#the ''spamton house'' sign is what really does it for me
rozzywell · 2 years
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Everyone's too distracted by the milk rn... they don't even care that he got evicted again...
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I have been in a funk.
And not a fun funky funk like Saturday Night Disco, but a regular 'my brain chemicals went on vacation and forgot to contact the temp agency' funk. Most of the past few months have felt like I've been in a fog. My mom had surgery (and is completely cancer free - after she finishes radiation in two weeks, she'll be officially in 'remission'! And her hair is growing back!), I finished my spring semester and signed up for summer classes, and I've been working extra hours at one of the other libraries in our system. I've also started volunteering at our county museum and have been roped into three separate programs that all have to do with archiving, which is great but also takes up a lot of time. It's all been done through a sort of brain fog, which has been killing me creatively. Luckily my doctor and I worked out a plan and I have now started an ADHD medication called Vyvanse! Do you know what Vyvanse does to a brain that has ADHD?
All. The. Dopamine. (Okay, an average level of dopamine that non-ADHD people experience but still, that's more than what I usually have!)
Holy FUCK does it make a difference! I'm able to think clearly, I'm able to keep tasks at work straight, I'm able to remember to return my library books (which is an amazing feat seeing as how I work at the library). I've been drawing a ton, some of which I plan on uploading in the next little while. I've started non-fanfiction plot bunnies! I've worked on my fanfiction plot bunnies! I feel motivated to work on Warning: Battery Low again! I've actually managed to sit down and read a book - okay, part of a book.
1/3 of a book.
It's still an improvement.
ANYWAY thank you to those who have sent me well wishes, and to those who are still eagerly waiting for the next chapter of Warning: Battery Low - it's still gonna be a bit. Remember how Swatch just kinda burst in and threw off all my plotting? Yeah, still working on fixing that. The next chapter is going to be a bit Crimson-centric as I work on better establishing their past relationship in the mansion. Then there will be good stuff! Then a fire. Then bad stuff. Then past stuff will come into play and someone will get their ass kicked!
Then the phone will ring.
Don't want to wait that long for more of my writing? Check out my other story, House Arrest, on AO3. It's Addison-centric and ponders what would have happened if the Addisons were forced to take Spamton back after their estrangement...
Anyway, thank you for your support as always, lovelies! I'm going to work harder on being more active on Tumblr again, since I love this wild and crazy place so much. Feel free to send me any questions you may have, I'm happy to answer them! Even if it's about the medication, I don't mind talking about it.
(Also figured out last month I'm not ace/aro, I'm just a really, really introverted lesbian, so finding that out after 10 years of being super 'I'm Ace!' has been weirdly stressful but also kind of freeing...? My life is a mess...)
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crtter · 2 years
I wouldn’t be surprised if Spamton WAS indeed a ghostly being like Napstablook, Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew, especially given that it looks like mannequins and robotic bodies are the only things ghosts can inhabit in the UTDR universe and Spamton’s current body is pretty much identical to the mannequin used by the Addisons.
It does make me wonder about the nature of ghosts in Undertale and Deltarune, though! Until now I had assumed they were just another “species” monsters could be, especially because so many UTDR monsters are parodies of RPG encounters and also because death, as shown by the cemetery in Deltarune and how characters talk about deceased characters, seems to be regarded as a pretty permanent thing in-universe.
That being said! We have more than one example of characters clinging onto life after their death in Undertale. In the No Mercy run, Undyne refuses to die after receiving a killing blow in place of Monster Kid and quite literally “refuses” herself, becoming Undyne the Undying. The Amalgamates are deceased monsters that were resurrected through Determination being injected in their bodies before they turned into dust, which came with unseen consequences. Flowey was a golden flower from the surface that was sprinkled with Asriel’s dust and unknowingly had Determination injected into it by Alphys later. There’s even signs that the Chara, the previously deceased human who we, the player, name after ourselves, is still alive in Frisk to a degree and narrating the flavor text. Actually! I always thought it was interesting how checking out Chara’s coffin after the battle with Asriel gave a new piece of dialogue, which could imply that Frisk could be quite literally a resurrected Chara:
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Determination seems to be a big aspect as to why UTDR characters won’t quite stay dead, but if ghosts came from monsters who refused to die, we’d see more of them, wouldn’t we? Besides, they seem to be treated as equals by the other characters, only a little… spooky. Aaron and Woshua are creeped out by Napstablook’s ghostly music in Undertale and Papyrus asks Frisk if being friends with a ghost doesn’t scare them if you call him inside of Napstablook’s house.
