#tbh this is bad but the psd i use hates my sharpening action
inferuns · 1 year
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ethan winters + signature outfit.
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galaxybin-remake · 7 years
all the evens for the questions!!
im gonna put them under a ‘read more’ bc there r so many fdklfhdskjf but thank u !!!!
2. what is your least favorite set you’ve made? 
hm probably my very first one, i was horrible at th timing skjfhdkjfh nd it was like so slow rip !!
4. a set that flopped but deserved better
my blonde!minhyuk gifset, bc that boy is so beautiful !!! 
6. what is your least favorite movie/tv show to gif?
omfg i hate giffing kbs music bank, it is always a bad quality even with .ts files :”/
8. what gif trend do you hate?
i dont have one ?? they r all p cool i dont rlly hate one ?? 
10. what was the first gif you ever posted?
omg it was on my last blog, from exid’s board game time !!!! nd its so bad rip
12. what is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed?
uhm everything ive ever giffed ??? khjjkfhdjks maybe vixx tv from like a while ago ?? bc they were so young nd cringy ?? but its not that bad haha
14. how long does it take you to make a set?
it depends, if its a performance/mv like two~three hours ?? but if its like a compilation of things like a whole day of working on it, maybe two 
16. how long have you been making gifs?
not long omg, 4~5 months ?? more like 4 probably haha
18. for the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what is your preference?
oooo it rlly depends !!! most of the time, i like the aesthetic or laughs, but if im feeling sentimental then th feels :’)
20. mac or pc?
pc, ive never used a mac before
22. what fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
usually vixx or exid !! they are my bias groups and im always smiling while i gif them !! (also twice lately, ive been giffing them a lot !!)
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from 
never never never 480 and i try to stay away from 720 tbh. for performances tho i always get .ts files so they are higher resolution, but for other vids definitely 1080 nd if not 720 is okay sometimes
26. how many unposted sets are in your drafts right now?
on this blog there is 2 and my gg blog there are like 8 jdskhfdjkf i just lov girls 
28. have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
all the time, ive deleted sets from drafts just bc they dont feel good enough
30. how frequently do you like to post?
i try not to post too much, probably like once or twice a week if i can
32. what is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop?
eye dropper !! or color balance !! just so i can make sure all th colors match nd stuff
34. a set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
its not out yet hehe, but my gifset i made for momo’s birthday for my gg blog !!! it took a while and i am super happy with it !!
36. do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it?
usually i have a sort of a plan of things, but when i get videos/clips/captures i p much wing most of it haha
38. what are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet?
exid & monsta x’s mvs nd stages !!!
40. why do you make gifs?
because it is a really good medium and it helps spread awareness for groups nd idk, i just find it very very relaxing, especially since i have kind of a set way to make them
42. how is your gif folder organized? is it organized at all?
not at allllll lmao, but my captures folder is v organized, if i take captures for more than one set at a time, they are in specific folders with group name/member/performance or other
44. ever had a gif become a meme? would you like that if you haven't?
hm i dont think one of mine has !! and tbh i wouldn’t mind it all, as long as ppl dont repost nd dont credit
46. ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set?
nah not usually, i appreciate everything ppl say in th tags but i haven’t gotten anything super sweet or any asks or anything. nd im cool with that !! 
48. how would you describe your giffing style?
im p spontaneous, with some semblance of a specific way to make things. i like to try out different actions, psds, colorings, sharpenings everything !!! :D
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