#tagging this in case anon doesn't follow me but pls be nice and respect my opinions in the replies as i'll respect yours
timlucys · 6 months
Need some place to get my thoughts out and you’re the unfortunate recipient lmao
I feel like my issue with the idea of Tim and Lucy going through a break up is that it’s so overdone in shows where it’s back and forth - and I wouldn’t want them to break up if they just got together again without development and lots of conversation, or if it happens multiple times- which I think is something a lot of shows gloss over when getting a couple back together, you know? Though saying that, I’m all for the angst potential if it happens!
AND on a side note that has nothing to do with them as a couple, I would love to hear all your thoughts on Lucy, and what you’d like to see for her storylines going forward?
Hi! Ramble away. As long as we're all respectful I'm a-okay with it. <3
I totally agree with your overarching point here, though I will say I don't see this being a back-and-forth, on-and-off type of thing. I totally get that being considered ooc and being something the fandom doesn't want because, girl, me too!
But considering this is really centred around one or two big issues (undercover work, but also their refusal to communicate with one another over both relationship and non-relationship fears), I feel that once the crux of those are solved, it doesn't come up again and it's smooth sailing for them.
Some of my favourite ships have that one breakup that leads to them dealing with issues they couldn't when they were too close and not communicating - though I 100% agree that if they did all this and separated them entirely, I don't want it either. I think this is where my opinion differs from a lot of people's, in that I think Chenford's current communication isn't, for lack of a better word, uh... good? Don't get me wrong, I love 5b and what we got from it, but partially it's for that reason. I love seeing them be a little messy and hide things from each other in the name of ~love and the honeymoon phase and all of that.
So, in my ideal scenario, a breakup is what ends up pushing a lot of those conversations they've been back-burnering, because now that main reason for not talking things through is gone. (Also, it's worth saying a big reason I prefer this over a fight is that the UC debacle can't be solved over one fight. the fear can be, but Tim still has his feelings on it and Lucy has hers. IMO, this is something she needs to figure out separate from him, which is actually probably easier if something tumultuous happens while they're broken up.)
A well done breakup storyline is rife with subtle tension – a pet name slipup here, an accidental touch of the hand there – and I think would give their chemistry a chance to shine. Now, granted, it has to be done well, you're right! Obviously if it's done poorly and they just don't talk, I don't want that, but I also don't want any Chenford storyline that's done poorly. And, well, I personally think if the subtle weaved in angst of 5b is tossed aside, that's a story done poorly, but that's just me!
Also! To answer your other point, you're sweet to ask! I have both many and few thoughts on that because I like to consider myself open to what the story throws at me. Characters are always changing based on what canon throws our way, so what I may think is good for Lucy now, could be totally different from my thoughts after 6x02 or so! But if you have a specific question I'd be happy to try and tackle it. :)
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