#tfw you remember there's 3 muses that are for sure sticking around that have no tags hnfjen
illithilit · 2 months
As promised, here's everyone's relationship info! ( If they aren't here, it's bc I haven't developed them enough in this area. )
Luparon. Demi, possibly asexual, possibly pan?? I'm not sure and neither is it. Probably about the same for romantic interests. Would be quite open to the idea of a polyamorous relationship. No experience with these things at all, or even to the culture of it, really, but would actually be open to and interested in learning. ( Note: very socially anxious individual; will not bring any of these subjects up on its own bc it doesn't know how to approach these things -- BUT will only turn down advances if it's genuinely disinterested in someone. ) Theoretically v willing to be a committed partner, but would want room to learn before committing to specifics like that, but would still stay within whatever boundaries that would have been set going into the relationship.
Mourndax. Homosexual and romantic. Has some experience, part with his first boyfriend in his teens, part with the woman he was forced to marry and have a child with, and some from a string of one night stands he's had since he settled on the surface. Not into polyamory. By default on the flakey side of committed bc he has issues, but is more the type to push people away out of a panic response; NOT someone who would cheat, to be clear.
Blurg. Pan / demi, both sexual and romantic. No experience prior to a ship, as he's a little fucked up from his childhood and needs a certain level of trust and similar interests before he starts to get feelings for anyone. And tbh, despite his culture being p open with sex, he's one that prefers to only have it with someone he has a strong romantic relationship with. Possibly situationally poly, but primarily monogamous. I cannot stress enough that he is the extremely committed sort that takes that kind of thing v seriously.
Grazilaxx. Pan / demi, both romantic and sexual. Good amount of experience prior to a ship, as it has dated and slept with a good handful of humaniods in between leaving its colony and the BG3 era, but they also serve as a laundry list of things it doesn't like in a relationship, so it's a lot pickier than it used to be about entering into such things. Probably only monogamous bc I have a hard time trying to imagine it pouring that kind of energy into multiple people or being okay with its partner doing that.
Orianna. Pansexual, with a strong male preference. Demiromantic. Extremely sexually experienced, as she's someone that likes sex a LOT. Not so romantically experienced, as the first and only time she tried it was one-sided and toxic af. Strictly monogamous if romantic, poly if sexual. Up front, it's difficult to get her to really commit to anyone in any kind of fashion, but if she actually emotionally bonds to someone, she'll happily commit to levels that mirror her affection level. Note: Confident in herself and not the sort to jump at ghosts so to speak ( meaning, not going to see reasons to be jealous when it isn't something obviously romantic or sexual going on ) but is the ugly jealous sort. Highly advised to be 100% certain before asking her to commit.
Amis. Bisexual and romantic. Fairly experienced sexually; some of it with devils, some of it with humanoids. Most of it p rough, which he likes less as he ages. Not super experienced romantically, but has kind of dated an erinyes and a fellow knight. Never actually been in love before Ashen / a ship. Situationally flexible with monogamy and or polyamory; depends on the partner(s) and the situation. The 'I found my person and it doesn't matter if they die when we're young or if we're old, no one else can ever take their place and it hurts too much to think of even trying' level of committed.
Yzare. Asexual and demi / grey romantic. Not at all experienced before a ship bc she's not interested in seeking that sort of thing out, and is perfectly fine with the idea of never having been in a relationship if she never discovers feelings for someone. Strictly monogamous bc she will 100% be a little possessive of a partner. Ride or die level committed.
Methil. Greysexual and romantic. Not experienced in any way shape or form bc he is a traditional squid, and traditional squids aren't even allowed to form platonic relationships, so he's literally never considered romance or sex. Could possibly be convinced of it if the subject was broached, as long as he's not actively in a colony. No idea on the rest tho
Cherish. Homosexual and romantic. Hadn't had any experience before Nephris, I think bc he's never had anyone but Nephris stay in his life long term so the idea was terrifying. Wholly monogamous. Committed body and soul to Nephris in the most unbreakable flavor there is.
Varen. Pansexual and romantic. P well experienced, bc tbh if you're down, he's down. V open and willing to love emotionally or sexually. Willing to go either way with monogamy or polyamory tbqh; the joke of the campaign he was created for was that the party was a polycule with a freshly adopted corvid child, but would also commit to only one person if that's what they wanted and he's in love. Not super committed by default, but would absolutely be the sort to follow a partner to the Hells and back without being asked.
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