#the abbot then removing the tabaxi eyes and leaving him with empty sockets because Cerris was being Very Rude
dungeonsandblorbos · 10 months
the faces of Cerris
a fun little timeline showing some of the physical (and emotional wellbeing) changes my tempest cleric has gone through while trapped in Barovia these past like, two and a half months. some of the changes are harder to see without zooming in, so there's a description below the set of images.
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image descriptions from top left to bottom right:
1. Cerris upon first arriving in Barovia. He is clean-shaven, with a soft, flustered expression. 2. Cerris in the aftermath of the fall of Valaki. He is no longer clean-shaven, and his expression is distant, vacant, haunted. 3. Cerris after trying to visit Argynsvostholt. His hair is silvered at the roots, magically aged. He looks into the distance, determined. 4. Cerris after his first meeting with the Abbot of Krezk. His hair is returned to its natural color, but his eyes have been tampered with, now bearing flecks of bright gold. His expression is quietly fuming. 5. Cerris back in Ottoma with Milo, just returned from his second visit to Krezk. His eyes are back to their normal storm grey, and his expression is tired but soft, full of parental fondness. 6. Cerris after a run-in with a skin kite on the path between the winery and Costana. Thanks to the skin kite, he has no hair of any kind on his head—so he’s not only bald, he also doesn’t have any eyebrows, and his stubble is gone. His expression is hard to read. 7. Cerris the first time he is actively possessed by the ghost of Serghei von Zarovich. His hair has not yet grown back, but enveloped as he is by Serghei’s ghost, there is an illusory effect that makes it look like he has Serghei’s hair and mutton chops. His eyes glow a bright, lightning-like yellow-white, and his expression is furious. 8. Cerris in the aftermath of the first possession. Serghei’s form is gone, and Cerris's eyes are no longer glowing, but they haven’t returned to normal either. Instead, his irises are exceptionally pale, practically white with a tinge of greenish yellow. His expression is concerned.
#cerris tempescu#curse of strahd homebrew#curse of strahd pc#cw for a bit of body horror in the tags#just a cute visual representation of some of the physical trauma he's been through!#emphasis on the some#because we're leaving out other notable moments of body trauma such as#being infected by the curse of the other (wherein an evil body double grows out of your body in a very grotesque way)#his left arm becoming effectively paralyzed and possessed by strahd as payment for not letting him die#the abbot drawing the evil double out of cerris and cutting it up for parts#the abbot “fixing” his strahd arm by replacing it with a too-long orc arm#and then reluctantly agreeing to fix it by replacing it with his double's arm but leaving the orcish thumb#so that Cerris would have a literally green thumb (giving me a +1 to nature rolls lol)#the abbot knocking him out to replace his eyes with tabaxi eyes after Cerris explicitly said he did not want his eyes messed with#the abbot then removing the tabaxi eyes and leaving him with empty sockets because Cerris was being Very Rude#(don't worry Shalden convinced him to give Cerris his eyes back but he had to fuck with them first)#uhhhh what else#oh yeah daddy eldritch taking *rolls 1d20+1d12* 11 of Cerris's teeth as payment for not letting him die#(don't worry the abbot was able to replace them with his double's teeth and also give him his normal thumb and eyes back at the same time)#also a skin kite wrapping itself around his face and taking his skin (and thus hair) with it when it removed itself#(don't worry the missing skin was fixable with healing magic but yeah no the hair was basically waxed off and has to regrow from the root)#and then there was the other missing tooth incident#in which an earwig-like bug crawled out of daddy eldritch's cursed corn and into Cerris's mouth#and then proceeded to pull out one of his teeth and wedge itself in the hole#so then a second toothwig hatched out of the neighboring tooth#don't worry he was able to yank the toothwigs out and replace the first tooth with IRL gross first aid knowledge#but the second tooth literally became the second toothwig so that one's still missing#fortunately we are on our way to the abbot again so i can just get it replaced!#maybe the abbot will fix his hair too lol
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