#the Sims players making rooms without doors to kill the people they no longer want to look after lmao
lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you have a crush right now? I mean, ya’ll know about my love for Alexander Skarsgard. haha.
What are your crush’s/partner’s initials? AS.
Do you shop at Wal-Mart or Mejyer’s more often? Well, I have no idea what Mejver’s is, but I do go to Walmart often.
What’s your favorite store? (other than Hot Topic) lol why do you just assume it’s Hot Topic? Anyway, I like Target, Walmart, and various places online.
What do you think about tatoos on women? That’s cool for them? I don’t care.
Do you drink? Smoke? Nope.
Any nonperscription drugs? Perscription drugs? I take a prescription pain medication.
Are you alergic to anything? What? Tangerines.
Have the cops ever gotten on to you for anything before? No.
What other countries have you visited? States? I’ve left the US once and that was when I went to Mexico. As for states, I’ve been to Arizona, Idaho, and Georgia. And California, obviously. Like I’ve actually been to these places, and not just driven through, in which case there would be a lot more.
Do you have a Myspace? And if so what is your screen name? It still exists, but I haven’t been on it in several years.
Do you have a Youtube? Yeah.
Facebook? Yes.
Gaia? No.
Bzoink? No. I went on there back in the Myspace days for surveys sometimes, but I don’t think I ever made an account.
What email thingie do you use? (yahoo, gamil, rock) Yahoo.
Do you own a cellphone? If so what kind is it? Yes, an iPhone 6S Plus.
Do you text? Sometimes.
Do you have a digital camera? What kind is it? I use my phone.
What is your most common typo? (I keep typing have, ahve, grrr) *shrug*
What kind of computer do you have? A MacBook Air.
Do you have an ipod/mp3 player? Again, I just use my phone.
What game system(s) do you own? A PS4, PS2, and a Wii. They’re my brother’s, but I’ve used ‘em. My family and I use the PS4 for a DVD player, actually.
What is your favorite video game of all time? Mario Bros are classic.
Are you any good at Guitar Hero? I rocked out on easy mode, man. ha. I want to play now.
Have you ever played Call of Duty? Nope. I’m not into those types of games.
Do you play games on the computer? I have The Sims 4 on here.
What is your favorite/most visited website? Tumblr.
Can you type fast? Yes.
What color are the walls in your room? White.
What kind of floors do you have? Carpet.
How many doors are in your house? Windows? 8 doors, 3 windows.
Do you have any posters on your walls? Of what? Yes. I have 4 giraffe paintings and two ocean/beach themed ones.
What kind of bed do you have? (fouton, twin, bunk) I have a full.
Is your bed comfertable? Yeah.
Would you rather sleep on the floor? Nooo. I wouldn’t get any sleep cause it’d be super uncomfortable. I’m too bony and don’t have enough cush in the tush.
Where is your computer located? Right here on my bed. I just keep it there since that’s where I always am.
Do you have a tv in your room? I do.
Other than a closest do you use a dresser/wardrobe to keep your clothes in? I have a dresser and a hamper for clean clothes as well because I don’t have enough room in my dresser.
How many mirrors do you have in your house? (other than hand helds people) 5.
How many rooms are in your house all together? 7, but only 2 bedrooms.
How many floors? 1.
Do you have a garage? Yes.
Should you be doing anything right now? What? Nah.
Do doctors or dentists make you more nervous? Both, but right now the dentist would definitely be a lot worse. I’ve never done well with going to the dentist, like I have major freakouts.
Did you ever think you were about to die before? Yes.
Have you ever really had a near death experience? Was it cool? Yes, twice. Uh, no I wouldn’t consider it cool at all.
How often do you brush your teeth? Once at least, sometimes twice.
How often do you shower? (Come on, tell the truth) Every 1-2 days.
Is it warmer or colder where you live? It’s cold right now. Like it’s finally cold and rainy and I love it.
