#that hangs out with other automated warehouses in some kinda bizarre shipping-delivery-whatever oriented scape.
driving-hazard · 9 months
imagine if aircraft and such were completely run by computers, but their flight computer was basically an animal brain. it would be funny if they got uploaded into a vr world and had to have a simulated aircraft body to be properly stimulated. They would have to have their own simulated spaces designed for the physiology of a cargo plane. An uploaded human or some other animal visits their world and it's all hangars and wide open skies and traffic control, but they're focused on the same shit we are, there's aircraft thinking about mathematics and coming up with stories and art and games, but instead of relaxing in their house to think about an open math problem, or going on a walk, they taxi into their hangar for some peace and quiet to think, or go out to fly past a thunderstorm to clear their head.
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