#thank you to the lovely network squad for helping me pull out receipts!!! ily!!!
honeyedmilks · 7 years
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i’ve debated a lot on addressing this but it’s the second reply like this made by blogger @labiotte so i thought i should. these replies where made at this post of mine. it’s nearly three am but here i go on my wonky rant.
look, i don’t at all disagree with the fact that any of that stuff happens, and trust me- i’m no fan of it either. but can i first of all make clear that that post of mine was to acknowledge some positivity in korean dramas. 
now, yes there are a lot of terrible male leads and characters but that shouldn’t negate the fact that there are nice boys in korean dramas too. there are lots of boys who don’t do many of those things described in your reply. the way you made your point was worded in a way where i think you meant to mock me for thinking that any of the men in korean dramas could be soft. i don’t appreciate that. you can make a post of your own highlighting these issues that almost every kdrama viewer acknowledges and feels. 
here are some examples of lovely men; baek in ho from cheese in the trap who said these iconic lines. baek in ho himself was a wonderful male character. someone’s made a whole appreciation post for him. i could go on about him for ages. he doesn’t take sexist shit, disrespectful things said to women, and he’s just lovely. 
you have people like joon hyung, though i don’t agree at all with his first kiss scene with bok joo, from weightliftig fairy who cried because his mum basically abandoned him when he was a child and when she came to see him and his current for family- it was for money. he missed her a lot and was ready to welcome her back into his life, thinking she loved him and missed him just as much. when he found out the truth he felt embarrassed for himself and hid away for hours and found comfort as he cried and explained to his worried girlfriend about how he felt.  he was a cute and lovely boyfriend, both supportive and sweet. 
you have one of the softest people in the world- the grim reaper from goblin, or grimsie as i call him. do i really have to explain what made him soft and sensitive and lovely? i don’t think so. i think lee dong wonk cried enough to fill a bucket for me. he cried for sunny, for the things he did in his past life, cried out of guilt, cried when eun tak died, when shin died… he bent all of his rules for his friends even though he’s seemingly uptight. do people forget the cutest thing? the fact that it was his idea to buy eun tak that ice cream cake? 
there’s also shin from goblin too, a man who was also a little fragile inside. he fell to his knees when his bride died, sobbed, and sobbed. he was a renowned general in goryeo and fought countless battles but managed to be the biggest dork when it came to just about everything else. he gets drunk off of one beer and blooms flowers when he spends time with the love of his life. he said that meeting eun tak was the reward of his life. not immortality or powers- eun tak. he’s said he would always prefer to help little children first. he cried reading a contract he knew he couldn’t uphold. he made apple rabbits for a sad grim reaper. he’s a cute boyfriend. he would rather live an eternity alone but have at least a few lives with eun tak. 
there’s ho goo from hoo goo’s love who cried when he saw a women he basically loved give birth, praised her for her strength, understood the strength of woman from his lovely father who was just as soft as him, helped her through labour in the most endearing way, like seriously, was a kind son, is overall a cutie who gets jelly legs from (non forced) kisses, appreciates his mother even more after witnessing the miracle of birth, and the best friend of the littlest baby.
there’s hae joon jae from legend of the blue sea. he was a silly drunk, helped a girl he didn’t even know and even though he stole from her, he went back for her. he helped her and fed her and gave her back the thing he took. you should just see the cute, ridiculous, kind things he does. he is so gentle? he cried when his mum vanished and harboured no ill will against her, he just missed her and wanted to be reunited with her. changed for the better for the girl he loved and for himself as he went from con man to civil servant. thought his girlfriend was cool and nice, loved her as she was when she worried he wouldn’t. he wanted to protect her secret, and allowed himself to be weak in front of her. in his past life he was a cool guy who saved a mermaid from the clutches of a gross ass man.
there’s also jung hwa from reply 1988 who was a tsundre type and a little abrasive but he really was just shy and lovely and a great son who loved his dork brother and dork friends. he never really confessed to the girl he loved after he found out one of his best friends liked her too. he cried when his brother was getting a heart operation, cried when he couldn’t get his feelings straight and do something about them until he found he was too late. in fact so many of the boys and relationships in this show were soft. even the grown men and fathers were lovely. 
there’s park do kyung who had to deal with the trauma of his father dying in front of him as a child and trying to recover his dead body and take him somewhere safe. do kyung was kind, not at all an inherently bad person, and was only ever violent when in pain or angered but he was never the kind of person to attack anyone innocent and nor did he ever threaten oh hae young. in fact there are lots of reasons to like do kyung. because he’s so soft spoken and shy, but at the same time… he was a man with high work standards and a hard worker who didn’t take slackers. he looked out for oh hae young when he saw iffy stuff, that’s one example of many; he’s sped home to get her out of reach from a stranger who was following her, he’s driven out of work to make sure she didn’t jump in front of a car. he was also a good friend, a kind person, he was dorky said cute things, and he had a pack of loyal male friends who trailed after him and tried to cheer him up as he dealt with his mistakes. he cried from guilt and then pain as he hurt and lost the women he loved. he never wanted to hurt her. 
and there are lots of other examples of cute and soft and nice and unharmful and good and emotional men who aren’t mean and horrible and problematic that i could mention. 
but i never say that kdrama boys don’t have their faults, i don’t love how they talk about women sometimes, i hate their wrist grabbing and other such nonsense but please do not say that every man is like that, and you’re tone does imply that i’m an idiot for believing so. like i said, feel free to make your own post. this post i made was directed towards those kind of boys. it was made for positivity and acknowledgement of those boys, and that kind of negativity doesn’t belong there in my opinion. 
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