goshyesvintageads · 2 months
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General Electric Co, 1958
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mokutone · 2 years
🌿🌱 Mokutone Masterpost 🌱🌿
Hi! Welcome. This post will function sort of as a FAQ and will be updated as such. You don't need to read it, but if you've had these questions, here are my answers:
"Do you take Commissions?"
Not yet! I do, however, have a Ko-fi, where I'll do some little thank-you doodles!
"Do you have a shop?"
No, not at the moment! I am considering it though...
"What materials do you use?"
By far the questions I get asked the most are about this, so this will get very long and I'm going to put it under a readmore. I will address the papers, inks, watercolors, dip pens, brushes, and other materials that I have used.
I also answer questions about my materials under the "my ninja tools and scrolls" tag, and give art technique advice under the "my jutsu" tag. Yes it's silly, but this is a Naruto art blog. this is what we all signed up for.
Mostly, this will be a list of my traditional materials. I will address the paper, pens, inks, and various types of watercolor that I use!
—Strathmore 400 Series Heavyweight Drawing Pads 100lb/163gsm. (these numbers refer to the weight/thickness of the paper. thicker paper is less likely to buckle) ———> This paper is extremely cheap (a 9"/12" pad is often under 10 dollars), takes inks EXCELLENTLY, but it's a much lighter paper, and it will buckle under watercolor. For this paper, it's good to only paint small sections, to paint very slowly, or to paint with the paper taped down to another surface.
—Fabriano Hot Press (Hot Press means the paper is smooth, not rough) Watercolor Paper, 140lb/300 gsm ———> I use this paper the most because it's fairly cheap to buy in bulk, while still being good enough quality that my picky watercolor teacher approved it, Lol. I can usually find a 9"/12" block of it with 50 pages for about $20 if i look hard enough—and the paper is hardy enough that if I'm careful, I can paint on both front and back of the paper. Bad for archival purposes maybe, but great for having fun and not spending more money. [Example]
—Vision Cold Press (Meaning the paper is rough and textured) Watercolor Paper, 140lb/300 gsm ———> My watercolor teacher said this stuff was garbage, but...I don't really care! It is DIRT CHEAP and YES it buckles a little despite being thick, and YES it feels like cardboard in your hand, and YES it ONLY comes in coldpress, but the texture is grainy and even and nice... and like. when I say dirt cheap I mean dirt cheap. I used to get the 6"/9" 30 page pad for like 6 or 7 bucks. [Example]
—Arches Watercolor Pad/Block, Hot Press, 140lb/300 gsm ———> This is that expensive shit. I got a pad of it for a class back in college, and I dip into it now and again—I also bought a little bit more when there was a sale recently, a 12 page. It's 100% cotton, and it takes pigment based watercolor REALLY well, but it's not so good about dye based (I'll discuss the difference between those later) [Example]
Dye based watercolors, because they are based in dyes instead of pigments, are not lightfast. They are not archival. If you expose them to sunlight, they will begin to fade, and some will fade rapidly. That said, if you hoard your art in a dark place once you've documented, go hog wild! The fact that they're all liquid already makes them really easy to use.
—Ecoline Watercolor [Liquid] ———> These are a little watery, but they are cheap and easy, and I used them for the majority of my early watercolor art on this blog!
— Dr. Ph. Martin's Radiant Concentrated Watercolors [Liquid] ———> They are expensive, and sold in small quantities. They are, however very bright, like that label isn't lying! They're super concentrated! I have not actually run out of any of the ones that I bought (at a store closing sale bc otherwise they're too expensive lol) because they only use a small amount at a time
— Dr. Ph. Martin's Synchromatic Transparent Watercolors [Liquid] ———> They are also expensive, and also sold in small quantities. They aren't really made for paper either. They're fine. Probably not worth it though!
—Black Sheep Art Supply's Pans And Half Pans! [solid watercolor] ———> These have been very enjoyable for me to work with!! They're very bright, affordably priced, and the paints are from a small business, as well as being handmade and from the first Black-owned art supply store. I've had wonderful experiences ordering from this store, and I wholeheartedly recommend them!
[EDIT: apparently the shop is on a break or something! oh well]
—Dr. Ph. Martin's Hydrus [liquid watercolor] ———> These are liquid watercolors, like the dyes, but they are archival and somewhat light-fast, which means they can be exposed to moderate amounts of sunlight without fading. I haven't gotten to use them much yet, but they seem fine. You do have to shake them a lot to mix the pigment in. They can also be a little difficult to rewet, and may appear somewhat flaky.
—Turner Professional Artists' Watercolors [tube/semi liquid] ———> These are watercolors stored in tubes, you know, the traditional way! I used these for class, back in college. They're cheap, but well pigmented as far as cheap watercolors go. If you're really on a tight budget, this is probably the best pick.
—Holbein Artist' Water Color [tube/semi liquid] ———> My best friend (the one who got me into naruto!) gave these to me! Usually they can be very expensive. They're very high quality, and gorgeous. I'm so enamored with them and touched by the gesture that I use them very rarely, I don't want to lose them! They're special to me!
