#studying orgo chem again and im not having fun
skarloeyspa · 2 years
Thinking about how Sir Haydn (Sir Handel's basis) was made by taking the best parts of the three original Falcons that ran the Corris Railway...
I don't think this happened for Sir Handel in the RWS or the TV series, but just imagine the story potential of Sir Handel also being an amalgamation of engines.
Obviously there's been more than enough instances where engines are overhauled or simply have parts replaced, but I think being an amalgamation might work a bit differently. Rather than simply getting new parts that were never associated with another engine, multiple sentient beings are being whittled down to one.
If Sir Handel were reconstructed from the parts of three other engines, would he be a new consciousness entirely? Or was he also one of the original "Falcons"? How would that have been? Knowing that your two other siblings, whom you've worked with since birth, would be sacrificed to make you a "better" engine? Would Sir Handel remember? Would he choose to forget? To forget how he alone was selected out of his siblings to live? Would he find comfort in the fact that they would live on forever as parts of him? On the other hand, what if Sir Handel hated his siblings? Knowing now that he can never be free from them because of what he himself is made of?
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