#that is some homoseuxal behavior
crxnkcity · 2 years
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that one deleted tlm2 scene... sapphic behavior lucy
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templeunilbgt-blog · 7 years
Gabriel Nieto
The research topic I will be looking further into for the final paper is the connection between biology and sexual orientation. I choose this topic because I find that it is something that I explain to individuals frequently and would like to educate myself more on the matter. Therefore when people question my preference I can properly educate them with factual evidence. The question I propose is the question I get asked a lot: Are you homosexual by choice or does it come naturally to you? I have never looked into the subject but, I strongly believe that it is something that comes naturally and is not a choice. I would like to know more about the biological breakdown of what makes a person homosexual as opposed to a heterosexual individual. In regards to the way I am going to go about my research. I want to find case studies that depict a debate on whether a person's sexual preference is a choice or comes naturally to them. I will find information on the biological breakdown of homoseuxals, find out when the studies started to take place, and find current discussions or research on the topic. I find that this research assignment will be really beneficial to me because it is a question I ask myself from time to time. Therefore, knowing more information on the topic will help me have a better understanding on the issue and why some individuals are heterosexual and others are not.
Butler, Judith. "Critically Queer." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1.1 (1993): 17-32. Web.
De Cecco, J. P., and D. A. Parker. "The Biology of Homosexuality: Sexual Orientation Or Sexual Preference?" Journal of homosexuality 28.1-2 (1995): 1. Web.
I find this source to be helpful because it explains the origins of the conversation of biology’s connection to sexual preference. The paper explains the biological breakdown of homosexuals and also includes a section on the psychological and sociocultural dimensions that come with the homosexual biology. Looking into the psychological and sociocultural aspects of the biology gives a well-rounded overview of the topic, allowing the individual to analyze the topic from different angles.
"Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior." Genes, Environment, and Behavior. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.
Good, Ron. "Human Behavioral Genetics/Sexual Orientation." The American Biology Teacher 62.5 (2000): 322-4. Web.
I choose this source because it focuses on human behavior which I find to be an important element to understand when studying the relationship between biology and homosexuality. The paper explains the biological background of homosexulity and explains how it is connected to the way humans think and behave.
PILLARD, RICHARD C., and J. MICHAEL BAILEY. "Human Sexual Orientation has a Heritable Component." Human Biology 70.2 (1998): 347-65. Web.
This source I find to be the most interesting because it is establishing the argument that there is a hereditary trait that leads to homosexuality. The reason I find this to be interesting is because there are a lot of homosexuals in my family and I’ve always wondered if it was something in our genes. I hope to incorporate this argument in my research and have a better understanding as to what makes individuals homosexuals.
Media Influences
The Fosters Kingdom Come [Television series episode]. (2016 , March 28). In The Fosters. Freeform.
This specific episode in the show Fosters on Freeform helps highlight the conversation about whether it is a choice or not to be homosexual. It reaches out to people of all ages to inform them that it is a part of one’s biological breakdown. It provides a strong argument on the conversations many families are having at home and provides insight on how to have that conversation. Thus showing that within the media although through baby steps these conversations are being held and publicized.
Saturday Night Live [Television series episode]. (2017 , January 26). In SNL. NBC.
The opening monologue on the show SNL with Kristen Stewart provides a contradictory argument on whether or not being gay is by choice. During her monologue she says that she herself is gay but also says she has a boyfriend. Although many know what she means it provides the argument that she is choosing to be gay when it's convenient for her. Not that she is gay all around because of her biological make up. I will be examining how the media plays a role in this and how it contributes to the perception that being gay is by choice.
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