boweistrategy · 3 years
What Are the Benefits of Having an ESL Teaching Niche?
Whether you pick a niche that you already have experience in or one that you’ve always wanted to explore, there are major benefits to specializing your services as an online English tutor.
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1. You’ll Streamline Your Preparation: One of the most significant advantages of having a niche for teaching English online is that you become an expert in your field. This means simplified ESL lesson planning, as you will not be teaching students in various areas, requiring you to prepare multiple lessons for different types of students. You will come to expect the areas in which your particular niche of students will need the most help and support, allowing you to spend less time working outside of the classroom. 2. You’ll Stand Out on Freelance Sites: Offering niche online English teaching services will attract students who need tutoring in specialized areas, making them more likely to choose you over a teacher who only offers general online ESL tutoring. You can even pick multiple niches to broaden your reach and make your booking rate even more successful as an ESL freelancer.
3.You’ll Greatly Improve Your Referral Rate: As you gain regular students, chances are they’ll speak to their friends about how much they’re learning with you, as you are an expert in your field. They’ll inform them that you are worth what you’re charging per lesson and that it’s far better to be tutored by someone who has specific knowledge in the area they need help in than a general ESL tutor.
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boweistrategy · 3 years
Teach English Online to Adults - Bowei Strategy
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James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more visit here: https://teachers.boweistrategy.com/
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boweistrategy · 2 years
What Are Some General Pointers for First-time Business English Teachers?
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1. Find Out What Your Students and the Stakeholders Expect: Just like with any class, you need to find out what outcomes your stakeholders want to achieve. This will not only help you know what material to cover and how to assess student progress, but it will allow you to manage your students’ and investors’ expectations from the very beginning, leading to an amicable and successful relationship between you and them.
2. Be Professional Without Becoming Boring: While you should strive for professionalism and always keep in mind that your students come from a business environment, this doesn’t mean that classes need to be boring. You may not pull out all the same stops you would with other classes, such as using puppets, but your adult students will still appreciate you keeping things lively with Business English games and other activities.
Try to bring in interesting resources, such as current business magazines, podcasts about industry topics, or videos of market news reports, in order to diversify your activities. If teaching online, you can easily screen share things like news articles and videos with your students.
Business English teacher Cristina notes, “When my students have a very strong level of English, I often try to teach them something other than just English. For example, I had a student whose English was very advanced, so instead of giving her a vocabulary or grammar lesson, I created a lesson around the artist Frida Kahlo and her life. Not only was she learning English, but she was learning about art and history!”
3. Understand Your Students’ Lifestyle: Unlike students in other ESL classes, Business English students are probably attending class just before or after work, and your hours may be either very early or late. Additionally, your students’ busy lives may prompt them to cancel or change their class hours at the last minute due to work-related problems that arise. Be understanding and flexible if you can, and remember that the higher pay usually makes up for any scheduling issues.
4. Find Out Who Should Be Receiving Your Progress Reports: From the beginning of the course, it’s important to identify who will be able to answer any questions you may have and who would like to see your students’ progress, and how often. Find out if you should be contacting your supervisor at your language institute or the students’ supervisor for this. If your point of contact is the students’ supervisor, you don’t want to inundate him or her with too many reports, but you do want to keep them in the loop with progress updates. Agree upon a schedule of reporting.
James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more contact us!
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boweistrategy · 2 years
Teach English Abroad - Bowei Strategy
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Teaching English online is an excellent alternative to teaching abroad. The flexibility, comfort, and freedom give teachers a chance to interact with international students all while working from home. Are you interested in transforming from teacher to teacher-entrepreneur, or you already are one? If yes, come to visit us.
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boweistrategy · 2 years
Can You Earn a Full-time Income Teaching ESL Online?
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While there are online ESL teachers earning what can be considered a full-time income through online ESL, it is not the case for the majority. We also don’t recommend you place all of your eggs in one basket. Online ESL teaching is freelance work, and like any freelance work, the amount of work and income can fluctuate throughout the year, so it’s important to keep this in mind. As with any career and financial decision, it is important to plan responsibly.
We mentioned that many online ESL teachers live and work in locations where the cost of living is much lower than in most native English speaking countries. Many of these are freelancing as writers, bloggers, or web designers, while some double up as ESL teachers at school during the day and teach ESL online during the evening. It is entirely possible to make a respectable income and save significantly due to the relatively low cost of living. If you are able and prepared to make such a move, this can be a glorious opportunity to experience life abroad and accomplish your financial goals. Meet James Liu James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more contact us today!
