#that'll be my rabbit hole for today methinks
camelotsheart · 1 month
ok I've had a thought - the clues so far have all been songs on the stages of heartbreak playlists, so what if we order them based on the stages?
1) glitch: 4th on denial ("hereby")
2) better than revenge: 17th on anger ("this")
3) peace: 2nd on bargaining ("conduct")
4) __________: __th on depression
5) clean: 15th on acceptance ("stop")
so we get:
if we build from that, we could predict for the last clue:
- "must", "shall", or something similar
- will be in one of the songs from the depression playlist but not from the albums that have been used in past clues
- options: champagne problems, coney island, right where you left me, nothing new, all too well, forever winter, we were happy, white horse
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