#that's the koopa i have at work and it's truly magnificent
mod2amaryllis · 3 months
snail anon again!
so if I understand correctly, they get called pest snails because most people don't want to have snails in their aquariums? and nit because of anything to do with if they're invasive or whatever where you are?
getting free snails with some water plants seems like a bonus to me tbh, but to each their own I suppose. I'm glad you also like the little guys! do you have a favourite species of snail?
correct!!! "pest" because people don't want them in their tanks. they're so wrong for this but ya ❤️ i completely agree i adore the little guys. and god there's too many to choose but right now my favorites are king koopa nerites and rabbits! also japanese trap doors...ofc mysteries.... can't beat a little red ramshorn aaaa i just love them all. even the ever-hated mts lol
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