#taemin is the grandfather of all gays
mahealinskis · 6 months
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THEME: Sexual awakening + guilty ↳ ONLYONEOF Libido x TAEMIN Guilty
It's just a teaser, but GUILTY feels so much like Instinct part 1 from OnlyOneOf. The awakening, the strings and chains of "normality" trying to suppress and change who you are and the guilty from both allowing yourself to change and the desire to be yourself even if it's "wrong". I can't wait to see the lyrics of Guilty, but the video alone already tells a story.
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fuzethehostagehater · 6 years
some fuze ships summarized
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T: points at picture of Fuze’s elite skin , you look just like your grandfather
F: you are my grand father
Fuze plugs his ears when he sleep because tachanka sings USSR anthem so loud while he sleep
Fuze in the morning will throw box of 7.62x54R and say, это день победы
Tachanka drives KV-2
что такое смартфон фьюз ?
wears nothing but Dp-28 mags to cover his important areas on wedding day .
they live in a nuclear bomb shelter or soviet era war bunker.
they go to a ISU-152 artillery restoration project in Volgograd together. Where tachanka was doing push ups at – 40 degrees topless so he can nail parts in  without using hammer. while fuze blows up unexploded 152 mm shells.
 is their song is белая армия, чёрный барон
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Fuze was driving to home from work when police officer maxim basuda stops him.
F:officer I am not drunk , I am doing 50 in 50 zone what’s the point ?
K:points speed gun at his heart , no sir you are going over 200 km/h
They go to the shooting range together :
Fuze:нож на потасовку с пушками ?
Kapkan: смотри и учись , нооб
Kapkan  drives RC/XD from black ops games
Kapkan carries a nokia 3310
Wears a Traps are not gay t shirt on wedding.
They don’t live in forest inside a army tent
F: hey kapkan why do you carry a shovel on your back?
K: so I can dig a trap when I run out of ammo
F: you mean our grave?
Прорвемся – Любэ is their song
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G: would you like a photo realistic portrait my good sir ?, that would be 1000 rubles
F: ok…
2 hours later.
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F:You Photoshop this right?
Fuze draws a plan of his APM-7 cluster charge mk2  then he left the plan on desk and went to sleep
Next day he finds out that it is coloured in rainbow because the touch of colour was out of place.
they live next to Hazine art gallery in kazan
they go to shooting range where glaz draws smiles on steel targets with his Ots-03
детали, меня друг ,детали,
Glaz drives a ОБЪЕКТ 120 ТАРАН coloured in rainbow
Glaz has a iphone X in red colour.
Shinwha – sniper is their song
Wears a Ghillie suit at wedding
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F: so what’s this again ?
D: 보신탕 (bo- shin tang)
F: Delicious
They live in yeong san district south korea.
Dokkaebi has a CIA level untrackerable phone no one knows the brand of.
F: ОППА , dokkaebi what the blin I am at funeral.
D: what? Call me noona …. You 멍청이.
F:Where were you yesterday I was worried about you !
D:니가 나를 걱정해? Wow 처음듣는 얘기
Dokkaebi drives a smart fortwo , actually it drives for her.
Fuze tries to work on crafting better cluster bombs before being bombarded by
Kaokao talk ! kkao talk! Kkao talk! And decides to throw a phone out the window which ends up hitting hostage on the head.
Wears a snap back ,hanbok and Gucci glasses on wedding day but guests don’t really give a damn as they are too busy turning their phones off.
Their song is Beep Beep by SNSD
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Fuze/AK-12 (T-doll)
True gopnitsa, doesn’t give a single fuck about life much. she sleeps 80% of the time and keeps her eyes closed.
They have no chairs in their house because they squat all day
Wears Adidas on wedding day.
Calls her sister AN-94 to pick them up and drive them home after their date but she is busy working so she can’t come.  instead fuze decides to carry her on his arms bridal style back home while she raises middle fingers at other couples and gopniks that looks at them.
They go to shooting range together and this happens every time.
F: wtf 12… no aimbot!
12: гит гуд , дедушка
Drives a T-90A Vladimir
Reads girl x girl rainbow six siege smut in her free time. this is only time she opens her eyes.
uamee – AKM is their song 
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FI:Takes the 6P41 lmg from fuze, ЭТО МОЯ ПУЛЕМЕТ !
Fu: Я первый его получил.
Tachanka jumps into room while soviet union anthem playing loud and yells
Fu:You see lena if you hold peestol like me you never be of shoot inaccurate for afraid of shooting fingers.
Fi:you can live without few fingers debil.
Finka wanted to boost her whole spetsnaz team with adrenaline when fuze starts singing
Пацаны - наркотик КАЛ,
В школе в коробке сдавал.
Наркота - отстойней кваса
Finka wears a hazmat suit to wedding before someone tells her to get out of here STALKER.
They live near the ZONE because such is life.
She Drives a Rkhm-6.