✒️ INKS: 🖋️
I only use permanent inks which will not bleed (much) when water is applied, due to working in watercolor. This list will reflect that
—Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Black India Ink ———> I use this the most frequently. It's a little shiny, but not too bad, and it is completely waterproof once dried. Of the Ph. Martin inks, it's the cheapest by far, and a 1oz bottle (which lasts me months) can be found for about $5. —Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star (Matte) Ink ———> Very waterproof, does not shine much at all. If you record your art with photography rather than scanning, this may be useful to you! Unfortunately, it's about $10 a bottle. —Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star (Hi-Carb) Ink ———> Very waterproof, very shiny. I don't use this much because I don't like my ink to shine, but it can be very nice with the right application. Unfortunately, it's also about $10 a bottle.
—Yatsumoto Sumi Ink ———> you can get this stuff cheap. Like, you could get a 12oz bottle of it for like $12. That's very cheap. Unfortunately it's not completely waterproof, and if you agitate (rub the brush vigorously) over the ink, it may seep into the watercolors. If you're careful though, this won't be a huge problem. It's also good for ink-only work.
—Liquitex Acrylic Ink ———> This is also very waterproof, but it also takes longer to dry than the other inks, so I find myself smudging it a lot. It's also about $7 for a 1oz bottle, but about $20 for a 5oz bottle, so if you're committed to the ink, it can be cheap to buy in larger sizes.
—Diamine Registrar's Blue-Black Ink ———> Expensive. Really more of an interesting find than a practical ink for me. This is mostly waterproof, but a very thin ink, and you can feel the nib get scratchier when drawing with it. That's not a bad thing, it's just a textural thing. It's produced in a similar way to medieval inks, with iron and oak-galls, and because of this it has some interesting properties: When first applied to paper, it's a pale or sky blue, but it darkens rapidly as it dries, becoming almost black over time. It runs the rusk of corroding metal pen nibs due to its chemical makeup, and so nibs which use this must be washed extra thoroughly.
—Speedball Sketching Pen Set: ———> Easiest to get your hands on. Comes with two nib-holders and 6 different nibs to try out, available at most art stores, and usually around $10. It's also not bad quality—I don't use the tiny little nib-holder any more, but I use the standard black one all the time.
—Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder, Model 40/ Model 36 ———> My Favorite. Thank god it has a little rubbery thing around it, because I grip pens hard 😭. It is able to hold standard-size AND small-size nibs. Occasionally, I find that some "standard-size" nibs might not fit, but I've never had this issue with the small size nibs.
Honestly, those are my favorites, but it's really hard to go wrong with pen nib holders. If they fit comfortably in your hand, and they hold a nib, they're good!
🖋 NIBS: ✒️
Nibs are difficult to acquire. They can be expensive too.
— Speedball ———> If you want to get a variety of nibs to experiment, this is my first recommendation. They have a wide variety of nibs to experiment, and find out what your favorites are.
—Tachikawa Pen Nibs ———> They've got less robust options than Speedball, and a little more expensive too, but they're very good nibs! The G-Nib is the standard nib used in comic making, and especially for lettering. It's a very stiff little nib, so it doesn't flex too much. This makes it pretty reliable, and especially good for lettering/writing.
—Manuscript Leonardt Pen Nibs ———> A lot of options for everything from caligraphy to cartography to sketching, also a little expensive—what is notable is that their pen nibs tend to be on the more flexible side, allowing the artist to get a lot of line weight variance. This is bad for lettering, but fun for drawing! They also have pens shaped like hands. Neat.
—Brause Pen Nibs ———> These were always super expensive where I was. I got a few. They come in this dorky plastic case with a sliding top, and I kinda wish they didn't bc that's a whole lotta plastic for something that coulda been stored in cardboard or paper, lol. I now use the cases to hold perfume samples. They're good pens, they're just expensive and the packaging is dumb.
—Whatever the hell is on Etsy. ———> People love to sell vintage things on etsy, and pen nibs are no exception. Often, you can find random samplers of pen nibs, or collections of pen nibs for sale. Sometimes you can find a whole box of one kind of pen nib, often times with a lot of nibs in it. I once bought one of these for like $45 and i don't even regret it because it's got a shitton of nibs and I realllly like using them. It will literally last me the rest of my life.
🖌 Brushes: 🖌
I don't have a lot to say about brushes! Ultimately, if it makes a mark on paper, and you like the mark it makes...I think that's a good brush.
I've been told you should go for ones which hold a shape, I think, and don't spread out in a big puff. Ones which use animal hairs are apparently best, but they are also very expensive. Generally, with watercolors, you will want to use "round" brushes, especially for beginners. If you want to experiment, I recommend Filberts, but there are also sword/dagger brushes if you're painting something like grass. Mostly I use:
—Creative Mark Mimik Kolinsky: ———> As the name implies, these are meant to mimic (synthetically) brushes made from Kolinsky fur. These are nice and I like them. They're cheap, but hold their shape well, and feel good in the hand. —Creative Mark Mimik High Performance Synthetic Squirrel Hair Watercolor Brushes: ———> What a name. I find these to be just as good for me as the Mimik Kolinsky, but a little bit cheaper. As long as ur careful not to treat them too roughly you'll be fine.