What is your favorite kind of weather? The kind we’re having now.
Favorite seasong? Fall and winter.
Favorite month? October and December.
What is your relationship status? Single.
Sexual orientation? Straight. Do you pick your nose? No.
Do you ever tell people when you have to go pee? No. I don’t know why people feel the need to announce to that.
Have you ever cheated on anybody? No.
Ever done something illgeal? Nothing major, but yeah.
Are you a virgin? I am.
Have you ever done pot? Yes.
Ever tasted beer? Yes.
Ultimate turn on? Ultimate turn off? Neck kisses are a turn on, arrogance and cockiness are a major turn off.
Do you have to shave your toes? No.
Do you have chronic foot odor? No.
Do you use deodorent? I do.
Most embaressing singer/band/group you listen to? I’m not embarrassed by any of the bands/artists I listen to.
Most embaressing tv show you watch? I’m not embarrassed by that either.
Have you ever crapped your pants? No.
Have you ever….
Been skiing? No.
Eaten sushi? Ew, yes I’ve tried it. It’s so awful I don’t get the hype.
Seen a dead body? Yes.
Killed a bug with a magnifying glass? No.
Poured salt on a slug? No.
Cried in front of someone? Yep.
Drowned? Well, no. That’s something I’m afraid of; though, which is part of why I avoid going into bodies of water. Even in a swimming pool, like I used a floatie but I end up just staying by the edges because going out in the middle terrifies me. I can’t swim for one, and I’m too much of a scardy cat to ever learn. Like nah, I’m good.
Been shot? Actually, yes.
Inflicted pain upon yourself on purpose? Yes.
Laughed so hard you thought you were gonna puke? No.
Wanted to do mushrooms? No.
Kissed someone of the same gender? No.
Been so nervous you thought you were gonna pass out? Oh yes.
Passed out? No.
Fallen asleep in class? No.
Shot a gun? Yes. I’ve been to a shooting range once with some friends.
Driven a car? No.
Stolen anything? When I was a kid I sometimes took the candy from the big candy tubs at the grocery store because I thought it was ours for the taking. Whoops.
Can you….
Use chopsticks? No. Never got the hang of it, but also never really gave it a real, serious try. I didn’t have the patience.
Tie a good knot? Well enough for my shoes. I can’t do different types or anything with rope.
Snap yo fingers? Yeah.
Do a cartwheel? No.
Do the splits? No.
Sing well? Nope, I can’t sing for crap.
Dance well? ^^^^
Make yourself fart? I’ve never tried or wanted to try.
Rotate your fingers in two different directions? Yeah.
Start a fire with two sticks? Never tried.
Do any magic tricks? If so what? Nope.
Hold your breath for longer than one minute? Nope.
Cross your eyes with using your finger? I wouldn’t want to try.
Draw well? Nope.
Make a baby laugh? I have.
Stick your finger down your throat without gagging? No. I barely start to stick it in there and I’ll start gagging.
Touch your tongue to your nose? No.
Curl/roll your tongue? No.
Make your tongue do that clover looking thing? No. I don’t have any tongue tricks, sorry.
Do the worm? No.
Touch your toes for longer than five seconds? *touches toes for 5 seconds* Yep.
Do a pushup? No.
