healingvamp · 3 months
your cat is ADORABLE! his eyes are so round and sweet
Thank you!!!!! Meatball is such a sweet boy. Here he is hindering me from putting in the new microwave (he got to keep the box after)
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
my beloved mutual, first of all, good evening! second of all, as a librarian, do you have any strong feelings about booktok or how booktok is talked about? i wanted your take so i wasn't just osmosising opinions from people without reading comprehension. totally feel free to disregard if you don't, or don't feel like answering!
but do have a great night regardless! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
ohhhh wow. very good question.
so, the first thing i wanna put as a disclaimer is that, i’m not on tiktok. so my opinions are not gonna be fully realized. that being said…
it is always a net positive to me that people are reading. literacies of all kinds are legitimately on the decline, and while there’s a lot of books out there that, in my personal opinion, are garbage. but i’d rather people read trashy YA romantasy books than nothing.
at the same time, there’s a general lack of much critical thinking in the booktok videos that i have seen. many of them are propping up books with misogynistic elements, or sometimes just otherwise poorly written. again, there’s nothing inherently wrong with enjoying media that have problematic aspects (all media is problematic) or that aren’t masterpieces of their craft. i think people should be allowed to just enjoy things casually, but i also think if you’re not critical about the things you enjoy, you’re falling into the trap of just being a passive consumer of media instead of someone who actually engages with art.
those women who harassed that kid who was like. 17? if i’m remembering that correct? tiktok was a mistake.
again, these are pretty general opinions based off a few handful of videos/trends that i’m aware of. i’m not on tiktok, and i don’t wanna generalize an entire community on a platform that i don’t engage with. everyone can and should read when they can (audiobooks count, just let your brain process words and think about them), just don’t let yourself become a passive container for words to be emptied into without letting your brain actually do any work.
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dichromaticdyke · 21 days
thanks john!!! i’m so happy i feel like little me would be so happy if they knew they would grow up to be a real librarian.
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dichromaticdyke · 1 month
who is to say we cant make 2024 the [first] year of the lesbian
we'd have to pretend every day before april 22 didn't count as part of 2024
hell, let's reorganize the year: the lesbian calendar starts on the first day of lesbian visibility week
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
my fiance is shadowbanned so im relaying for him, he REALLY loves the colors on the hat and thinks its impressive, he also mistook skwisgaar for she-ra, so, lesbian skwisgaar win?
awww tell him thank you that’s so sweet 🩵🩷 i hope he gets released from tumblr’s shadow realm.
and LMFAO love the blonde god-like lesbian supremacy.
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
omg im also getting high tonight, wlw mlm solidarity
hell yeah the b in lgbt stands for blazed
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
that sounds awesome?? if you have more you want to share please feel free to use this ask to do so!!!
hm i think the most i wanna share is just that i was inspired by the urban fantasies i grew up reading where there was always the “secret fantasy world” separate from the real world, but in this story, the humans in the real world knows about the fantasy world. and it’s kinda the struggle about that.
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
i think you've talked about having original works in progress? im super interested in those! but if you don't wanna share, that's okay! fanfics are awesome as well!
i hope you're having a good day mj!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
omggg ty for giving me the opportunity to talk about my original stuff thank you thank you
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
vampire knight archetype + siren rapunzel archetype = flesh-eating lesbians with an ax to grind against humans
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
honestly the sequel to my first original novel which is. you know, still a draft lol. but i imagine it being four books, and i wanna at least have skeletons or outlines of the next books before i start trying to get published. because i have the first book, and i know how the story ends, but the middle is. hm.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
mwah, thank you john <3
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
girlfriEND. fuJOSHi. a girlfriend might have an end. but theres always a josh in fujoshi and this is meaningless 🔥
damn you're so right for that...listening and learning.
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
sometimes when you rb things or respond like how you did, the only thing i can think of is this gif /pos
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
OH okay i used to be a frat boy so this is easy actually. hey mama toki shotgunning a beer and telling skwisgaar that she could easily handle any can that's passed to her as an attempt to flirt and skwisgaar makes her actually prove it with a case of tallboys
sdfhlsdkfhsldfk very good very good. she absolutely spills it all over herself and gets sloppy drunk. but it was worth it <3
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
i dont understand what hey mama really means so i cant help, but im sorry you're stressed and i hope you feel better soon!
LKSDHGLKSDFHSDf okay honestly i'm not entirely sure what it means, it's sort of a vibe. i kinda think of it as the fuckboy equivalent for masc lesbians--i also found this article on it. anyway the whole hey mamas toki thing started from an anon last month and it's spiraled and it's my fave thing ever ANYWAY-
ty for the well wishes <3
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
hi sorry i was off the internet for a few days so im late, if you're still doing the ask game, 9, 14, 30 AND 31, even if noncanon! (feel free to skip or replace with any number you want to answer instead) if not, just have a wonderful day!
you don't have to apologize at all, my dear! i totally understand being offline <3 thanks for the ask!
9. do you have a "type"? if so, what is it?
i'm so into redheads it makes me look stupid LSKHDFLKSDf. i also love anyone who's alternative looking in any way. i know that casts a wide net lol. as for like, butches vs. femmes, i love them both! couldn't decide a preference between the two <3
14. list five things you look for in a partner, or five things you love about your current partner(s).
autism. like unironically i couldn't be with a neurotypical.
must love music!!! some people genuinely don't care about music, could never be me.
willing to talk about feelings, not just let them fester. i'm a chronic worrier and i hyperfixate on negativity, so i NEED to be able to talk with a partner and try to help them any way i can.
a genuine understanding/love of lesbian culture and history. even if my partner isn't a lesbian, i'd want them to know and understand and care about lesbian identity because it's something that's deeply important to me.
they have to be a bottom/verse SLKDHGLSKDFH i'm a stone top lmfao.
30. who's your favorite sapphic character?
GOD. GOD. okay uhhh well i'm always on the utena grind and. juri arisugawa fuckin speaks to me. absolute icon of lesbian yearning, self-doubt, wanting to believe in fate and miracles but ultimately bogged down by cynicism. i adore her.
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fuck she's a redhead too isn't she LSKDHFLSKDFH
31. LEAST favorite sapphic character?
oh wow um. thinking thinking... honestly, i didn't care for either of the leads in Carol. i don't hate them, and it's a good movie, they were just. boring.
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
what's your favorite breed of cat or dog? your choice! or both! or tell me your favorite fish
wow i know ntohing about cats
i always wanted a husky! tehy're most likely to look like me.and man i want an aquarium so much...
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dichromaticdyke · 4 months
congrats on makin it through!!! i hope you're selected and all goes well!!
thank you so much for your support!! it's such a long process, so i can't wait for it to be over, but at the very least i would love to have a plan for after graduation.
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dichromaticdyke · 4 months
best of luck on your interview!!!
thank you! 💕
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