—Princeton Watercolor Brushes ———> Good. Expensive, but good. They have a variety of synthetic + natural materials, they are well made, if you have a little money to throw around + want a brush which will preform very well but will not destroy your bank, this is a solid brand. I've used ones from their Velvetouch, Mini-Detailer, and Heritage collections before, and enjoyed them all very much.
Additional Supplies:
—Porcelain Palette ———> I highly recommend using a porcelain palette instead of a plastic palette, both because I like to cut down on plastic when I can, and because the porcelain palettes are just....so much more convenient. The glass-like coating means that they will be easier to clean, whereas all of my plastic palettes over the years have gotten permanent stains. They're a little harder to accidentally knock around because they're heavier, which probably isn't a problem for most people, but I can be kinda clumsy. I can't tell u the number of times I've sent a full plastic circle-palette of watercolors flying lol
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Mami's Breakthrough!
Chapter 1
Part 3
Word Count: 663 out of 2663
We headed back inside and we heard upbeat music playing inside. I see other people dancing to the beat of the tune. I walked over to the tables to take a seat, and I turned my head back to see if Gretchen would sit with me, instead, I saw that she was walking over toward the center of the bar and she started to dance along with the song that was playing loudly. The way she moved in a synchromatic form along with the harmony of the song in the backdrop was intriguing and caught my eye. As if entranced, I got up from the chair I was seated on, walked over towards her to join her, and started dancing alongside her. The way she moved had me mesmerized. I’m falling for her and I don’t even know her. The fact that this woman has such a hold on me and I barely know her is what has me intrigued about what our relationship would be like if we were in one. I see Naomi and Liv watching us from afar and all of a sudden this man comes over to her and starts yelling at her saying “Gretchen why are you here? Why are you dancing with this thing?” I had a look of anger and disgust on my face as he continued talking. I’m watching this interaction go on and he tries to swing her when she stops his hand and puts him through the table she looks at her friends after writing me a note and says “Squad let's roll out. Thank you for the drinks Julio but we have to go.” She walks out and I walk over to Naomi and Liv and they ask me what she gave me. I responded “She gave me a note. That’s all.” I looked at Stephanie and Hunter and called them over. I said “Stephanie, Hunter, Naomi, and Liv I’m heading back to the hotel. I just need a break from the guys. I’ll see you guys at the hotel.” I walked out and I went back to the hotel. Once I got into my room I started packing up my stuff and I looked at the note that Gretchen had left me which said “If you want to stay in my room tonight my room number is #578 on the fifth floor is a suite with 6 beds. I have 5 other roommates that stay there with me and they are super chill. We have fun but I know that WWE has their rules but if you ever get tired of wrestling there come join me. I’m just kidding it’s just a thought though.” I wrote a little note to Dominik that said, “Hey Dominik, I’m fine. You and the boys don’t need to come looking for me I’m staying with a friend tonight.” I took my stuff to the elevator and I went to the fifth floor. I walked until I saw room #578. I knocked on the door and a girl with purple hair, and blue eyes opened the door. I said “Hi, I’m Demi Bennett aka Rhea Ripley. I was invited to stay the night in this room by Gretchen. Is she in there?” The girl said “Hi I’m Elyssa Lockridge aka Ruby “The Dentist” Suzuki who’s a tag cruiserweight from Germany. I’m a face known for my intensity and my finisher is the “Berserker Barrage”. Come on in she’s in the shower. Her bed is right over there. You can go get changed in the bathroom if you’d like just make yourself known.” I put my stuff on the bed that says Eliora and grab some clothes to go change into. I knock on the bathroom door and I hear Gretchen say “Who is it?” I said, “It’s Demi aka Rhea can I come in to get changed real quick.” She says “Yea.” I walk in and she was playing a song called “Pretty Distraction” (by SkyDxddy).
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soclaimon · 2 years
ชิเซโด้ โปรเฟสชั่นแนล อัปเดตเทรนด์ผมใหม่ A/W 2022 ‘SYNCHROMATIC : สีสันโดดเด่นในจังหวะเดียวกัน’
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์แนวหน้า https://www.naewna.com/lady/687466 ชิเซโด้ โปรเฟสชั่นแนล อัปเดตเทรนด์ผมใหม่ A/W 2022 ‘SYNCHROMATIC : สีสันโดดเด่นในจังหวะเดียวกัน’ วันพฤหัสบดี ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2565, 06.00 น. ต้อนรับฤดูกาลฤดูใบไม้ร่วง/ฤดูหนาว 2022 ชิเซโด้ โปรเฟสชั่นแนล (Shiseido Professional) แเบรนด์พรีเมียมจากญี่ปุ่น อัปเดตเทรนด์ผมใหม่ล่าสุดในคอลเลคชั่น Beauty…
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pafimujiguri · 2 years
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