vox-ex · 6 months
magic + spookycorp
supercorptober 2023
“Time expands, then contracts, all in tune with the stirrings of the heart.” ― Haruki Murakami
Or Lena learns to move through the world by actions at every distance. She fall in love with Kara somewhere along the way.
When she was little it made sense. The world made sense. And she fit neatly in it.
There was a predictability in it.
In days becoming nights becoming mornings. In peeling pages off the calendar on the wall her mother had hung in the kitchen.
There was a simplicity in it.
In the way it hurt when she tripped over the garden wall and scraped her knee. In how it felt better when her mother kissed the bandage she placed over the cut.
Time and gravity and love all falling into order.
Until the day they don't.
Her mother dies and she doesn't know why.
When she is four she is angry at the water.
She gets older she believe's in God just enough to hate him instead.
One day she learns to hate herself for it instead.
And even when see learns the truth of it, buried somewhere in the science of currents and silt and fluid dynamics — it is easier to keep hating herself.
But it is never really the nature of the universe we are angry at, but ourselves, and the conceptions we try to impose on it.
She tries to remember that.
Tries to ground herself in equations and numbers and theorems that reason with the intention every bit of cause and every bit of effect. The trajectory of planets, the dance of electrons, each with a purpose, a path.
She moves with them.
But less easily.
Less predictably.
Her motion through the world less elegant than the science she covers herself with — buries herself in.
She keeps moving though. Because what else is she to do. The universe pushes her forward with the rest of it.
It is a motion that is mechanical, constant — personal.
She collides with the world and it collides with her, over and over and over.
She tries to make herself bend to meet them, to stretch, to compress so that she can remain whole.
Sometimes the world hits her so hard she can still feel the marks on her skin.
She will learn that it is not always bad to be left changed.
She keeps moving. She keeps moving until moving feels less like she colliding with the world and more like falling through it.
Supergirl pulls her out of the sky.
Supergirl pulls her out of the sky and she doesn't know what to do with that.
She calculates odds and statistics and free body diagrams in her head.
She tries to ignore the feeling in the back of her head and somewhere louder in her chest that utters out quantum equations instead.
Tries to tell herself that this is not action at distance. This is not the movement of particles and quanta. This is one body meeting another — nothing more.
It is something more.
It is something more but action at a distance feels no kinder than action up close.
It is full of chaos and uncertainty.
She tries to fit it neatly into boxes.
Puts Kara neatly into a box too.
And even when the science makes sense, it feels too much like fate, like magic, to believe it.
It takes time to believe it.
It takes time and destruction and time again to be put back together.
The first light of dawn crept through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over Lena's face as she sat at the table, the cup of tea between her hands keeping them warm against the Autumn air drifting in.
"Morning," Kara murmurs as she enters the kitchen, rubbing sleep from her eyes. The corners of Lena's lips turn up in a small smile at the sight of her
Good morning," she replies, taking a sip of her tea.
Kara stretched her arms above her head, the long figure of her body scattering the light on the floor. She pours herself a cup of tea and settls across from her.
Lena contemplated the predictability of it all – that the sun would rise, that they would find themselves at this table, that they would drink tea together.
It's easier to call it fate or magic.
But it was uncertainty that made it possible. The dance of particles and quanta, and for once she was not just their observer, but the result of their movements.
Lena reached across the table and took Kara's hand in hers. She could feel the warmth of her skin, the steady beating of her heart just beneath.
She gives it a small pull.
Kara leans forward at the motion.
They meet as they always seem to do.
As she always hopes they will.
Kara's lips meet hers, warm and familiar.
Her thumb traces the small scar that sits just behind her ear as her hands wander up to thread themselves in her hair.
She leans into her touch.
Bending, stretching, compressing — is made whole by it.
It feels like colliding.
It feels like falling.
It feels a little bit like magic after all.
read and follow along on Ao3 too
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vox-ex · 6 months
between the lines
that's all done for supercorptober 2023!
you can find them here on Ao3 too if you would like :)
day 1 - wild
"You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves." - Mary Oliver
day 2 - romance
"we melt into each other with phrases. We are edged with mist. We make an unsubstantial territory." - Virgina Woolf
day 3 - Kara
"The shortest poem is a name.” —Anne Michaels
day 4 - money
"Every moment happens twice." ― Zadie Smith
day 5 - maroon
"nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red." -Kait Rokowski
day 6 - write
“Let us turn over the pages, and I will add, for your amusement, a comment in the margin.” - Virginia Woolf
day 7 - love
"I love you so much I’ll never be able to tell you" - Dylan Thomas
days 8 and 9 - vigilante + breakfast
"You can put your strength down. I’m sitting here with you at your kitchen table. You don’t need to say anything." - Eden Robinson
days 10+11 - twilight + earth
“I had forgotten how much light there is in the world, till you gave it back to me.” - Ursula K. Le Guin
day 12 - desk
“People are a lot more knowable than they think they are.”  ― Sally Rooney
days 13 + 14 - spice + midnight
“you owe me sleep, so much sleep.” c.c. aurel
day 15 - game
“There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night.” ― Albert Camus
days 16 - heist
I′ve waited ‘til the moment’s right To look into those starry eyes And say the words That I′m thinking all the time - The Hunts, I Do
day 17 - music
Shut up behind my rib cage, my warm heart expands and contracts independent of my will–over and over.” - Murakami
days 18 + 19 - Lena + hazy
“The shortest poem is a name.” — Anne Michaels
days 20 + 21 - control + lavender
“…and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.” ― Richard Sikenh sleep.”
day 22 - art
“what does it all come down to? love? Love” ee cummings
days 23 + 24 - morning + enchanted
"you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out." - Kafka
day 25 - cottage
I don’t want to lose a single thread from the intricate brocade of this happiness
-Mary Oliver
day 26 + 27 - cardigan+dinner
“We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in the dark?” - Ursula K. Le Guin
days 28 + 29 - season + stars
“Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star." ― Haruki Murakami
days 30 + 31 - magic + spookycorp
“Time expands, then contracts, all in tune with the stirrings of the heart.” ― Haruki Murakami
You all are the best...thank you so much for following along... and thank you to all the creators this month please continue to check out their work...I know I have a lot catch up on too.
also also thank you to @kmsdraws for the prompts!
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