perfectfacesnl · 3 years
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How Could Gain Weight in a Healthy Way?
Health and nutrition is a topic where there is lots of information available but not everything applies for everyone and nor does it suit everyone. Weight is one such topic some want to lose it some want to gain it. At the end being healthy and having the right BMI is the main reason for this weight gain and weight loss. Weight gain can be very tricky if you see it that way since a lot of people cannot put on weight due to some underlying issues or hormonal changes. Now in order to put on weight in a healthy way here is some tips:
 1)Add Healthy Calories: A drastic lifestyle change or junking is not required but a way in which one can add healthy calories like nut/seed toppings, Cheese, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds whole grain biscuits and multigrain toast. By having such calories there will be no permanent fat building but just healthy stuff going in
 2) Nutritious Food: Avoid empty calories and junk food but concentrate on having nutrient dense food. High-protein meat can also help to a great extent. Have nutritious carbohydrates, such as brown rice and other whole grains. This assures your body is receiving as much nourishment as possible, even if you’re dealing with a reduced appetite.
 3) Muscle Building: Muscle building exercises like weight lifting help to pump the muscles up and thus increasing the mass of the body also always remember you are underweight due to a lot of issues and hence choose your exercises that suit you wisely after consulting a weight trainer or nutritionist. But a muscle building exercise can help to a great extent.
 4) Have Mini Meals: Rather than snacking have mini meals to increase or build up your appetite. Mini meals promote the body to digest quickly and then ask for more food thus such meals are very useful for gaining weight. Also homemade food plays a great role in gaining weight since it reaches your heart and makes you wanting for more food while not putting on any weight due to its nutritional value.
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streetfooddelivery · 3 years
We are a homemade food delivery at mothers Food app. Delivering delicious, hygienic food to your home made by home chefs in their kitchen.
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Homemade Food Online Delivery
Healthy eating is also known as clean eating is often misunderstood to be some kind of a crash diet. Healthy eating basically means cutting out on foods that you consume as a part of your cravings. It is removing your wants and sticking to your needs. Many nutritionists suggest that if one shift to healthier food habits they might never need to follow any kind of diet again. It is actually a lifestyle change:
Some habits that you can develop to shift to a healthier lifestyle are:
-Cut down on raw sugar in any form.
-Switch to light snacking options made of wheat/millets/grains.
-Consume more vegetables and fruits
-Replace desserts with fruits or dry fruits
-Have raw vegetables in place of snacks
-Replace tea/coffee with a water-based alternative
-Use sweetening alternatives like dates, jaggery powder or maple syrup
-Make sure to have foods with only natural colorants
-Have more grains and millets
-Consume more than 4 liters of water every day
-Switch to having Home-cooked meals.
 While adapting to such habits it may get difficult at the start but with time, consistency, and patient you will start seeing positive body changes which will boost one’s confidence. Your body will start feeling lighter and healthier. These habits are also great to clear your mental space. Follow them and let us know how they have helped you.
MOTHERSFOOD delivers delicious homemade food at your door step. Offers best street food and catering services.
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What should I eat in summer that is good for health?
Summers are round the corner and summers in different part of India get very harsh. Taking care of one’s body especially during summer is very necessary because it can also lead to severe conditions due to sunstroke and loo winds. One should avoid going out in the harsh sun especially in the afternoons. Different drinks and foods that one can consume to keep body temperature in check are:
 1) Citrus and Water based fruits: Fruits like watermelon, oranges, sweet lime are great for the summers. They help to retain water into one’s body thus fighting the harsh heat and keep one going.
2) Glucose based drinks: It is very easily to drain out in summers especially when you work constantly. In order to keep up your energy levels have glucose based drinks and not necessarily packaged powders. One can also have Jaggery water that is made by soaking the jaggery overnight in water and then adding few drops of lemon to it and having it everyday in winters.
3) Hibiscus based drinks/tea:  Hibiscus helps to maintain the body’s temperature and is known as a cold flower. It is also great to consume it in form of tea.
4) Bell Peppers: Red bell pepper has antioxidant properties and hence is great to maintain the body’s temperature. They keep you cool and also keep skin looking supple and soft
5)Saunf Water: Saunf is great mouth freshener and good for digestion. Now when saunf is mixed with water crushed with some ginger and lemon it becomes a tasty summer cooler which is great for health as well as to remove body heat in winter and keeps your skin glowing.
 Thus by having these foods or drinks one cane easily keep themselves cool.
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How do I improve my Digestion?
You are what you eat. A person’s digestion reflects on their entire body and is also the solution to a lot of bodily problems. A lot of people face constipation issues due to different reasons. If the issue gets worse day by day then one should consult a doctor but in order to improve one’s digestive system these are some foods that can be consumed daily:
 1) Flax seeds: Flax seeds are great in fibre and also for removing all the dirt from inside the body
 2) Pro biotic Yogurt: A proven gut health promoter this is great for your stomach and helps to keep your gut healthy
 3) Ginger: Ginger is great for digestion and is very popular among pregnant women
 4) Peppermint: Another desi way to solve digestion issues is to have peppermint and it will help control gas
 5) Papaya: A fruit very rich in fibre and is very good for your gut health and helps promote clean bowel movements.
 As your must have read above a lot of our Indian nuskas like peppermint and ginger are used in churans or digestive sweet sour chocolates. Also flax seeds are mixed with mukhvas for digestion. So if we look deeply into our old scientific practices one can definitely know their purpose.
MothersFood delivers delicious homemade food at your door step. Offers best street food and catering services.
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India is a land of celebrations and social gathering. Be it a small event of happiness or a big one we believe it in celebrating it with our loved ones and for this food is our number one companion. So ideally we go to a restaurant or where people can sit and enjoy. A cloud kitchen is an upcoming concept slowly gaining interest in India due to its cosmopolitan families residing in Metro Cities. Cloud kitchens are basically low budget kitchens serving different cuisine but in form of only delivering them and not having a space to sit. Some of the reasons why there are less cloud kitchens are:
1) Big families: Indian culture places utmost importance on the institution of Family to celebrate your happiness and to also be together in hard times. Since families go out together they need a place to sit which cloud kitchens don’t provide.
 2) Lack of Awareness: A lot of people consider cloud kitchens to not be ideal to get food from since they have lesser reviews plus operate from a small place so hygiene is a question for a lot of people and they directly compete with the family restaurant that has been going on for ages
 3) Strong Competition: Strong competition comes from cafes, family restaurants and upcoming lounges. Families in India see restaurant and dining as a place to relax and get together and hence prefer a place to sit so competing with these established giants seems like a task for many.
 With all these factors cloud kitchens is an upcoming boom due to a lot of food delivery services delivering their food to their target customer.
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How to gain fitness back?
Getting fit is a necessity for all humans in today's fast world. With people consuming more fast food than homemade food their physical fitness is very necessary. Now there are different ways in which one can get fit again.
Different ways in which one can regain their fitness is:
-Start with short-term goals
-Have more than 4-liters water daily
-Consume portion control homemade food
-Exercise daily
-Shift to yoga if required
-Try doing exercise in a group
-Work on your growth
-Turn fitness into your passion
-Celebrate small wins
-Consume homemade food when going out.
MOTHERSFOOD delivers delicious homemade food at your door step. Offers best street food and catering services.
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MOTHERSFOOD delivers delicious homemade food at your door step. Offers best street food and catering services.
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MOTHERSFOOD delivers delicious homemade food at your door step. Offers best street food and catering services.
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streetfooddelivery · 3 years
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We are a homemade food delivery at mothers Food app. Delivering delicious, hygienic food to your home made by home chefs in their kitchen.
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