 months
"Erm...hello. I'm Nick, Nick Wilde...please don't freak out over me being able to talk." The vulpine lets out an awkward chuckle.
@aslyfcx || a good fox! 🥺
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“This may come as a great surprise to you, but I've actually encountered more bizarre things.” None that spring to the front of his mind in that split second, no, but the statement still stands proud and unfazed as the king's posture. He rolls his shoulders back while looking the peculiar fox up and down—Wearing clothes, too? Well, at least he has decency—and a soft hum slides from his throat.
The quick appraisal ends on a smile: welcoming. “What can I do for you, then, Nick Wilde?”
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