#the art is not consistent because of eepyy
ghostatrandom · 21 days
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It’s like 6am and I think this why I should A) take adderall or B) call an exorcist
Like why did I spent so much time on this? Idk it just kinda happened, guess my inner child has more of a vendetta than I realized
Ramble under cut!
The Toys are more than ready to rat out the Music club as a fraud! But first they want to give them the opportunity to come cleam by their own volition. They only find Bonifacio in the room and, with that air of superiority they have, challenge the so called "guitarist" of the club to actually show if he can even lift the guitar.
Bonnie has shown to them what he truly is behind those round glasses: a musical force not to be reckoned with, for he is probably the best player at the school!
This shocks everyone, but especially Bon, who not only seems surprised, but also, embarrased? Maybe it's just anger out of seeing a potencial guitar rival, right?
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