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myneighbortortor · 7 years
My Wall
So here goes. I don’t hate people, but I don’t like them. It doesn’t take much to make me angry with you; bumping into me, looking at my husband, asking for extra sauce (I work in the food industry), etc. I only hate those who really cross me and that list is few and eventually turns into none because it takes too much energy to hate. In my life I have been abused, neglected, tortured, betrayed, and maimed by those I’ve held closest to me. I have such a wall built up it’s not even funny. It’s actually painful because I enjoy being out and meeting new people and doing new things, but at the same time I hate it. Social anxiety is a HUGE part of my life. About that wall I’ve worked on for years. Example of a time when my trust was betrayed: I had just moved to this new town and started my first day at school. Those are always the worst. So I literally kept my head down and refused to respond to anyone. I had just moved from my home town a state away where I was constantly teased and made fun of. So as you can see I expected the same from this school. Now in this state this wasn’t the first school I attended. For about a month I lived in a town a couple towns over, which was the more....”open” town. My second day a guy asked me out and we dated for a couple weeks before his “friend”, which he and I had become friends due to our mutual dislike of most things and people and common interest in a book series, told me he had dared him, along with a few other guys, to ask me out. So this was my first boyfriend. Ever. Like EVER. Long story short I confronted my “boyfriend” he told me that it was true, but really liked me and the bet was only for a week and I dumped him on the spot. Then a snow storm happened which had us out of school for...I wanna say a month? I only ever returned to get my stuff from my cubby in home room. Back to my first day at the new school. The girl ran up to me when we were all lining up for lunch. I was terrified and hadn’t planned on talking to anyone but I could tell, just like me she didn’t really fit in. She talked to me all lunch and recess, then she took me to the book fair after lunch and introduced me to her boyfriend, who dumped her a couple days later. We became super close and she was my first friend at the school. She was the first house I stayed at over. The first embarrassing YouTube channel I made with. The first person I ever really could truly consider a best friend in my entire life. As we grew up I noticed she had some things off about her like jealousy. That shit was through the roof. Once she went to Walmart with me mom, her boyfriend, and myself. My mom and her boyfriend gave me $20 like they always did.Twilight was a thing back then and they had calender's at Walmart, and being the “twi-hard” I was, bought it, then we went next door to the Game Stop and I got Sims for my Xbox. When we got to my house she demanded that I share the pictures of the characters on the calendar because  we were best friends, and she also demanded she got first play at Sims. At this point in my life I was so happy I had a real friend I didn’t think much of it and began tearing my calendar apart, asking which pictures she preferred to have as she played my brand new game. Fast forward to 8th grade we were both heavily into guys and had been for around a year. All of my boyfriends had consisted of being over the internet and a few of the guys I talked to she had gotten jealous and began talking to herself and dated. Fast forward to after February I dumped the guys I was with to be with the new kid at school because, let’s face it I was an emo brat dating a football player who didn’t like the same music as me and had not planned on losing his virginity until marriage and I was a hormonal teenager with multiple friends who had lost their V-card and I wanted to be one. So when this kid moves to school and is just as emo as myself (there weren’t any others like us in our grade at the time besides my other best friend who was a girl and dating a guy) and liked the same music and showed me even better music, yeah I did a dick move a dumped the football player for the emo kid. Well this relationship got super serious, like super quick. We fell hard for each other and 3 months into our relationship lost our virginity to each other. So the girl gets super jealous and tells me how shitty of a friend I am because I never want to go to her house anymore (her family hated me because I quit going to church and came out as bi) and I spent all my time in school with the guy. She said a lot of hateful things and during these years I was a heavy cutter, so I did what I always did and cut, but this time it was bad, I still have the scars to this day. I didn’t try to kill myself or anything I just used a sharper razor than normal, I didn’t even expect the outcome I got. So for a minute our mutual friends were all mad at her even though she apologized to me over and over and cried. Fast forward again with less details, I go to her house to escape my mom (we had a hard time getting along in my younger years) and her and I had agreed that her bf would be over so she wouldn’t be spending barely any time with me. While she spent time with her bf I Skyped with my now ex from 8th grade, and yeah I was in another relationship, it was long distance and I didn’t flirt with my ex once, he flirted with me but we mainly just talked as friends. Apparently she