#the 00s digital art version of scabies
tricornonthecob · 2 months
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"Christ, I look a jackass." "You don't!" "Me bloody hat's FRING'D, Sarah." "Well… I s'ppose 'tis o'ermuch." "O'ermuch! O'ermuch, she says!" "Be that as it may, Mister Hiller, I fancy you the most comely gen'lman here." "*scoff* gen'lman! Bloody hell." "Mind your tongue." "Aye, dearest." … "Sarah…" "Hm?" "You appear t'be holdin' my hand." "Hmmm. 'Twould appear so. Fancy it becomes us tonight, does it not?" "…Aye, I reck'n it does."
my libido braincell: And then they fucked in the cloak room to a soundtrack written by Lords of Acid.
Me: jfc they can't always fuck in a closet, you gremlin
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