Their song if it wasn’t obvious is bandit radio from stalker.
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F: I don’t see anyone around …. it should be safe for me to play north Korean pop
They go to shooting range together but fuze always picks up and hides few spent casings inside his pocket and watch as vigil panic try desperately to  look for casings afterwards. then He acts like he found them and assures that everything is ok.
They live in meyoung dong district in south korea
V: I want to be a Korean batman
F:I ain’t gonna be your Alfred hwa chul.
Vigil fills fridge with san- nak ji where as fuze fills the fridge with холодец
Vigils wears a john cena shirt to a wedding before going you can’t see me cause my time is now!
V:되고파 너의 오빠가 될꺼야 두고봐 나의 마음이
F:what are you saying?
V:Do you know k-pop ?
Their song is Danger by taemin
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Fuze felt bad that the jager lost the acog sight which made him depressed for weeks. so he did the only right thing and gifted jager acog without magnification for him.
J: puts ADS on the ground / you can stop worrying about grenades now
F:you can start worrying about grenades now.
jager drives a T-V Panther 
they live in a aircraft hangar near Berlin
they play war thunder together but results are that fuze wins and jager complains there is so much Russian Bias is in the game where as fuze thinks it’s only historical
their song is  Rote Flieger 
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if you have few spare hours i love to tell you how this drone is master piece of design….. and fuze lets her go on for hours and explain what she did and what kind of problems she had to out come. before fuze asks why does it always get one shotted in the droning phase i must ask ?
they live in paris their house is full of weaponized baguettes and hostage torturing devices.
T:stay two steps a head of enemy
F:but your drone can’t jump.
when they go shooting ranges fuze wears two hearing protections because her call outs when she reloads is louder than artillery going off.
i don’t know what did i just write…
pictures belong to the actual quality content creaters o7 so get lost EU.
also if you ship fuze x ying pls fite me irl
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soomlns-blog · 6 years
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hello ! i’m meg, i’m 19, use she/her pronouns and live in est. sorry this intro is mad late, i’ve come down with something but we’re going airplane tell you about soomin anyways !!! the fourth link on my blog is a stats tab, and it’s nearly finished so feel free to check that out --- and finally, you can read some more info on soomin under the cut ! if you’d like to plot, which i hope you do, feel free to im me or hmu on d*scord @ i want everyone to raw taemin#0420 ( don’t judge me ) !!!
kang soomin came into the world in seoul in 1994. his father, kang dongsung, an heir to his own father’s well built business and his mother, guk soori, was nothing more than a karaoke hostess his father had met while getting drunk with friends. born to an unwed couple in korea in the 90′s, it was safe to say soomin’s early life wasn’t easy. 
dongsung’s parents frowned upon the birth of a child out of wedlock, soomin’s grandfather wanted nothing to do with such a child. felt it was best hidden. dongsung didn’t often go against his father’s wishes. this time was no different, despite him having some feelings towards soori he told her he could have nothing to do with her any longer, and nothing to do with their child. 
soori didn’t mind much. sure, she’d cared for dongsung, but she hadn’t exactly expected a man she’d met at the karaoke bar to be responsible for his child, let alone a kang. she knew she wasn’t going to end up his wife and be some high society mistress. thus she let it roll off her shoulders, and even knowing it’d be hard, she had her child on her own. that’s where soomin comes into the picture. 
born guk soomin to a single mother, despite things being rough for them, he was a happy child. always bright, always smiling. his mother worked several jobs to keep food on the table, caring for not only her son but her sister who seemed incapable of doing so herself. when soomin did get to spend time with his mother, the normally happy child was even more so elated. he loved his mother more than anything else.
a kind, caring woman, she taught soomin to be giving. to be loving. to be respectful. she raised him until he was nearly nine years old, but life got in the way. or perhaps, that isn’t the right phrasing. death is what got in the way, after all. a few months before soomin’s ninth birthday, his aunt picked him from school. it was unusual to say the least. despite her mooching off of his mother, soomin hardly saw his aunt. 
unfortunately, it wasn’t because she’d missed her dear nephew. she came bearing bad news --- news soomin didn’t think he’d ever have to hear. his mother was dead. soomin was too young to understand all the technicalities and the sciences behind her death, but he wasn’t too young to understand what had caused it. guk soori had worked herself to death. she’d done it for her family. for him.
soomin’s aunt was the only family he truly had left, but she wasn’t interested in raising a child. after all, she could hardly care for herself, let alone a nine year old with a broken heart. that’s how soomin ended up at the kang’s door. his father had since been married, and to a woman with a child. while soomin grew up with his mother alone, his father cared for someone else’s kid. 
at the time, soomin didn’t quite grasp that. however, he did grasp that he was second to this child in every way. his father cared more for his step-child than his own flesh and blood. only taking soomin under his wing to prevent it being spread that his off-spring was put in the system. for soomin’s ninth birthday, he got a gift he’d never wanted. he became a kang. 