thought the situation was super shitty of me though because she REALLY hated my ex. So I leave that night and she pretends like everything is okay. The next day after school she posts this status on Facebook, which was one of those like the status and she’ll post on your timeline things, that said “Why are we friends?” so I liked it because we were best friends and I expected a great post from her. Quite the opposite. I’m assuming after I left, her mom was a super big influence nazi like influence over her and still is as far as I know to this day and she really didn’t like me, her mom got in her head and made her think I was a super awful friend because one time she dyed the tips of her hair pink and it really didn’t go with her base hair color and being a real friend I was honest and told her my opinion, and also I was “using her for her wifi”. Keep this in mind; I HAD MY OWN WIFI AT MY OWN HOUSE. I simply had wanted some time away from my mother at that point. So I’m devastated. This was not the last time she did something super fucked up to me. In fact the last time I saw her I was carhop at Sonic and she said she missed me, and the time before I took her out to eat and didn’t make her pay for a damn thing, I even paid for her gas. Throughout my school years all of my friends from school, even to this day, although I have forgiven them all and love them all (the 3 of you I have lol if you read this) have fucked me over in some way or another. Sometimes it truly was my own fault. Sometimes it wasn’t I just have assholes for friends because I, myself, am an asshole. So even through my few adult years I’ve had so far (I’m 20, turning 21 this year) I’ve been fucked over multiple times by friends. So no I have no “best friend” nor do I want one. Those 3 friends from school I mentioned, a long with about 3 other people I consider family. I do have friends but I don’t really do much with anyone. I moved out of state recently so I’m not near any of them, although a lot say they will visit. My best friend is my husband, and sometimes I don’t even trust him, not because he’s ever cheated or anything like that just because of the past. I really trust no one. I expect the worst from people now. I had this girl who a few months ago I couldn’t imagine my life without her, we had a small falling out because she felt she couldn’t maintain a friendship with me while I was going through so many problems because she had too many problems of her own. First of all if anyone actually reads this, you NEVER take breaks in friendship, family relationships, or romantic relationships. If you have to “take a break” whatever that relationship was is nothing now. Well anyway, she ended up trying to kill herself and came to me, I was out and about with my husband and his family when she began messaging me over an app called Snapchat. I don’t know her address to tell the paramedics so I get ahold of a mutual friend who had been friends with her longer and tell her to call 911 and give them directions to this woman’s house. She does, she’s in the hospital for awhile, and then she gets out. In this time I had become friends with her soon to be ex husband and his girlfriend(we became super close over the past few months but I recently went off on her over some stuff and we haven’t really talked since). She tells me to “go fuck myself” when she finds out I’m friends with these people. At the time the only reason I befriended them is because the girlfriend helped me through a lot of what I was going through, they had recently became co-workers of my husband and I, and my husband and the soon to be ex-husband of the girl got along really well and my husband had recently had a falling out with his best friend. Although the girl had done some fucked up shit in our friendship, what I did in the last few months was super fucked up of me. I posted personal information about her online and made a joke of her suicide attempts. We are now talking and working back towards being close again and as much as I would really enjoy being close to another person again other than my husband, as in having a best friend, I’m scared this wall I’ve built will hold me back. I have multiple other examples of times where I was royally fucked or abused by people I held close to me. My mom, when I was younger, up until I was 19, was the biggest culprit. We have a great relationship now and I’ve always loved her. I could honestly consider her one of my best friends because I call her for anything, I think the max we go without talking is one day. All of my past relationships besides a couple have been abusive in some, or multiple ways. 
Now I didn’t make this post to get sympathy, I made it to help people understand me. Or even maybe someone can relate to me in some way. I am working on my problems and I feel awful sometimes because my husband wants me to let him in and tell him everything but from my last relationship I expect judgement and abuse. Although he never does. He’s always so supportive and understanding. I literally could not ever find anyone so perfect for me and to me. I’m trying me best to be more open with him, to not put up a fight when he wants to know whats wrong even if its just a random spurt of depression. As for the social anxiety it has been a big part of my life, but in the past couple months its gotten a lot better. I actually moved in with two random strangers(along with my husband) and its been great so far.
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