#taleblr Slendy
overthinkingtaleblr · 7 months
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I looove a student-teacher relationship where the teacher is super normal and the students are literally monsters, so… everyone say hi to Professor Sviggles and his menagerie! This is also how I’m introducing the character who was Jeff the Killer in the cree.pypasta high school role plays (they’re on the far right).
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This week’s lineup consists of entirely minor characters, so feel free to ask if you’re at all confused about who they are and what their deal is (or why I changed their appearance)…
Link to List!
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How do you feel about some classic Slendally? If you'd prefer not to, ToastedGhoast is always good, as is Spoon.
In that order— Slendally, ToastedGhost, and Spoon! <3
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(I made the ship names multicolored for fun—) While this was originally gonna be finished and posted by Valentine’s Day, that did not end up happening… so, since 2/3rds of the ships here are PIE-based— HAPPY PIE DAY 2023!!!!
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