#thank u for ur questions every time I'm asked abt this au it expands more n more lmaooooooooo
boarwinds · 3 months
Lord, Parent Trap Phantom of the Opera au is a glorious drama mess.
So Coriolanus is thinking this break up is temporary and he's going to sweep her off her feet, meanwhile you got Billy B with her on a day to day basis.
When does Coriolanus find out? How far will that relationship go? Are there kids? Do Coriolanus and Billy B learn of their own connection?
Does Lucy Gray write a song about it?
So apparently I wrote more on twt which answers some of ur questions lmao. I rly wanted lg to have a kid (it would be cs's) n he would be the spitting image of cs (and billy b) with brown hair bc it would fuck cs up so bad thinking it's his kid and then seeing his brown haired doppelganger who's been spending time w lg pop up next to her protectivly, BUT alas the timeline won't fit. Actually .... I'm writing as I'm thinking n maybe it will??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
As for bblg relationship, there would be tension n a possibility of romance but bb would be v respectful n not try to push her into anything. I've never watched bb the kid so I'm just making up his personality from nothing lmao but I think their dynamic would be blatant flirting n teasing but if it ever got too serious they'd both back off (bb bc he doesn't wanna scare her away n lg bc she starts to think of cs) maybe they'd kiss n it would be a quick peck at first, maybe even accidental n then turn into passionate 5 min make out session until either they make eye contact n lg pushes him away or if the baby exists, then the baby interrupts lawwwwl.
(Idk if i'll include this part but its got telenovela vibes n if u know me u know I love drama) I like the idea of cs n bb learning of their connection but honestly idk how they'd get around to that. What if when bb goes to the capitol for reports (maybe cs personally requests the d12 commander to report bc he lowkey wants news of lg, if shes been found, etc. without explicitly saying so) he n cs develop a friendship bc it's like they're looking into the mirror etc etc cs feels a connection w this dude. Bb gets to talking abt this girl back at 12 n it gets cs into his feelings abt a girl from 12 he knew. Bb doesn't let cs know its lg bc he feels smth wasn't right bw them n he doesn't have permission from lg to tell cs abt her but maybe it's the evil snow dna in him that finds some amusement in this situation. Lg is his girl this time.
Anyway lmao??? Lg definitely writes another song abt another billy in front of cs (she doesn't know he's there)
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