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Actually, one could wonder about the nature of skeletons as well! Sans, Papyrus and W.D Gaster seem to all be skeletons named after fonts and they’re the only skeletons we meet. And Sans and Papyrus have been explicitly stated to have been inspired by J.N. Wiedle:
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And J.N. Wiedle is the author of the webcomic Helvetica, also featuring skeletons and having the main character being named after a font:
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What’s interesting about this webcomic, though is that all the characters were previously deceased humans:
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I don’t really have any final thoughts or anything, I just think all of this can allow for some very interesting worldbuilding in the future installments of Deltarune!
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On May 1, 2022: I Finally Defeated Neo-Spamton In Snowgrave Route...
after so many game overs, and having to take a break from trying to fight Neo-Spamton in the Snowgrave Route....
I finally at long last finally was able to beat him, but it took a few more game overs from him to accomplish it.
the save file is called Frisk....
I’m sure there were a lot of fans of Deltarune who had the same kind of trouble fighting Neo-Spamton in Snowgrave Route.
and it took them and myself much longer to finally take him down,
without the help of Susie and Ralsei.
also when we Use the glass in the Light World, it does seem that Susie seemingly glares at Kris (and in a way the Player.)
maybe when we are doing the Snowgrave Route,
the Faux-Ralsei aka The Anti-Ralsei or Falsei, had gotten to her...
or Noelle told her what Kris made her do.
I still think that while the theory about Ralsei being secretly a bad guy,
could be true....the new theory is that it was never the Ralsei we first befriend in Chapter 1, and the Ralsei we meet in Chapter 2 is a different Ralsei who has been following Kris, Susie and The True Ralsei in Chapter 1.
it’s possible that the Other-Ralsei appeared after King was defeated.
he could of captured the Original Ralsei while The Player, Kris and Susie were distracted by the King.
I can’t be the only one who thinks that the Ralsei that we meet in Chapter 2 (and possibly meet after the Boss Fight with the King),
is not the Fluffy Prince Cinnamon Roll who must be protected at all cost, right?
I’m pretty sure that Kris can see through them but doesn’t say anything because it might put the Real Ralsei in danger, and who is trapped in Lancer’s Original Home Kingdom.
the Other-Ralsei didn’t want the True Ralsei to get in his way, so he switched places with him and even went as far as locked that Delta Rune Door as well as the door in that abandoned classroom in the light world.
one of the reasons to be suspicious of “Ralsei” (if that is his REAL name...)
is that he is slightly taller than Kris, his horns are possibly slightly longer and even in the Pacifist fight with Spamton and even the boat ride...
he has been acting really suspicious.
also even though I’m glad I finally beat Spamton in the Snowgrave Route,
I am not doing the Snowgrave in Chapter 2 for a while....I need to take a break from it and only do the Pacifist Route.
that was one of the good things that happen to me on May 1, 2022.
there were some not so great things that happen to me on the same day....
that of course ended up me having a panic attack...
it did seem like a panic attack, I think it was the same type of feeling that happen a few years ago...
I was alone in the car during that time, and we were getting ready to move to the house that we live at now...
and I started to get a panic attack in the car, I think I didn’t figure out it was a panic attack until maybe a few years later maybe.
I ended up hitting my head in the car, too...
most attacks happen in the car, I just don’t like being alone outside in a car.
so long as I have family that I trust with me I’ll be fine.
I have to lock the doors just to feel safe.
I’m pretty sure the breathing and not so great feeling from earlier/yesterday,
it was a panic attack that was much like the one I had in the car that one time.
