#thanks girl even though every time you come unannounced/unplanned i fear for my appendic and intenstines
baekuras · 1 year
Today my period actually got me because I can call in sick after 2 weeks of hell and also rescheduling bullshit and a future week of some grade A bs I call ~overtime
Aka I am gone a 6hour drive away to a whole other city for studying (mandatory) for the week and have to drive the same 6hours back (only half the time counts as worktime because I dont have a car I drive via bus&train) USUALLY that’d overall equal to 39 hours aka a normal workweek Alas my boss scheduled me for the saturday afterwards, starting the early shift as well, because he can’t schedule I guess It seems it’s more important that the people who are scheduled to have their saturday off have that and woops we just can’t shift that around or ask for extra help no please come in early when you’re home EARLIEST if ALL GOES WELL ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT(lol)at 10pm
Like...okay....sure.....yeah for me it’s possible to get 8hours of sleep in if I just crashland onto my bed but not for my coworker who also takes the same trip and class or whatever as me who is ALSO scheduled early
yes i am quite a bit annoyed at that and I won’t take anything except 2 days in a row off because that’s what has been taken from me that week because fuck.you
anyhow i will no eat painkillers like candy and also eat actual candy and just burritto myself in bed for the next couple hours and also eat toast because i do not need nausea getting out of hand again
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