#tagging both masked and unmasked because both the musicians and characters are mentioned in the post
hypnoneghoul · 1 month
Hi I'm the op in pinks post! And I agree with you. If we are strictly talking about musical talent Aeon/RM is definitely better skill wise. But I was more so talking only about stage presence! I love Aeon I think he's a neat guy but he (to me) tries too hard to be like Rain or Dew but Aether just had something special ™️ haha! Definitely no hate intended to anyone, including the musicians ofc. Maybe I'm still just salty about how CC was dismissed.
Love your input btw! Big fan of your guitar posts!
hi, first of all i didn't mean anything negative about you, you weren't offensive in that ask to pink so all good. i just wanted to provide some more...insight, lets say
second of all i despise the word talent, especially in this case. there's no such think, randy is just very skilled and he worked for it himself. it wasn't just given to him, and the word talent imples exactly that
now, aether had his own stage presence, aeon has his own. its different, of course it is, and its a personal preference on who likes who's better. obviously everyone has favorites. but also look on how long aether had been in the band and how long aeon. he's already grown and i believe he will grow even more. also if youd look into RM youd see theres a lot of him in aeon, so i must say i completely don't agree with your statement that he tries too hard to be like dew or rain. just saying
i personally am not a fan of CC so I can't really see where youre coming from here, but I understand. you have the right to not be a fan of aeon/randy just as I am not a fan of aether/chris and that's totally okay!!!!! as long as were being respectful both to the characters and the actual musicians, you know. which you are here, so its all good afhgasfsa the rest is just opinions lmao
also im glad you like my gear talks heh
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