I had some not so pleasant that happen to me last year,
and it be nice it didn’t happen because I already had some stuff happen on a year before that.
like the second depression I had that lasted until around December 2017,
the one of the signs I was feeling a bit more happy and getting better,
was when watching Boss Baby made me laugh.
even if there were some stuff to enjoy during that time, it didn’t mean the negative feelings weren’t still there and was causing me harm.
I really didn’t need that second depression after getting over the first one, that was caused by stuff that was going on at home.
then some stuff happen in 2021, that just wasn’t okay...
and I really need what happen on May 1 of 2022, to cause me to have a panic attack.
the only good thing that happen on the first of May of this year,
was finally beating Neo-Spamton in the Snowgrave Route.
and well when I did go to sleep, hoping the problem would be fixed when I woke back up......but sadly it wasn’t.
I even tried other stuff to fix it, but nothing truly changed but I want to try to hold on some hope it will be fixed and I can make sure to try to see to it that it doesn’t happen again.
maybe I can watch Helluva Boss, I know the last time I was feeling not so great before, I found out there was a new episode and it made me feel a bit more better I think.
don’t know when the new episode of Helluva Boss will happen, but it will be worth the wait, same goes for waiting for Hazbin Hotel episodes.
and you know there is that possibility of having Succubus heritage,
and me having to protect myself from both Human and Incubus...
like using a dream-catcher to see to it that I don’t dream-walk into other dreams because their pheromone energies....I did explain about it before...
and then there is that whole me being a Defective Earth Angel,
Defective like a Glitched Program.
I think I would rather go by Enbicubus, which is like a Nonbinary counterpart of a Succubus and Incubus.
Enbicubi would be more than one, same goes for Succubi and Incubi.
Enbicubi could be either Feminine Aligned or Masculine Aligned or the Neutral Aligned.
some will still go by She/Her or He/Him, while others can go by They/Them.
for most Enbicubi they will just go by They/Them.
it be interest if this idea was used in Helluva Boss,
but such a thing might not happen in the canon and it’s okay if it only happens in the Fanon and is used by Fans and even by the humans who know they have some traces of Succubus heritage.
Enbirl can be a mix of Enby and Girl, same goes for Enboy can be a mix of Enby and Boy......is that already a thing...?
maybe before I start to watch some Helluva Boss episodes,
I will listen to Born Without A Heart.
it just matches how I feel sometimes, and it has become one of my comfort songs I think.
same goes for the song by Lily Allen, the song is called F*** You.
and yeah I censored the word on here.
 also some might think it is wrong to be upset with your Guardian Angel or Angels if you have more than one...
but I just want mine and other Guardian Angels to actually improve and try to add “protect you emotionally” meaning they make sure to understand the feelings and the emotions and make sure you don’t end up having a second depression after getting over the first one, or like having a panic attack by like what happen on May 1, 2022...
as well as what happen a few years ago, that has me scared to be alone in the car either it be at night or day.
I mean I had been hurt by a Toxic-Religious person, who couldn’t take a freaking hint that them telling me “may the lord have mercy on you.”
(it could of been “may god have mercy on you”.....I know it was one of the two.)
was hurting me, and no matter how I tried to point it out, they wouldn’t listen and they ended up making things worse and I had to block them over at the place where it happen at, and I can only hope I don’t run into them here on Tumblr.
I’m pretty sure they were misusing those words, and yet no matter how hard I tried to point out they were hurting my feelings, they wouldn’t freaking listen to me and ended up keeping me upset.
I know that not everyone who is religious is toxic, but that person really crossed a line when they wouldn’t stop misusing those words at me.
maybe their Guardian Angel turns a blind eye when they act like that...
that is perhaps one of the things that need to improve on.
like if someone tells you that your words like misusing words like that,
is hurting them, then you should at least listen and understand the feelings.
I might be a Defective Soul, but at least I know what that person did was really screwed up.
I can still have friends who are religious as well as ones who aren’t at all.