soomin went from having nothing but a loving mother to having everything but. however, his education improved, his clothing, his warmth and he ate more as a kang than he ever had as a guk. soomin missed a lot of things about his mother, her gentleness, her family name, her. but he put on a brave face, soomin learned young that no one cared about how he was really feeling. it was best to always smile. to never burden. 
the one thing soomin did get to keep, was soccer. he’d played on his local team when he was with his mother and now he was playing on a bigger team at a larger school, and he was good. his skills improved fast and he found soccer connected him more to his old life than anything else. it became his passion quite quickly as you can imagine.
soomin discovered in his teenage years, soccer wasn’t his only passion. it wasn’t business, though his father intended to make it business --- no, it was boys. the pretty boy in his history class, the soccer captain, his father’s assistant. he was passionate about men, but he knew his father wasn’t. in fact, his father pushed him towards several of his business partners daughters, and soomin ? complied. 
another thing he learned young ? he didn’t have the privelage to be gay. so he stayed silent, loved boys in quiet. and outwardly ? to the world ? he was heterosexual. it pleased his father, one of the only things soomin did that could please him. so soomin figured it wasn’t so bad of a trade off, right ? as soomin got older, he only learned to hide his sexuality more. not only was his father not keen on homosexuality, but his teammates weren’t either. he was told by everyone who he should love, and he listened. 
despite this, soomin remained the same happy-go-lucky guy he’d always been. smiling all the time, being kind and caring. deep down he was affected, but as he’d learned, he couldn’t burden others. he was the shoulder to cry on, not the one who cried. though this made him appear fake at times, it was only ever out of the goodness of his heart.
as soomin got older he continued his passion for soccer, attending a school well-versed in sports. however, he still majored in business. if you asked his father ? his current stint as a professional soccer player wouldn’t last long, and he’d be back at the kang business before everyone knew it. funnily enough, his teammates thought the same thing. 
despite being very talented, soomin’s teammates saw him as someone whose father bought his way. it wasn’t true, not even slightly, but being a kang came with not only harshness in his home, but outside of it too. his father wasn’t exactly a great guy, and he was keen on paying the way for soomin’s step sibling. soomin always understood why they though that of him, and never got angry over their harsh teasing. 
soomin is a great guy all in all, despite his rough past. though he does date women while having no feelings for them, everything else he does is rooted only in kindness instead of selfishness. he’s very giving and involves himself with several charities. his dad didn’t like this either, saying the kang’s didn’t become rich by giving away their money. however, soomin knew what it was like to have nothing --- he loved giving back.   
though soomin could never seem to please his father, he remained confident. one of his worst traits was his pride, and perhaps it was built up to hide his many insecurities, but regardless. he could certainly present as a bit cocky from time to time, but nothing rich people weren’t used to seeing. when you have all that wealth ? it usually goes to your head a bit.  of course, his father doesn’t quite care how cocky he is. he sees him as unfit to run the family business, as an embarrassment to the kangs. 
as far as personality goes, soomin is an amazing person despite his flaws. he’s generous and empathetic, and there for those who need him. he’s a bit of a people pleaser, perhaps too much so, but it only makes him seem that much more gentle and that much more lovable. he’s also pretty energetic and adventurous, he loves trying new things and having fun. he’s essentially a human golden retriever ( in a non-furry way ). 
i think that’s all i’ve got for now ! i hope you love soomin because my big baby definitelty deserves it ! thanks for reading !
first friend ----- the first person soomin got close to when he came to live with his father and was introduced to this new world of rich kid culture. ( 1 slot open )
first kiss ( girl ) ----- his first kiss with a girl. probably was... bad ? neither of them talk about it anymore. could be really good friends now or something ? we can plot it out more. ( 1 slot open )
first kiss ( boy ) ----- really cemented for soomin that he was gay. was definitely a secret, and is something soomin may even act as if never happened ( certainly does if it’s mentioned around others ). ( 1 slot open )
ex-boyfriend ----- someone he dated, but it didn’t work out either because it just couldn’t or because the sneaking around and soomin pretending to be so heterosexual just pushed them away. we could have fun with it ! ( 1 slot open )
beards ----- any of the girls he’s dated to appease his father and/or the public ? we’d have to talk about it in more detail but they could be a current girlfriend or an ex, and it could make for a fun plot too. ( 2 to 3 slots open )
best-friend ----- obvious plot here. just a ride or die friend, they’re really close. tell each other almost everything. when one is single, the other joins them as a plus one. that kind’ve amazing best-friendship ! ( 1 slot open )
step-sibling ----- the child of the woman his father married. no blood-relation, but they certainly act like siblings. they bicker all the time, but at the end of the day despite their differences and his sibling being much more ... bratty, soomin would do anything for them. they’re the only person he even really considers family. ( 1 slot open )
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