#that angler fish being there is SO scientifically incorrect that mf would be depressurized as hell
cartoonemotion · 2 years
now i wanna hear more about saga of the super intern and why it's ur fave 👀
SCREEEAMS ok ok ok so. basically it's the last issue of the dt17 comics (that they put out at least) and it's literally just fethry coming to work as the new bin lab intern because with the undersea lab destroyed fethry needs somewhere new to work and scrooge thinks he'll make a good fit there, plus gyro needs somebody extra to help him out now that fenton is double-booked essentially doing superhero stuff. also he thinks fethry will be too busy bothering gyro to go bother him because he's mean. so two birds one stone
in the b-plot as it were fenton is also trying to do superhero stuff and find the time to get his m'ma her favorite donuts for her birthday ! he made an invention in just the event they were sold out all over town (they are) and gyro tampers with it, it goes on a rampage, fethry gets involved helping gizmoduck stop the thing you can go read it on readcomicsonline and i suggest you do it's really cute and fun !!!
it's just a simple silly set up but i just love fethry working in the bin lab because fethrys charming and upbeat nature alongside gyro is so fun to watch play out, and also his working aside gizmoduck is equally entertaining to watch, both bc of fenton's little "oh but this guy who i totally don't know is gyro's intern though :[" moment and also because of how much fethry just takes all the chaos in stride. it's a great set up ! the moral of the story is add fethry to more things hes like the special secret sauce !!
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also huey is there as gizmoduck's sort of "guy in the chair" for a while and i think that's the cutest stuff EVER i LOVE huey being gizmoduck's honorary sidekick. his little gizmobuddy if you will. plus i also love fenton being a mama's boy it's so sweet to me always. this comic's got it all is all i'm saying go check it out
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