#sun yat-sen mausoleum
carbone14 · 1 month
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Bombardier Mitsubishi G3M Type 96 du Kisarazu Air Group au-dessus du Mausolée de Sun Yat-sen – Guerre sino-japonaise – Nankin – Chine – 1938
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whatevergreen · 11 months
I finally have a pair of decent speakers.
The odd 'music' track that I found years ago that is just 5 minutes recorded inside the Sun Yat-sen mausoleum in Nanjing really sounds as if I'm in the place.
Hatari sounds great on these. Everything sounds great.
If that neighbour causes me any trouble again she'll regret it. These things could shift planetary orbits, and my music is extensive and very very varied.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Ma Ying Jeou visited many historic sites and museums of the war against the Japanese imperialists,including some remembering the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC during said war
Dopo aver visitato il Mausoleo del Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Fondatore del KMT, Ma Ying-jeou - ex Leader di Taiwan - ha rilasciato commoventi dichiarazioni di Pace e Unità del Popolo Cinese, ricordando come le persone - su entrambe le sponde dello Stretto - siano di Etnia Cinese e di Cultura Cinese 💕
📖 Nel suo intervento, Ma Ying-jeou ha ricordato la Storia della Cina durante l'ultimo periodo della Dinastia Qing: dalla perdita del potere alle umiliazioni che la Cina ha subito, fino alla Rivoluzione Xinhai, guidata da Sun Yat-sen, che ha cambiato il Destino della Cina 🐉
💬 "Spero sinceramente che, su entrambe le sponde dello Stretto, le persone lavoreranno insieme per perseguire la Cina, evitare la guerra e rivitalizzare la Nazione Cinese. Questa è una responsabilità inevitabile del Popolo Cinese su entrambe le Sponde dello Stretto, e dobbiamo lavorare sodo per realizzarla", ha affermato Ma Ying-jeou 💕
🇨🇳 Dopo il Mausoleo, Ma Ying-jeou ha visitato il Secondo Archivio Storico della Cina e il Museo di Storia Moderna della Cina, noto - al tempo - come "Palazzo Presidenziale", che ospitò il Governo del KMT prima della Fondazione della Repubblica Popolare Cinese nel 1949 🇨🇳
📚 Zhu Guilian, Esperto dell'Istituto di Studi di Taiwan dell'Università Tsinghua di Pechino, ha affermato che Nanchino - in quanto capitale del "Governo Nazionalista", incarna la comune memoria storica ed emotiva dei Compatrioti d'oltre Stretto, e che mette in mostra gli indelebili legami storici tra la Terraferma e l'Isola di Taiwan 💕
🤝 Ma Ying-jeou ha anche visitato siti storici legati alla Guerra di Resistenza contro l'Aggressione Giapponese (1931 - 1945), evidenziando il periodo in cui il Partito Comunista Cinese e il KMT decisero di cooperare per resistere all'aggressione del Giappone Militarista ⚔️
🇹🇼 Dopo le visite, Ma Ying-jeou ha incontrato Xin Changxing, Segretario del Comitato Provinciale del Partito Comunista del Jiangsu 🚩
😘 L'ex Leader di Taiwan ha dichiarato che l'accoglienza calorosa che gli è stata donata ha superato le sue aspettative, e che lavorerà con impegno per trasmettere la buona volontà del Popolo Cinese della Terraferma a quello di Taiwan una volta ritornato sull'Isola ❤️
☀️ La prossima visita di Ma Ying-jeou sarà alla Sala Memoriale delle Vittime del Massacro di Nanchino, commesso dai Giapponesi invasori il 13/12 del 1937, quando i militaristi Giapponesi assassinarono oltre 300.000 Cinesi 😭
📖 Per comprendere al meglio la Questione di Taiwan, e tematiche quali la Riunificazione Pacifica, è consigliabile rifarsi ai post del Collettivo Shaoshan, che potete trovare qui:
🔺Master-Post sulla Questione di Taiwan 📖 | Questioni Storiche, Riunificazione Pacifica, Questione Militare, Interferenze Statunitensi, Separatismo del DPP 📚
🔺La RPC commemora le vittime del Massacro di Nanchino (1937) ad opera dei militaristi giapponesi 🇯🇵
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
After visiting the Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Founder of the KMT, Ma Ying-jeou - former Taiwan Leader - made moving declarations of Peace and Unity of the Chinese People, recalling how people - on both sides of the Strait - are of Chinese Ethnicity and Chinese Culture 💕
📖 In his speech, Ma Ying-jeou recalled the history of China during the last period of the Qing Dynasty: from the loss of power to the humiliations that China has suffered, up to the Xinhai Revolution, led by Sun Yat-sen, which changed the Fate of China 🐉
💬 "I sincerely hope that people on both sides of the Strait will work together to prosecute China, avoid war, and revitalize the Chinese nation. This is the inevitable responsibility of the Chinese people on both sides of the Strait, and we must work hard to make it happen,” said Ma Ying-jeou 💕
🇨🇳 After the Mausoleum, Ma Ying-jeou visited the Second Historical Archives of China and the Museum of Modern History of China, known - at the time - as the "Presidential Palace", which housed the KMT Government before the founding of the People's Republic Chinese in 1949 🇨🇳