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boweistrategy · 2 years
3 Benefits of Learning English Online
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1. You can learn from the comfort of your sofa: We’ve never seen a student show up at Oxford House in their pyjamas. But that’s actually an option if you’re taking an online class! That’s right, one of the biggest advantages of learning English online is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
2. You can have a sense of accomplishment: Have you ever felt guilty for not being productive or efficient? During this national lockdown, when many of us aren’t able to go about our daily business, it’s easy to lose a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Starting an English course online can be a great way to give yourself something to do, occupy your mind and invest in your future. That said, don’t beat yourself up if you’re having an unproductive day – it’s okay to take a break sometimes!
3. . You can meet new people and connect with an online community:
Social distancing can be hard on emotional wellbeing. People have evolved to be social and we don’t like to be isolated from others. While online conversations will never replace face-to-face interactions, having people to hang out with, if only virtually, is essential. Learning English online in groups is a great way to meet new people who are in the same boat as you – they too, are sitting at home trying to improve their English skills and find a sense of community online.
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boweistrategy · 2 years
Teach Business English Online - Bowei Strategy
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James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more visit here.
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boweistrategy · 3 years
Frequently Asked Questions about Teaching English Abroad
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What Do I Need to Teach English Abroad? For teaching English abroad, all you need is a TEFL qualification, to be a native English speaker and a sense of adventure! For some jobs teaching English abroad, a degree is required, as well as some having age restrictions.
Where Can I Teach English Abroad? Theoretically you can teach English abroad anywhere, as long as you have a TEFL qualification! Obviously there are destinations where teaching English abroad is safer, easier and with more demand for English teachers. Teach English abroad in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, or China are hugely popular for fresh TEFL graduates because there’s a big demand for English-speaking teachers, (plus the obvious world-class beaches, insanely beautiful temples and super friendly locals!). There’s also a large demand for teaching English abroad in Europe, particularly for UK graduates, where the places you can teach ranges from sunny Spain to mysterious Russia.
How Long Do I Teach English Abroad for? How long you spend teaching English abroad for is all down to you! You’ll basically take on a contract, normally a minimum of 6 months and up to 1 year at a time. As to how many contracts you take on whilst teaching English abroad, only you will know what feels right. If you’re doing one of our TEFL Internships, you could be teaching from 2-9 months. The majority of people teaching English abroad stop after a couple of years, most likely because the original goal was to travel – so that wanderlust itch has been scratched! However long you spend teaching English abroad, you’ll bring back all your skills learn, making your CV look really appealing to future employers! James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business.  James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. Since 2019, James has helped thousands of teachers go independent and charge what they’re worth. Teachers follow his system to develop their teaching, marketing, and sales skills and shift their mindset to transform from teacher to teacher-entrepreneur. James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. For more reach out to Bowei Strategy.
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boweistrategy · 3 years
Tutoring English Online - Bowei Strategy
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James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more reach out to Bowei Strategy.
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boweistrategy · 3 years
ESL Teaching Niche - Bowei Strategy
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James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more visit here
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boweistrategy · 3 years
FAQs About Teaching English Online
Are you looking for the ultimate side gig that enables you to make money from anywhere in the world, including the safety and comfort of your own home? Do you want to have a job that allows you to earn a sustainable salary while living a nomadic lifestyle moving from country to country? What about making a difference in the lives of others and connecting with people from all over the globe? If you answered "yes" to the above questions, then
teaching English online is the job for you. Online learning is a vast field, and here to stay as an integral part of all types of education, and as a business. From world-class universities to Fortune 500 companies, computer, mobile, and Internet-based training have become an important part of nearly all education fields, including English as a second language (ESL). Here are some answers to basic questions about the exciting field of online English teaching.
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 What Is Teaching English Online?
Teaching English online is teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) to a non-native English speaker over the internet through a computer and a webcam. Students can learn one-on-one or in a small group, and the cost is usually relatively cheaper than an in-person, face-to-face ESL class. In many cases, both students and teachers can set their class times and schedules, and the teacher can teach from whatever location is convenient for them.
Is Teaching English Online a Legitimate Job or Career?
As people increasingly look for opportunities to work remotely, teaching English online is a legitimate job/career opportunity. It's also an excellent career option for those who are teaching English abroad to get side-work and to work full-time while living overseas or traveling.
How Much Money Can I Make Teaching English Online?
Pay for online English instructors varies, but first-time teachers can typically expect to earn an average salary of $10-$20 USD per hour.
How to Teach English Online From Home?
Make sure you have proper technology like strong internet connection, computer, microphone, & webcam.
Set up an area of your home to be your virtual classroom that is well-lit with a professional background.
Research employment opportunities & prepare resume.
Interview for positions - do not expect full-time offers at first.
Analyze offers and the position(s) that best suits your needs and goals. To know more reach out here
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