#sumpah tgcf fandom banyak bocilnya anjir
fauzhee10069 · 1 year
Heyo apart from me starkly disagreeing with ur beefleaf hate post, I'm honestly mostly bothered by u tagging it with beefleaf/not censoring the name.
It appeared in the main tag while I was scrolling it, because i rlly love bflf, and I'd appreciate it if u could keep hate out of the tag!!! Its made for ship content, nto hate on the ship.
Again this isn't even because i disagree (ig it's up to interpretation though, but i I want to say that just because someone was once in love with a girl doesn't mean they're straight, bisexuality exists, pls dont erase thar!!!!) its rlly jsut cuz I don't want to see negativity on my otp when I'm looking for content of them :(
I hope u can see why that'd upset me a little, no need to respond or anyrhign, just for the future!!! Cuz ik that not only I get upset at seeing negativity about my otp while scrolling the tag...
(Also if u dislike sth so much, why not use thst energy to focus on sth u like instead? I feel like that might make u happier than hate posting--)
Okay, first, thank you for your input.
I will add more tags so that it will make clear that my post is not about positive content about beefleaf.
Then I'll also add more warning in the beginning of my post, so that readers can expect what they are about to read and shippers who don't want to see any negativity about beefleaf may simply skip it.
But I won't remove the #beefleaf tag, because the point of my post is clearly about beefleaf. Just next time, make sure to read it carefully to the entire tags before proceeding and regretting what you are about to read! (while I'll try to be more careful with my 'warning system').
I won't bother to remove my post (nor stop writing more), because I can do anything with my blog which so far contains my personal opinions on both positive and negative thoughts in a balanced way.
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I'm not a hater with no life who carelessly enter people's fan-clubs just to bash their favorite things right to their face.
But the tagging system in tumblr is not exclusive, rather it serves to indicate 'what is your post related to?'
So how can I just remove the tag when it is the main topic of my post?
You have the ability to just ignore it & scroll down, people can write what they want and you can read what you want.
So, I’d rather have you block me than remove my (main topic) tag just to ease your mind.
And about the canon things that I said, it seems you also didn't read my post to the end (maybe you got emotional first hmm), my canon breakdown serves as a starting base for understanding beefleaf, but if you get to the section "How can ‘beefleaf’ work better?" in my post, that's also the part where I started ignoring canon, that even though He Xuan had been straight in flashbacks, it is still possible that he's starting regret some of his action & care for Shi Qingxuan.
My canon breakdown for that post is like; "oh so the truth is that, but we can bend it like this".
Lastly, hate posting & rant posting may sounds similar but not the same. You need to read the content to fully understand, but 'hate posting' doesn't contain any positivity to back up the negativity whereas 'rant' is more personal about what you have in mind, yet not necessarily being all negative.
Though I don’t think you want to read my entire post as it triggers you so much.
But in some case, rant my overlaps with hate when the poster only has negativity in mind.
Also when I said “many beefleaf shippers”, it’s not necessarily about you. But if you got triggered by it, then it’s on you.
Also, if I hate beefleaf so much I wouldn’t have bothered making this edit.
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