I am in the Neo-Spiritual Closet, I can’t tell my family I don’t go by Christian anymore.
then there is that whole being in the Aroaceflux Closet,
because like I said before when I wanted to come out as Ace,
but wanted to get my family’s thoughts and feelings about it first,
they assumed things about Asexuality, that only those who are Gay can be Asexual.
but that is incorrect, there are some who are Heteroromantic can be Asexual too.
I had to play it off that the talk wasn’t about me, and as soon as I was in my room....I broke down crying.
I know my family isn’t as bad as some families, but it be nice they didn’t misinterpret Asexuality.
and maybe I could be open to them that how most of my childhood,
my body was put in danger from different energies, one of them being the “pheromone” energies, which I think like how a flower gets energy from sunlight, the energy can fly around the air and end up being absorbed into your body and chances are it will be the cause of most of your seizures.
not everyone has to believe that, but I believe it is true.
it is also possible that pheromone energies can cause you not to figure out your true sexuality or gender identity.
like in your early childhood, you could of always been Nonbinary.
there is a chance that I really might be Enbian as well, and well then there is the Fictoromantic that I know I am.
so it’s like a mix of being different attraction identities.
 I don’t feel much attraction in a romantic or sexuality way to some real life humans, even if I can still form friendships and even get some crushes...
and even form platonic love feelings, I don’t feel like trying to get into a romantic relationship in real life, online or in real world.
plus it is possible to do dumb things without thinking, just to be with someone romantically, but they just end up breaking your heart and or not truly listening to your feelings.
but it is nice that some people in this world can understand my feelings, and understand that the mistakes I made before and accidentally got people upset with me when my words got misinterpret, was something I really didn’t mean to happen.
and I’m sure some can understand why I need a lot of time to myself...
no matter if it’s me or someone else, everyone needs time to themselves to heal.
once again, one of the good things that happen in the first of May 2022
was when I finally was able to beat Neo-Spamton in the Snowgrave Route.
and on that same day something happen to cause me to get a panic attack.
I am going to stay sign on for the whole day on here,
I’m going to go watch Helluva Boss on Youtube, by using my Xbox...
it is way awesome to watch it on a bigger screen.
but before I do that, I can listen to some music first.
well another thing I can add that is one of the good things of this year,
is looking forward to the Rescue Rangers Movie,
and how awesome the Trailer looked.
and it had both Skat Cat, Paula Abdul and even  Roger Rabbit in it.
and they finally got the canon of Peter Pan right, even if it’s good that he is a good guy in the first few Disney Movies....
but in the original book series that wasn’t made by Disney,
Peter Pan was a Villain, and it does seem that in the Rescue Rangers Movie,
Peter Pan has been aged into a adult and he looks like a villain.
they might need to fix the MLPFIM characters that appeared in one of the trailers.
if they can fix Sonic and make him perfect before the Movie was fully finished,
then I hope they do the same for Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies I saw in that trailer.
even one of the characters from that show appeared in a cameo in one of the Transformers Movie, and it was because some of that cybertronian matter stuff took the form of one of the MLPFIM Characters.
and it was perfect, and even if the style that was seen in the Rescue Rangers Trailer was still good, but I believe it can be 100% Cooler, not 20% Cooler, but 100% Cooler.
at least I can look forward to seeing Skat Cat, Paula Abdul and Roger Rabbit make a cameo in that movie.
one of the good things that happen this year, was finding out about them being in that movie.
that and the whole Peter Pan being turned into what I’m guessing, a villain.
which he was in the original canon before being changed into a good guy by Disney.
also I want to wish everyone luck who has been having trouble fighting Neo-Spamton in Snowgrave Route as well.
Stay Determined and Make Sure To Take Breaks Once In A While from fighting Spamton in the Snowgrave Route, and hopefully through all the many game overs that happen during trying to beat him in Snowgrave Route, you will finally be able to beat him and save when you go back into the dark world in the school.
so you wont have to do it all over again, and you can take a break and wait a while before trying Snowgrave again.
I know I’m gonna take a very long break from trying that again, it was still worth it in the end.....but I’m gonna stick to Pacifist Route for a while.
also I might of been frustrated when trying to beat Neo-Spamton,
but it is Not what was caused my Panic Attack, after beating and finishing Chapter 2 in a Snowgrave Route, I then ended up finding something that ended up causing me to get a panic attack.
