#thank you for your concern bbg i love you sm mwah
I am BEGGING for some good ol' gustav fluff. I will take absolutely anything, my bbg needs sum love. Thank you mwah<3
(hello! Thank you for your requests and I love Gustav a bunch so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Gustav Schäfer Fluff HC'S
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I feel like he could be the best boyfriend you could ever have
Probably is the guy to be big and good with communication
Like if you're upset and the type to just say "I'm fine."
He's just like "No, you're not. What's the matter?"
He just wants to hear what's going on and if you have daddy and mommy issues like me, it's absolutely shocking
He gives the best hugs I feel
Like a full on enveloping hug and a small kiss on the head
It's the hugs that sorta feel so comforting like a pillow and also one you wanna fall asleep in
He is the one to legit do anything as long as it involved being with you
You wanna go get shit faced?
He's fucking in!
You wanna prank the band?
He's down!
Sometimes being in a band gets overwhelming and being famous at such a young age
So he finds comfort in being able to go to you!
Staying up all night with this man in a hotel room is a must
When you guys were younger you would prank call so many people
Making pillow forts no matter how old you guys got
It's practically a tradition
I feel like he was very upfront when you guys confessed feelings
He didn't want to hide them and maybe miss out on his chance of being with you
Luckily, he got it!
Boy is not letting go now
You guys on the tour bus are always found sleeping somehow
You guys just nap in the weirdest positions but always look so comfortable
Like he's sleeping on his back, your back to his chest as you both have a blanket over y'all and are just passed out
Bill is like y'all's adopted child
Y'know those Tiktoks of a friend tagging along with their two friends who are dating and the audio is like "Mama e papa, Mama e papa."
That's Bill with you guys all the time!
He is very responsible I feel but also can be immature
You two are messing around with each other in interviews a lot
He's more quiet and if you're outgoing it's a cute little trope
He honestly feels though it was a perfect match if you're more quiet and reserved like him
He likes the calm sometimes but he also loves the chaos
He and you try out new restaurants a lot as dates and somehow it always is fun
You guys have gotten into it sm that you guys have had ppl staring at you guys as you die laughing
You guys laugh so hard sometimes the laughs turn silent and ppl are genuinely concerned
To stop you from talking in like interviews if you're saying something and you guys are bickering, he puts his hat on your head and covers your face with it going "shush"
He's got strong emotions so if you can handle that, great!
He would never want you to feel uncomfortable
If you're one to not really be in touch with emotions like I am, if you just find it hard due to how you grew up or shit like that, since he has such strong ones I feel like he would help you with that
Showing you it's okay to have your own emotions
He can be such a sweetheart
Literally never forgetting even the little details about you
Can remember everything to what you first said to him when you guys met all the way to present day
He stays in the back but you can always be seen trying not to burst out laughing
Because he whispering shit in your ear about anything and everything
He says the most random shit and he is somehow so passionate about that random shit you can't help but die
He says the most random and rancid things that sometimes you just have to stare for a minute
He is such a goofball
Can make you laugh at any given time of any day
Will poke you and make jokes if you're upset until you laugh
He can be so insulting without meaning to be
Especially when he just doesn't think before he says stuff
He has shocked himself sometimes with what he says
He loves the little thing, the big things, you entirely, and practically everything that comes with you!
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animatedarchives · 3 years
thank you for existing. send this to 10 people, who, in your opinion, deserve such a sweet message in their inboxes 🌈💛🌻 SOPH i miss u and love u and adore u. i haven't seen u online much lately,, i hope ur doing ok!! NEVER FORGET THAT I LOVE U BAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MWAHHHHHHHHH
BABIEEEE 🥺🥺😭😭 I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU TOO CHER WAAAHHHH i havent been online much lately bc of scHoOL and stuff irl has just been sUcH a whirlwind for me but everything is so so good and much better than last year 🥰🥰
i’m doing so much better mentally and physically and i just feel so much more aLIVE hehe i hope you’re taking care of yourself too my dear i love you so much and i hope you know that you dESERVE all the happiness in the world ❤️❤️ sending kithes 😙
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