📚 Zhu Guilian, Taiwan Studies Institute of Beijing Tsinghua University expert, said that Nanjing - as the capital of the "Nationalist Government", embodies the common historical and emotional memory of the Cross-Strait Compatriots, and that puts showcasing the indelible historical ties between the Mainland and Taiwan Island 💕
🤝 Ma Ying-jeou also visited historical sites related to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931 - 1945), highlighting the period when the Communist Party of China and the KMT decided to cooperate to resist the aggression of Militarist Japan ⚔️
🇹🇼 After the visits, Ma Ying-jeou met Xin Changxing, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Communist Party Committee 🚩
😘 The former Taiwan leader said that the warm welcome he was given exceeded his expectations of him, and that he will work hard to convey the goodwill of the Mainland Chinese people to Taiwanese people upon his return on the Island ❤️
☀️ Ma Ying-jeou's next visit will be to the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, committed by the invading Japanese on 12/13, 1937, when Japanese militarists murdered over 300,000 Chinese 😭
📖 To better understand the Taiwan question, and issues such as Peaceful Reunification, it is advisable to refer to the posts of the Shaoshan Collective, which you can find here:
🔺Master-Post on the Taiwan Issue 📖 | Historical Issues, Peaceful Reunification, Military Issue, US Interference, DPP Separatism 📚
🔺PRC commemorates the victims of the Nanjing Massacre (1937) by Japanese militarists 🇯🇵
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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ruimin-sha · 1 year
WEEK THREE 1.Sustainable development of Nanjing's ecological heritage
Environmental and cultural heritage preservation is crucial to sustainable development and plays a significant role in it. With its abundant natural resources and ecological surroundings, Nanjing has made protecting it is legacy and urban ecology a priority. The government has increased its efforts to restore and safeguard cultural heritage sites, spending a sizable sum of money to restore and safeguard historical and cultural heritage sites including the Purple Mountain Observatory, the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum, and the Ming Cheng Wall in Nanjing. The Nanjing Pit Park was what I found most impressive. Located in Nanjing Jiangning District Moling Street Niushoushan beautiful area, Nanjing Mine Park is an abandoned mine that has been transformed into a park. The park's origins may be found in the 1950s when it was a Nanjing coal mining region.
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The natural environment here started to recover once the coal mine was gradually shut down, but a sizable pit was left behind, affecting the area's ecosystem. The Nanjing city administration decided to transform the mine pit into an urban park as a way to make things better by giving locals a place to go for recreation and amusement and by restoring the area's natural balance.The Nanjing city administration has started a massive ecological restoration and landscape transformation project to convert the abandoned mine into a park. A considerable amount of flora was imported and planted in the park, creating an urban park based on natural ecology, while the original abandoned infrastructure, including mines and tailings ponds, was cleaned up and restored.
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Although Nanjing Mine Park makes effective use of the topography to arrange the area, it is challenging to carry out large-scale development and construction since the park was formerly a mine, the terrain is complicated, and there are numerous exposed ore and slag. As a result, the park's expansion is constrained and unable to accommodate numerous visitors. Being an ecological park, Nanjing Mine Park must preserve and safeguard a variety of plants and animals. However, because the park is situated on the outskirts of the city, the process of urbanization and human activities in the area have put some strain on the park's biological environment, which has made it more challenging to maintain and defend the park's ecological integrity. As the park cannot generate significant economic advantages on its own and requires extensive financial support for maintenance and management, finding a reliable source of finance for the park's upkeep and administration has become a challenging issue.
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travel4history · 3 years
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picturesofchina · 5 years
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The view from Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum in Nanjing, Jiangsu
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songhengi-blog · 5 years
Sun Yat-sen mausoleum Beautiful autumn
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randyyagi · 7 years
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How To Take The Subway In Nanjing China
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secondlifep · 5 years
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Some random photos from the Mausoleum of Sun Yat Sen in Nanjing.