I don’t want to say what it is, but I know it really upset me.
I just need to try to relax, maybe by watching Helluva Boss, listening to some music and even check out some stuff on here.
and maybe much later, I can play Mass Effect Legendary.
I need Sunny/Moony healing too, so maybe later tonight I can go to one of my saves on FNAF Security Breach and hang out with Sunny/Moony.
once again I decided to proceed and do more progress in that game,
but I made a new save when I finally got all the lights on...
so I keep the other save that didn’t have Gregory get the security card.
so I can always go back to the save that I have, that was before Sunny/Moony kicks Gregory (and the Player) out of the daycare.
it be nice if Sunny and Moony were real, they are my way to be soothed and relax.
I still don’t think it was the Player or Gregory, that turn the lights off.
I think it was someone outside the daycare that caused it, and the Player/Gregory ends up being the scapegoat.
in the new save I made, I’m still stuck in the one part with the Endoskeletons...
and when I need to take a break and relax, I go the other save to have some healing from Sunny/Moony.
wonder if some fans will end up doing that too...?
well it might be just me that decided to do that.
I had to choose between getting a PS4 and a Red Vs Blue Season 15,
and I know it was possible I wouldn’t be able to get it....because of certain reasons, I’m talking about the Red Vs Blue Season 15.
I had saved some money just to get a new PlayStation so I could play FNAF Security Breach, and I think I made the right choice with choosing the PS4.
I can only hope someday I can finally get Season 15....
and it wont be on bid only on Ebay or it being impossible to buy it from Australia (which are the only ones who aren’t doing a bid for the season.)
oh and hoping that Amazon finally restocks the Season 15, for the USA and don’t just have it on Prime Only....
even if Prime still has it’s good points, it’s not okay to not restock the videos in DVD or Blu-Ray form.
I’m still waiting for there to be a DVD or Blu-Ray of Wander Over Yonder and Star Vs The Forces Of Evil...
I might not agree with Star doing that scapegoating the Magic at the last season, but it doesn’t mean I still still love the series.
same goes for MLPFIM, I might not agree with solving everything by turning the bad guy to stone, or the whole thing that has to do with Ducktales Reboot where the True Villain is obviously Bradford’s Grandmother.
and the reason why he transformed into a buff version of himself with armor, wasn’t because he was truly evil, but because of the emotional damage that takes the form of rage, that was caused by his insensitive idiot of a Grandmother Isabella Finch. 
I am going to keep hope that Owl House doesn’t make the same mistake when the season becomes fully completed.
and they do something fully right, just like what happens in the last episodes of Steven Universe Future.
I don’t think Emperor Belos, has any goodness left in him that will make him redeemed.
Bradford, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, Tirek and even The Magic High Commission had some chance to be redeemed and might not truly be evil.
I don’t agree with the M.H.C’s views on Monsters,
yeah it was good that  Hekapoo seem to stop being a Xenophobic to the Monsters, but it doesn’t change the fact she didn’t stop Star from using Magic as a scapegoat.
Star and her family misused the magic, and I don’t agree with her using it as a way to escape from responsibility for the misuse she and her Mother played a part in.
and who misused the magic worse of all, more than once, was Moon Butterfly.
once when she broke her promise to Eclipsa when she was close to Star’s age,
and possibly during her rule and even when she tried to kill Eclipsa’s daughter and making things worse.
and the final straw was when she used that Solaria Warrior spell
and causing deaths, which might of only been one that was Quirky.
I think some fans can see the problem of harming Tragic Villains who were emotionally harmed and could of been turned fully good if given the chance.
one of the good things is that Meteora (who was a Tragic Villain)
was redeemed in SVTFOE.
the best things that happen in Steven Universe Future,
 was when his family and friends finally saw how hurt he truly was and it wasn’t just a Pink Outburst, and after he transformed back to normal and was no longer a Corrupted Pink Dino-Gem, he is apparently going to therapy.
