#thank you again mal! β™₯ (& i profusely apologize for this long-ass essay that came out of my brain πŸ™ˆ)
sussoro Β· 5 months
hello!! please tell me more about your detective for M who’s gonna freak out when they say ily because that reaction and the aftermath is going to be so so good πŸ’†πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’†πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’†πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
hello to you too! hope you're doing well πŸ’• i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply, but i needed to sort through my very confusing thoughts to give them some sort of consistency, sjksjks. if you guys ever find yourselves curious about any of my ocs (which you can easily find here) please, do not hesitate to ask! i just love talking aimlessly about them and receiving these types of questions makes my heart all fuzzy and warm, so thank you for taking an interest in one of my wayhaven detectives!
okay, you didn't ask for my stupid rambles (and i swear one day i'll stop β€” *insert the 'today is not that day' meme*) so here are some facts:
β€˜the wayhaven chronicles’ canon
personality stats: sarcastic, easygoing & charming (also: not really a stickler for the rules and authority in general);
professional skills: deduction, science & combat β€” no matter what she's doing or how many times she's done it, the results will always be perfect and spot on;
rebecca β†’ relationship status: not overly bad. honestly? could be better, but it could be much, much worse (personal note #1: rebecca is not my favourite character in the series and i'd probably be happier if she had died already β€” fingers crossed for book5, sorry-not-sorry, becky β€” or, at least, if the narrative/characters would stop forcing the readers/mc to forgive her);
tina & verda β†’ relationship status: best pals. her ride-or-die squad;
felix β†’ relationship status: best friend. she found a mischievous kindred soul to relate with and if you ever encounter them together... run (there's this scene at the beginning of book3, where adam/ava asks why the werewolves attacked them and rue answered with: "i may have made one teeny sarcastic comment", causing adam's/ava's soul to leave their body, lol);
bobby β†’ relationship status: ex-boyfriend (personal note #2: i've always hated that the mc's gender/sexuality is what determines the ros' and bobby's gender) β€” she's not bothered by him at all, but since her responses are very sarcastic, well... rest in peace, robert marks;
mason β†’ relationship status: a big, bright question mark;
personal canon
if i have to choose a few words to describe her, i'd say: naturally talented, wild card & big dick energy;
hyperactive little kid β€” couldn't stay still at all. always exploring the world around her, climbing up some tree/furniture or hiding somewhere in the house/backyard to play (the sitters tasked with keeping an eye on her went batshit crazy all. the. time);
as i said here, rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough (which can also be applied to her romantic relationships);
if you ever need someone to cut out some tension (or spike it up even more), she is the right gal for you. unfortunately, 99% of the time, the saying 'taking things seriously' is not part of her vocabulary (e.g. in book3, when finding out about the trappers' bounty, she says: "how much am i worth?"). what can i say, she really likes to have a good time;
sarcasm is her default mode, plus she always downplays her feelings/emotions by either ignoring them or making badly-timed jokes;
rarely bothered by anything (e.g. in book3, during the 'fight' with mason/morgan at the bakery, rue replies with: "me being naked is way more important to you") plus, not a jealous person ever (alima included, when she'll make her appearance);
was in an on-again/off-again relationship with bobby. after a while, though, she got exceedingly bored by the monogamous lifestyle and decided to dump his ass;
never had serious relationships/fell in love before β€” this is partly because: a) she's a free-spirited person & b) she's scared shitless of commitment (mostly caused by rook's death and seeing what that did to rebecca). in a sense, she and mason are quite similar;
just thinking about the word 'love' has her panicking really bad (i.e. after the 'date' at the antique shop), so when mason will inevitably confess his feelings to her... the only way i can see this going is with rue assuming it's all some kind of prank but, once her huge brain will catch on the fact that mason is not exactly the joking type, she will get cold feet and blearily say: "uhh, thank you, i guess?". after realizing what she has said/done, she will skedaddle so fast that the only thing people are going to see is an indistinctive, blurry form (later, she will definitely wish for an asteroid to hit her);
likes to sing everywhere: in the shower, at her workplace, inside the car, you name it (and she's also very good at hitting those high notes too β€” while she was attending the police academy, 'the karaoke incident' happened and no one beside her and tina knows the truth about it. verda is still trying to unsuccessfully bribe them to know what took place);
excellent chef β€” loves to cook/bake when she has some free time (she just thinks the entire process is pretty neat, starting with a few ingredients to achieve a full-on meal);
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