#the batman really got in my head about Kirkwall gotham feels
dreadfutures · 1 year
mkay so post deep roads Garrett (mourning his lil bro being taken off to be a warden) is the only one taking anti immigrant and anti elf crimes seriously, Aveline is his commissioner Gordon but she's just got laser vision on corruption in the guard ranks and not on the other issues
his own interests and his desire to help Fenris lead him to stuff w danarius, but then Fenris has to have space for a time because he's gotta figure out what his own interests and values are now that he's free, before he was just going based on his own vendetta.
he thinks Sebastian has a good heart and might make some good change and encourages him to be prince but also challenges him a lot
Garrett and Anders are kind of on one side and Sebastian and Fenris are kind of on the other about mage equal rights and how corrupt the chantry is or not
when Fenris is kind of backing off, Garrett really starts establishing himself as The Champion of Kirkwall and Aveline is Lowkey jealous of him taking the law into his own hands but starts threatening him bc he's an apostate (vigilante! has the caped crusader gone too far)
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