#swifty the jagfox
voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: i'm shocked ya didn't ask what i did to'em- sent the whole reactor level to another universe and set it too frenzy mode! it will keep jumping from universe to universe every second- till power burns out- or he finds a way to stop it-
"I just assumed you closed a heavy door and made the power go off..." Swifty says, awkwardly
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*Trixy grabs the two! and lifting them up off their feet'n BOOKING it! running up to and ducking between overdrive's legs! volts up the latter! landing on the second floor! and LAMMING her tail down on a nearby console! sealing the hatch! and the whole house rumbles suddenly! before the lights suddenly switch off!* Trixy: okay- *huff* that should keep'em outta our hair for a WHILE... *puff* GLAD dad DIDN'T remove the last resort-
"Thanks." Luna says. "I'm just not big on fighting..."
"I'm just not big enough to fight." Swifty says
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*Trixy freaking morphs her arms into ROCKET launchers! FIRING both rockets NAILING Overdrive in the shoulders launching him back! before his hind legs DIG their claws into the ground! causing him to stop! and in a fluid motion he spins launching said rocket RIGHT back at Luna'n Swifty!* Trixy: CRAP! LOOK OUT!
Both Luna and Swifty jump out of the way. TBH I'm just not really in the mood for a fight I'd rather just have them run but it's unclear to me if they're inside or not at this point.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*Overdrive's "leg" suddenly moves to where his arm is! and vice versa before the skin on his body starts blackening! red techno patterned lines appearing all over! and hair turning into a fade of all the lantern colors ! metal plates forming and layering on some patches of his skin! as his mid section retracts leaking only a spine like tube connecting the skeletal looking torso to pelvis! his mouth becoming a LARGE grinning JAGGED maw no teeth the sharp edges of his lips acting as suck! and whole body growing, into a TOWERING lanky stature! hands LARGE and clawed at the end of each finger! eyes blank multicolored screens in his head with no pupils! canine ears ontop of his head and tail sprouting from just at the base of his spine! SO THIS'S his true form? BLOODY HELL IS IT HORRIFYING! now Swifty's biting his hand after everything's done shifting! and is dangling by her jaw!... oh dear... *
Swifty lets go and lands on her feet. "I could use a little help here, guys."
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*Swifty gets a DIRECT hit on Overdrive! wonder what kinda hit? *
A bite. Probably tasted horrible and wasn't the smartest idea on her part.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*out fires a multi color blast that Overdrive tried to catch with his hand and it incinerates the whole arm flying past him!* Overdrive: hmm~? either you're the emotional type, or you barely know how to use that~! *the gauntlet beeps! as all the rings fill!* All lantern: power restored from 50% to 100% other authorized user detected, activating auto adjust based on user's over all emotional energy! Trixy: oh yeah- so! uh! since yer NOT dad! that thing's powers gonna be based on how much of a connection to each emotion! and add it up, then uses THAT for any given ring! so each'll be EQUALLY as powerful! minus the special abilities! should i... have mentioned that earlier? he... he... *now would be a good time for Swifty to test if the suit has a DEFAULT speed buff- cause clearly Trixy "and Jax the dolt" forgot to mention some of his lore- AGAIN- *
"Oh, you should've mentioned it earlier..." Luna says
Swifty charges at Overdrive's leg, aiming for the Achilles Heel
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*Trixy morphs her hand into a laser based cannon and FIRES! Blowing Overdrive's current forms's head IN HALF! NEARLY knocking him over! he slings straight up! his head's insides are a MESS of wires- "flesh" but its- just! NOT right looking!* Trixy: YOU made me do that! YOU made HIM make me a monster! NULL FIXED ME! NOT YOU! SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DAMN ME MONSTER! sides- *looks at Luna'n Swifty* i have AMAZING and WONDERFUL friends! who cares about you overpunk?
Swifty is almost tempted to taunt because she really just wants to go fast.
