#thank you tumblr dev team for blessings received
cognitiveinequality · 2 years
A small offering to the Tumblr gods for returning FULL NOTE COUNTS to my desktop dashboard tonight like a goddamned miracle.... 😭  they are most welcome and I hope they stay
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fancy--tuna · 5 years
Can I just
I’m gonna make a pitch that I hope spreads to all the tumblr users that like video games, especially MMO’s. If you’re that audience, LISTEN up kiddos.
I would like to introduce you all to a game called Gemstone IV. The original game was released for PC back in 1988, and it’s still receiving updates today. PCGamer listed it as the second oldest PC Game with current updates, and they identified it as possibly the oldest MMO. Did I mention the first 20 levels are free to play -- and, with active gameplay, that will last you about three months of solid gameplay? It runs like a Multi-User Dungeon. Basically, it’s completely text-based -- no graphics, it’s too old for that. My dad played it before I was born, and he has so many tales of the thousands of people that would play, the fantastic and stunning social atmosphere, the politics. The game is run by a team of devs, but they work hand-in-hand with players to create local politics, roleplay events, etc. To this day there are people playing that played with my dad. I’ve met them. They’re familiar faces and friends. The community is incredible. The game cannot be played alone, each class does something that every other class needs. As a result, even 25 years later there’s hundreds of people online in the evenings to help each other out. They are also very discreet -- unlike games like World of Warcraft where every secret can be answered with a quick Wowhead search, the community likes to keep the game magical, and completed forums are cleared weekly to keep players from having easy answers to questions.  Are you a roleplayer? Gemstone IV occurs ENTIRELY in-character. They take it pretty seriously, too -- for a tutorial stream I tried to make a character with a ridiculous, out-of-character name, and a gm locked me in a room and sat with me until I changed my name. As a text-based game, it lets you make the visuals in your head -- resulting in some of the most stunning scenery and settings I’ve ever played in. Do you like the numbers of DnD? Combat in Gemstone is exactly like DnD. It shows you your numbers and how they apply to your end result, including a random die roll. It’s not as simple as ‘you hit!’ or ‘you miss!’ either -- the game describes every hit, and every miss. It even describes dumb, unique things the monsters do (If you ever get in a room with two kobolds, watch out -- they’ll trip you!). Do you like character customization? I have never played a game with better customization. It’s whatever you can describe or define. Last year’s mayor (All politics are held by players!) was the most emo kid you can imagine and we adored him. My hunting buddy for a few months was a lumberjack giantman. I play a half-elf rogue that’s just a joy, dressed all up like a sailor. And, if you’re struggling to find items you’re looking for, Game Masters can/will code the item into the game for you (should they be in town to do so!). The game deserves a fresh bout of players. I’ve introduced the game to my friends and, with a helping hand, they all have said the same things. There is a limitless amount of things to do, things that can be done, and the devotion and passion from both devs and community alike is awe-inspiring.
If you are interested, sign up here. Again, it’s completely free for the first 20 levels -- about 2-3 months of gameplay. I made some tutorials for installing the client, making a character, and getting to town. I’m about to make some more -- if you have questions, send me a message and I’ll be more than happy to help. If not, spread the word. Games with this much love and this much detail are one in a million, and not only does the community deserve to keep itself strong, but games this successful will be studied long into the future, and you can be a part of that history. I’ll leave you with some in-game tips, hints, and facts!
Bards, keep a book of rhymes on you. If you can rhyme, you can learn about a magic item’s properties!
Lockpickers, keep a dagger on you and know what kind of trap you’re disarming. If there’s scales on the outside of the box, pick the box before you disarm it -- and you’ll need that dagger.
Wizards, Sorcerers, or general wand-wavers: get a bandolier. You’ll thank me later.
This is a personal one -- if you are the only one in town who sees the sky get covered in webs, and then you find a web pouch in a lockbox, and then you have your fortune told and it mentions the Spider Temple, don’t stand outside of the town gate and go afk. You will incite a raid of Spider-people to enter the town and kill dozens. Yes, this actually happened to me.
If an orc says your name, don’t reply -- he’s baiting you!
Don’t go afk if you’re in jail -- you’ll be found in contempt of court.
Don’t hunt undead without a blessed weapon.
Thanks for spreading the word and I hope to see you there!
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