#telepathic heart explosion!!!!! πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ©·
pink-tk-a-latte Β· 17 days
YOU- Py, Py, I'm standing here with popcorn in my mouth enjoying that Siglai fic, you don't even know. Why did that feel canon?! It's canon now, I'm Asagiri's left sock, I can confirm- No man, you're such a talented writer! I'll mail u all the sugar cookies in the whole wide world, I swear- it's the way you can paint an whole-ass picture in a single story. I felt like I was watching an episode while I was reading your words, that's how PUMPED it made me. Thank you so much for writing that, it was freaking awesome to read and I am permanently saving that to my 'read-on-sad-days-to-smile' folder!
-🫧 Anon~!
πŸŽ€ anon and 🫧 anon you guys are married now I don’t make the rules. Dw I’ll officiate your wedding!! I’m certified!! /j
THANK YOU????? It felt canon????? /pos That’s such high praise I very much appreciate that!!!!!! I feel like I miss a lot of description while writing so you saying that means a lot!!!!! I want you to be able to see the vibe I’m painting, especially in this case because carnivals/fairs are so fun!! Thank you for frequenting my askbox, I’ll look out for a box of sugar cookies on my doorstep yum yummm <3333333
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pink-tk-a-latte Β· 17 days
i jumped when i saw you that posted AND THAT MY ASK WAS IN THE POST??? i’ve read the fic, it is so sweet cute and bubbly my heart might burst /pos
nikolai comparing sigma’s laugh to a bird’s song is so real. i love how you write nikolai’s dialogue with all the metaphors, it fits him so well and they’re also worded so beautifully (so props to the writer!! wink wink nudge nudge).
also you got their dynamic PERFECT here. β€œi’ve never heard you laugh”, β€œyou’ve never said anything funny” i giggled
i genuinely love how in your fics so far, when sigma is laughing a lot from the tks he just ends up burying his face somewhere (like how his face was in the crook of dazai’s neck in your other fic? i think?). it puts such a cute image in my head and suddenly my name is osamu dazai / nikolai gogol <33
thank you for writing my request, don’t worry about the amount of time it took (you actually finished it rather quickly imo!!), it was worth the wait <3
drink lots of water!! have a nice day :D
perhaps i will, one day, send in an atsulucy request when i figure out a scenario. until then, rest well!
- πŸŽ€
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I quite enjoy bird metaphors when it comes to these two. They also really fit when it comes to talking about voices or laughter but they fit especially with Nikolai!!!! I fear I may add too many sometimes so I’m happy to hear you enjoyed them!!!!!!
THAT line was a /ref so I can’t take credit for writing it butttttt it literally is their dynamic so!!!! Good that it made you laugh LOL
Sigma does that to satiate my craving for closeness and physical affection lmao NO BUT I think it’s so cute when people do that in fics and I think Sigma would!! So he does!!!! (CACKLING LITERALLY Dazai/Nikolai move it’s my turn /jjjjjjjjjjj)
OKAY THANK YOU I really needed that reminder 😭 I think I talk about being dehydrated a bit too often LMAO, all of you reading this remember to take a break and drink some water!!! And I appreciate the reassurance as always!!!! (Til that day I shall wait faithfully, your obed. servant <3)
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pink-tk-a-latte Β· 22 days
I have seen your ask!!! I think I gaslit myself into thinking I replied but ummmmm nope,, anyway always eager to please!!! Lemme just finish the reqs I still have to do and I’ll be on my wayyyyy
Thank you for your kind words and your continued patronage!!! Have a cookie esteemed customer πŸͺ!!
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