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在 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
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beijing-wangshi1 · 3 years
搜狗翻译 - 我的贴身智能翻译专家
Nanjing is located in the east of China, in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, near the Yangtze River, and in the southwest of Jiangsu Province. The climate type is subtropical monsoon climate. Famous scenic spots include Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, ming tomb, Ming City Wall, Xuanwu Lake, Confucius Temple, Purple Mountain and Jiming Temple.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The Chinese people cannot be divided and never will, despite the numerous attempts by the USA and its puppet regime in Taiwan
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
I'm feeling better as such posts will return to the same quality as always
🇹🇼 Ma Ying-jeou, ex Leader di Taiwan, del KMT, continua il suo viaggio nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, e i separatisti pro-US del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, legati a doppio filo agli imperialisti statunitensi, sono sempre più rabbiosi e terrorizzati dal corso degli eventi 😱
💬 "Ho 73 anni, ho aspettato per 36 anni l'opportunità di visitare la terraferma. È passato molto tempo, ma sono contento di esserci andato" | come Hsia Li-yan a febbraio, anche Ma Ying-jeou si è riferito alla RPC come "terraferma", un termine atto ad indicare una e una sola Cina, in quanto riconosce che Taiwan - come lo dimostra l'intera storia dell'Isola - è parte integrante della Cina, la popolazione è Cinese, la cultura è Cinese 🇨🇳
🌆 Ma Ying-jeou si è recato a Nanchino, dove ha visitato il Mausoleo del Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Fondatore del KMT e dirigente della Rivoluzione Xinhai del 1911, che portò alla Caduta della Dinastia Qing, e alla trasformazione della Cina da Impero a Repubblica 🐲
😘 Sono commoventi, dopo mesi di brutali e ridicole farneticazione separatiste di Tsai Ing-wen e Joseph Wu, le dichiarazioni di Ma Ying-jeou:
💬 "Le persone, su entrambe le sponde dello Stretto di Taiwan, appartengono alla medesima famiglia" 💕
🇨🇳 Non importa quanto Tsai Ing-wen e i lacchè pro-US tentino la "desinicizzazione", le persone di Taiwan sono Cinesi, la loro cultura è Cinese, e non saranno Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden, Mike Gallagher, Kevin McCarthy e altri imperialisti a decretare la separazione del Popolo Cinese ☀️
🏛 Una volta arrivato al Mausoleo di Sun Yat-sen, Ma Ying-jeou si è inchinato tre volte, e ha inciso - nella Sala della Calligrafia - otto Caratteri Cinesi, traducibili con "Lottare per la Pace, Rivitalizzare la Cina" 🌱
📖 Per comprendere al meglio la Questione di Taiwan, e tematiche quali la Riunificazione Pacifica, è consigliabile rifarsi ai post del Collettivo Shaoshan, che potete trovare qui:
🔺Master-Post sulla Questione di Taiwan 📖 | Questioni Storiche, Riunificazione Pacifica, Questione Militare, Interferenze Statunitensi, Separatismo del DPP 📚
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇹🇼 Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan's former KMT leader, continues his journey in the People's Republic of China, and the pro-US separatists of the Taiwan puppet regime, intertwined with the US imperialists, are increasingly angry and terrified from the course of events 😱
💬 "I'm 73, I've been waiting 36 years for the opportunity to visit the mainland. It's been a long time, but I'm glad I went" | like Hsia Li-yan in February, Ma Ying-jeou also referred to the PRC as "mainland", a term suitable for one and only one China, as he recognizes that Taiwan - as evidenced by the entire history of the island - it's an integral part of China, the population is Chinese, the culture is Chinese 🇨🇳
🌆 Ma Ying-jeou traveled to Nanjing, where he visited the Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Founder of the KMT and leader of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, which led to the Fall of the Qing Dynasty, and the transformation of China from an Empire in Republic 🐲
😘 After months of brutal and ridiculous separatist rantings by Tsai Ing-wen and Joseph Wu, Ma Ying-jeou's statements are touching:
💬 "People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same family" 💕
🇨🇳 No matter how much Tsai Ing-wen and pro-US lackeys attempt "desinicization", the people of Taiwan are Chinese, their culture is Chinese, and it won't be Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden, Mike Gallagher, Kevin McCarthy and other imperialists to decree the separation of the Chinese people ☀️
🏛 Once he arrived at Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Ma Ying-jeou bowed three times, and engraved - in the Calligraphy Hall - eight Chinese characters, which can be translated as "Fighting for Peace, Revitalizing China" 🌱
📖 To better understand the Taiwan question, and issues such as Peaceful Reunification, it is advisable to refer to the posts of the Shaoshan Collective, which you can find here:
🔺Master-Post on the Taiwan Issue 📖 | Historical Issues, Peaceful Reunification, Military Issue, US Interference, DPP Separatism 📚
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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5llowance · 4 years
American architect Henry Murphy was in charge of designing the capital of China in 1928. Murphy proposed a master plan for Nanjing at the heart of which lay an axis with the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, along with ‘Capitol Hill’ and a pagoda via /r/China
American architect Henry Murphy was in charge of designing the capital of China in 1928. Murphy proposed a master plan for Nanjing at the heart of which lay an axis with the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, along with ‘Capitol Hill’ and a pagoda https://ift.tt/2ThELfD Submitted May 18, 2020 at 08:47PM by princey12 via reddit https://ift.tt/3bKbAbe
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rajasthanj · 4 years
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#Sun-yat-sen #springbreak2020 春暖花开,踏青 (at Sun-Yat-sen-Mausoleum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0zqK5nj7G/?igshid=dqccdkemor9a
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picturesofchina · 6 years
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The steps up to Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum in Nanjing, Jiangsu
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mingdi14 · 7 years
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Rain rain stay awhile come again to scare the crowds away :p. Walked around Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum while being stared at as literally the only people without umbrellas haha. Anyways, Sun Yat-sen is essentially the Founding Father of Modern-day China. He is loved and respected by everyone as he helped bring about the revolution to end the Qing Dynasty and begin the new era of Chinese political history. And we showed our respect to him by literally walking over 31,000 steps and over 7 hours of traversing through temples, pagodas, various generals' tombs and his mausoleum. Now to get all dry for another rainy day coming up tomorrow :p(在 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum)
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