#survival of the illest ✧ queue
champagnecall · 3 years
which type of loneliness are you ?
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first time at someone's house and they've gone to fetch something from another room
you're left standing in the middle of the room, too apprehensive to do much else. briefly: the feeling that maybe this person will stay in your life forever, maybe you'll end up closer to them than you have felt with anyone else. less briefly: the intimacy of seeing how someone makes the space the inhabit their own.
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champagnecall · 2 years
what is holding you back?
the inability to see the good in yourself, therefore relying on others to provide it for you
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your heart is so full for the people you love. it's sweet, but you've now forgotten how to care for yourself. you only seem to see great things in the people around you. they're wonderful, and you... you don't like what you're seeing in yourself, right? you need to be reminded that you're enough. that you're talented. that you're worthy. that's partly the reason why you reach out so much. you need to hear it from the lips of someone "better" than you. but afterwards, it makes you feel even more guilty and upset. you feel like your actions are self absorbed. you're aiming for perfection because you see it in others. you're failing to see the flaws in everyone else. i promise, you're no monster. i could say this again and again, but will you believe me when i say you need to find it out for yourself?
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champagnecall · 3 years
what color are you ?
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tell me about isolation, beloved. tell me about loneliness in a crowd of thousands, about painting yourself deaf, about becoming something nobody can hold in their hands without it stinging. you are still breathing, out of spite or otherwise. sing with me.
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