#tav and shadowheart are best friends and tav has a hundred approval with her and i do still think shadowheart hates her a bit. hates that
pricemarshfield · 8 months
shadowheart seeing tav fully accept her evil god as evil and having only JUST enough faith in him to trust he won’t control her even if she strays from his stated goals, and being proven RIGHT, all the while shadowheart that thing with her hand: i’m sure this isn’t causing any issues for me at all
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danse--macabre · 8 months
companion!tav questions!
General - 1, 4
story - 8, 10
romance - 1, 2, 8 (if applicable)
1 - I've answered this!
4 - What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Tirazel is the daughter of a robber baron (literally) who hates her vicious family but has been taught to value power, command respect, & aquire money. She thus likes actions which lead towards creating productive alliances, demonstrate subtlety, & show craftiness. She likes when you manipulate or deceive your way through a situation, or kill someone in a quick and clever way as a means to dissolve tension, or quickly take control. She doesn't like random, thoughtless violence, or killing when it leads to a messier, more troublesome solution than sneaking, talking, or using your intelligence. Anything that shows wit is something she appreciates; anything where you put your foot in it has her rolling her eyes. She'll appreciate attempts to explore the unknown and test out new means of gaining power; she'll dislike prejudice towards necromancy and the undead.
Tirazel ALSO has a soft spot for small acts of gentle kindness, and will approve when you pet dogs, save children, and be kind when it costs you nothing. (She, however, does not approve when you commit to saving the grove early, agreeing with the consensus that it is not the most pressing priority). She won't admit to this until Act 2 though, at the earliest.
8 - Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
Oh, absolutely. Tirazel one hundred percent enjoys gossiping and being judgmental (she, Shadowheart, and Astarion are the petty bitch committee) but she does increasingly show concern towards the PC (if their approval isn't utter dogshit) as the game goes on. I imagine Tirazel being that one companion who will occasionally take them aside and actually ask them, directly, how they're doing - not in a motherly way, not to judge (Tirazel lets them do as they wish), but out of genuine platonic care. She's interested in the PC - in their likes, dislikes, wants, desires, dreams, hopes, and favourites, and is the character that will ask you about these things, out of curiosity, and will remember them. Her Act 1 comment will mildly scathing about your taste and probably poke fun about what your LI is like in bed ('does Astarion stop preening when he takes all his clothes off, I wonder? Nevermind - of course he doesn't'), but after confirming your act 2 romance, she'll take you aside gently and ask if you're happy - giving the opportunity for you to gush about your LI as if you're teenage girls at a sleepover if you'd like. If you're good to Tirazel she's a confidante and a potential best friend.
10. How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
Takes the opportunity to rib you + sarcastically take the piss out of Shar while she's at it.
'I'm all for rocking the boat darling – please, do not let me stop you on your ardent quest fulfil all the filthy desires in your rotten little heart – but really, in front of us, in such an esteemed and holy place? You do scandalise us.'
She doesn't disapprove though, crucially. She actually thinks it's pretty funny. If you do it again she'll actually laugh. Absolutely here for the PC to be a total sicko.
1. Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Tirazel is absolutely romanceable. She's openly bisexual and will date any PC who expresses interest + is high enough approval.
2. Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
You need to flirt with her first. She's a) used to being flirted with, used to being desired, and b) busy with her own shit (in the middle of the worst family drama ever), not prioritising love/sex unless you express interest.
that said, I want Tirazel's romance to be about her trying to seduce you -- rather than the other way around. She spent a long amount of time in her youth being desired but being forbidden to express those desires, being forbidden to act on those, being shamed for much of her diesre - and so once you've expressed interest, complimented her, have shown your hand, she'll respond by trying to dazzle you. She wants to be an active participant, not simply a dainty doll on which you bestow your affections.
8. If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
Tirazel is fairly frank about being open to polyamory – there's probably a romance convo where you and her, if you've indicated your chara is also open to poly, can flirtily speculate about who else in the camp would be fun to take to bed together.
In the case of Halsin, she'll laugh, tease you, and then tell you to enjoy your fun -- and note, while he's easy on the eyes, he's not really her type, so she won't be joining you (I can see Tirazel with practically everyone except Halsin, if I'm honest). If you'll indulge her, she'll ask you to tell her about the experience later (which can be gossipy or flirty depending on how you want to take that conversation).
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