simpforchuchu · 2 months
Can you please write, shiba like he has a short gf and she is scared of a lot of things. It's Okey if can't. By the way I love your writing 😁
Phobias | Shibaman x reader
a/n: Hello sweetie, I can’t write too often anymore and sorry for being late but it was really fun to write 🥰 I hope you like it 💖 🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of phobias but too fluffy
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Shibaman was nervous, he was quickly looking for his girlfriend at school and Tsuji was running after him.
“Where could she be? Do you have any idea ?"
When Tsuji asked with concern, Shiba answered in panic.
“I must, I must have an idea. But not. I'm her boyfriend but-“
“Shiba… Calm down. We need to find y/n before you start blaming yourself again.”
Shiba nodded and headed towards the stairs leading to the rooftop.
Both friends were nervous. One was worried about his girlfriend, the other was worried about his two close friends. Y/n was one of the students of Oya high school. In fact, she was a young girl full of adrenaline who could fight just like the boys. Even though she was small, she had powerful kicks. But y/n had so many phobias. Meaningless to most people, but terrible phobias for her.
Usually when she was scared of something, Shibaman would hug her and wrap her up like a blanket. Shiba's huge body made her feel safe. But today Shiba was late and y/n had to face one of her weird phobias before he arrived.
Balloons... Yes, she was afraid of the colorful balloons that everyone loved. She was afraid of many weird things, and she had logical reasons for them. Just like she found it logical to run away from the balloons because she was afraid of the sound of them popping...
Jamuo didn't know this. When y/n entered school that morning, she panicked when she saw the young boy coming towards her with a balloon in his hand. She usually tried to hide her phobias from everyone. But it wasn't easy. She got scared and ran away from Jamuo.
Jamuo did not understand anything. When Shiba and Tsuji came ten minutes after the incident, he told them what happened, and Shiba started to look for her in panic.
When he went to the rooftop, Shiba sighed when he saw the young girl sitting there on the black sofa with her knees drawn up like a little child.
“Y/n… I finally found you.”
When the young girl raised her head and looked at her boyfriend, it was impossible not to notice her red eyes. Y/n shook her head as Shiba panicked and walked over to her.
“I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.”
When Shiba looked at his girlfriend in surprise, Tsuji was also watching the couple.
“Y/n, I'm the one who should apologize. I'm late, sorry baby. But I'm here, you're safe.”
Y/n knew Shiba was trying to calm her down. But this effort brought tears to her eyes again.
Shibaman quickly sat on the couch and hugged the young girl. He was trying to understand what was happening.
Even though Y/n felt safe when she felt his huge body, she couldn't stop crying.
“Y/n… Look at me darling. What's the problem ? Are you still scared?
Shiba smiled as Y/n looked up at her boyfriend who was speaking to her in a sweet tone. Y/n shook her head.
“I am not scared of anything when you are with me”
The young boy smiled and hugged the girl tighter
“Then please don't cry anymore-“
“I'm crying not because I'm scared, but because you have to deal with me all the time. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-“
“Y/n-“ Shibaman sounded hurt and worried. “I don't see you as a struggle. You are my girlfriend and I will be there whenever you need me.”
When the young girl looked into her boyfriend's eyes, she could see that he was sincere. When Shiba smiled again, y/n smiled and leaned her head against his chest. While Shibaman was leaving a small kiss on her hair, Tsuji looked away and made sure once again that he hated being the third wheel...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @ninamarie1994 @emperorsnero @koala-yuna @little-miss-naill @materialprincess01
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