Luna points the gauntlet at Overdrive and fires it to the best of her abilities
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Overdrive: heh! see yer wearing one of my old pieces of work! and what Null made ANOTHER all lantern? pfft- get ORIGINAL am i right~! oh! sorry! there's someone here who's FAR from original~! ain't that right NIECE~! Trixy: DON'T you DARE call me that you MONSTER- Overdrive: MONSTER? *he snarls* who was the "hand of null"? WHO SLAUGHTERED COUNTLESS TENS OF PEOPLE TO MAKE "daddy proud?" YOU USELESS SCRAP PILE! I SHOULD'VE HAD NULL SCRAP YOU! AFTER TEARING YER CORE OUT AND BELT SANDING IT TO GLORIFIED GLITTER YOU RUNT OF A MUTT! YER A DISGRACE TO CANINE KIND! AND NULL NEVER LOVED YOU! i should know~! i was in his head~! *Trixy KNOWS he's lying but the tears on her face, still says she's hurt- A LOT- *
Both Swifty and Luna want to attack Overdrive but are afraid to. And don't know where to run.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
*he bursts into out right demonic laughter! his voice UTTERLY in human and DOWN right unsettling eyes gaining a manic life a blaze with glee! the cybernetic yet insane sound to it, causes Trixy to TENSE so hard its PAINFULLY OBVIOUS!* Overdrive: eh i know! was worth a shot! just an excuse to use that *Beep*'s father's face one last time! *gestures to Trixy! the look in his eyes! its like a predator staring down prey! and that of UTTER insanity!* good times! good times we had! honestly if that IDIOT hadn't tried to game over himself! he'd have the peace i took away from him~! he'd be nothing more then a MEMORY file in my data banks, so lost in mutation and upgrades there'd be NOTHING left of him, how i'll ENJOY shattering his core within my BARE teeth after i RIP HIS THROAT AND INTESTINES OUT! *his expression went from manic joy to DEAD seriousness! at a DROP of a time! EVERY vibe coming off of him is that of DANGER! *
Swifty snarls at Overdrive.
Luna places a hand on Swifty, because she actually is the sense of reason. She can't tell if Swifty's trying to get Overdrive to attack so she can go flash mode, or if she just doesn't understand the situation.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: alright- *the door suddenly buckles! before falling over! and through it walks- Null!?... * "Null": hey guys! false alarm! i just... forgot my keys! *there's several things currently wrong with this! the eyes! they're so- HOLLOW! like glass eyes- NOTHING behind them- except for the WANT to HURT, the voice- is Null's but OFF- just a HINT of synthases to it- and the expression! the smile unnaturally stiff and forced! but the DEAD give away's the smell- WHATS IN FRONT OF THEM SMELLS NOTHING LIKE NULL- *
Luna narrows her eyes. "Buddy, you're trying to fool two wolfs and a jagfox. Even normal dogs can tell anyone apart by scent alone, even identical twins have a difference. You're not Null. Imposter."
Swifty gets in front of Luna, defensively. Considering she's significantly smaller, it would be rather laughable to somebody like presumably Overdrive. Though respectable in a way.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: yeah! could be worse! i could've given ya the phase shifter device- but that and the guy who tested it fell through the earth- now put it on swifty! *hands'er da suit! *
Swifty puts it on with no second thoughts
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: AFTER ya get the *beep* kicked outta ya- it'll take the energy from those hits'n uses that! it! yeah while it prevents fatal injury and even REALLY bad ones some of the force STILL gets through! its NOT gonna be painless-
Luna jokingly gives Swifty a pat on the back
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: and Swifty? *she opens a another compartment in a wall nearby! inside's some kinda suit! with some electronics on it! Trixy freaking EATS the the dang thing a few secs later spits out a fox torso shaped harness version!* the speeder suit! using a vibranium base metal it absorbs the force of inpacts turning it into kinetic energy in the form of vibrations! which the suit transfers to your muscle fibers and legs! increasing their responsiveness and speed! BASICALLY the more POWER behind an enemies hit! the faster YOU will go-
"I'm gonna be like that squirrel from Over The Hedge when he got caffeine! The world is gonna be moving in slow motion around me!" Swifty says excitedly
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: BETTER idea! why do think we're here at the reactor? *Trixy runs over to a console and jacks herself into it! the main reactor suddenly becoming WAY more lively! * Luna? Swifty? how do you two handle raw amounts of power? either gaining superpowers or authoritative kind? same outcome usually!
"I'm already the queen of werewolves so..." Luna says
"I'MMA TURN INTO THE FREAKING FLASH HACK YEAH!!!!" Swifty hollers a bit too loudly
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: the guy gets a hold of you? you'll be ripped limb from limb! if you are a ROBOT and he dose? if there's not NOTHING left? yer a glorified STATUE! that easier to understand Swifty?
"Alright. Basically if you see him run and pray." Swifty nods "Good thing I'm good at parkour!"
"Good thing I'm your sense of reason..." Luna mutters... "And that wolves are known for their stamina, mixed with the stamina of humans, if I can't outspeed him I'll likely still be able to outrun him given enough dodging."
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voidbears-oc-stash · 8 months
Trixy: OVERDRIVE thats what's up there! he's what made my dad an UTTER nut! HELL BENT on making EVERYONE suffer! he's MADE of EVERYTHING my dad added to his body over the years! a walking WEAPON of mass destruction! VERY deadly SPECIFICALLY to things made of TECH, due to absorbing it! if not FULLY then he leaves it a CALCIFIED husk! AND STILL GETS IT! EVERY lantern ring! nanites! Galvanic mechamorph, and Ultralink! and WHO KNOWS what he's absorbed since! but WITHOUT dad's good nature holding it all back! a MONSTER! in EVERY meaning of the word!
"I called it." Luna says, annoyedly
What was just said clearly went in one ear and out the other for Swifty.
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