I still don’t agree with Greg’s actions, like referring to his own son as “Your A Gem” instead of “Your Half-Gem.”
just because he is half-gem, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t take his own son to the doctor when he had money to do so, and even when he became rich he could of got Steven a Home School Tutor that could of teach him about what Grade Levels are.
even if Steven’s True Moms, Pearl, Garnet (Ruby & Sapphire) and Amethyst
were still able to teach Steven how to read and write in Gem Language,
he still needed to learn some stuff that would of been for both his Human and Gem Halves.
also if Sans is a Alternate Future version of Steven,
it would most likely be the Human Half that would become Sans,
if his Gem was pulled out and stayed separated for too long, that might cause the Human Half (Pink-Steven’s Other Half and technically Brother)
to die, it might be slow but it is possible that if a hybrid between a gem and human goes too long un-fused, it would cause the organic part who still has traces of gem in their body, to slowly die if their other half/sibling isn’t fused with them right away.
I still think Steven’s gem, isn’t truly Rose or Pink Diamond.
but is a newly created Pink Diamond, that has a small fragment of Pink/Rose’s manifestation concessions of light.
the reason why Pink-Steven takes on Pink and Rose’s forms first, is because it is copy memories from the very gem that he was fragmented from and placed into a newly created Pink Diamond.
and I believe that Pink-Steven might truly hate Pink/Rose for the messed up things she did.
even if Pink/Rose and Greg still have their good sides, it doesn’t change the fact they hurt their family.
yeah they were hurt by their family too, but that can because both sides didn’t understand the damage they were doing.
Greg’s Mom or Dad, might not be able to handle really loud sounds and I know there is a name for it, but I forgot what it was called, I will have to try to look it up again.
plus there could be other reasons why Greg’s Parents never gave him want he wanted, or did what they thought was best for him.
like making sure he was full of knowledge or learning to defend himself.
Greg and Rose still have their good points, but it doesn’t change the fact that they weren’t the best people and were bad parents.
like they can be a mix of good and bad parents, Steven can still love his dad, but he has a right to his feelings on how he felt disappointed in Greg when he saw all the parts of his life with his parents, to be terrible.
and if Sans is Steven, because of the whole Steven Quartz Universe
spelling out Sans. at least he found a new family and has Papyrus.                                         
 even Connie Maheswaran spells out Chara, and I guess if there are a connection between Connie and Chara, it is either Chara is Connie’s Reincarnation and the Connie that was seen at Kevin’s Party was a clone made by Steven who heard that Connie never got home and she was found by Garnet or maybe even both her, Pearl and Amethyst.
and Steven used a hair from Connie’s head, and had a Cloud-Connie hold it in her hand and let the said Cloud-Clone absorb it.
but before doing this, Steven cried on to the hair and even got his spit on it,
which I guess he could of gotten his spit on it by sneezing on it accidentally.
but the combining of both healing spit and the life giving tears,
it could turn the Cloud-Connie into a Half-Gem & Half-Human.
Connie 2.0. would still have the Original Connie’s memories, but can be given new ones, like reasons why “she” never called Steven even after the disagreement that they had when Steven got back.
while Connie 2.0. with short hair was living as the Original’s replacement,
Baby Chara would be born sometime in the future, and they would be the reincarnation of the Original Connie.
for all we know, Spamton could be a reborn version of one of the Alternate Timeline versions of Steven when he was still a little kid.
as well as Lancer and Jevil.
anyway I’m just going to go and listen to some music, and even watch Helluva Boss....then later I will check out some more stuff on here.
I will stay signed on, but I will be away from the computer and be in another room where my Xbox One is.
I am going to play some video games too, but not before I feel a bit more better.
I am getting there I think, which I guess talking about my feelings on this did help some.
but I am going to listen to some music and watch Helluva Boss and maybe some other stuff first, before I start playing any video games.
thanks for listening, also I’m not gonna put Read More on this.
I can do that once in a while, but please don’t ask me to do so for this.
see ya later and stay safe everyone.
now it’s time for some well needed self healing by watching stuff on Youtube on the Xbox One on a TV.                                                                                                                                                                                     
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