#tf Cloudcover
mrfandomwars · 1 year
The Best Seeker
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coneheadseekers · 9 months
There are 18 questions, and 7 coneful results to be assigned. Have at it!
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
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Best Seeker Poll - 1st Qualifying Round
Skywarp VS Acid Storm
Wheezing Arrow VS Slipstream
Ion Storm VS Blackout
Red Wing VS Ramjet
Thrust VS Hotlink
Bitstream VS Nova Storm
Blast VS Sunstorm
Thundercracker VS Cloudcover
Nacelle VS Sandstorm
Starscream VS Dirge
Ion Storm
Nova Storm
May the Best Seeker Survive!
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Welcome to the Best Seeker Poll!
I'm your host, MR (or Crazy if you prefer) and today I will introduce you to this Poll and how it will proceed!
How it will work:
Firstly, there will be 4 qualifiers rounds and 2 revival rounds.
The qualifiers will be made with randomly chosen duos in an attempt to make this poll fair and the first 3 rounds will be 1 week long while the last two rounds will be one day long.
Meanwhile, the revival rounds will be both only one day long, and they will only revive the eliminated members of the previous round. They will happen in between the qualifier rounds, specifically between the first and second round (using only disqualified members of the first round) and between the second round and the third round (using only disqualified members of the second round).
And, if people really wish for a bonus round, I can make another revival round involving all the disqualified seekers to make them go against each other
Maybe even make them go against the only autobot (who is technically) a seeker/half joking.
I will be using the Seekers from the Seeker category in the tfwiki, if the characters aren't in the list that the wiki provides (here) they most likely won't appear in this poll.
You can track the competition in this post or via the #the best seeker and #the best seeker polls tags
The Polls:
1st Qualifier Round - Finished
1st Revival Round - On Going
2nd Qualifier Round
2nd Revival Round
3rd Qualifier Round
4th/Final Round
May the Best Seeker win!
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mrfandomwars · 11 months
Best Seeker Polls: 1st Revival Round
After a LONG TIME because my life was Busy and was easier to reblog stuff than do the polls, the Best Seeker Polls are back with the first Revival Round. Reminder that this Round is to decide who, from those that did not win in the first Qualifier, will move forward AND that this round will only last One Day.
So! Vote who you think should survive!
May theBest Seeker survive!
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coneheadseekers · 6 months
The time has come. The definitive conehead transformer poll begins. Weigh in and make your opinion known.
No third option. Yes or no. May the most coneful answer prevail.
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