stray-dude · 9 months
if you guys see the kado thorne reblog spree, just know that he.
that is all thank you
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hollowtowne · 2 years
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stray-dude · 9 months
ive heard nobody talk about it so far but. i think the ageless and kado thorne should settle the differences that come from being extremely genderful leaders by having sloppy make out sessions. i dont make the rules i just think that would bring about peace in the loop.
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stray-dude · 7 months
uhhhhhh idk why ppl are saying tumblr is dying, but
mutuals: you are always free to ask for my discord, its the only other social i have unless youre really desperate then uhhh, i have a psn
i will linger on even if its lurking in the shadows. but yeah feel free to dm me, and if youre unsure if were mutuals, chances are we definitely are, im very quick to consider anyone a mutual. also you are free to ask even if we arent, i am always willing for more people to discuss the silly guys i like with anyone whos willing to listen
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hollowtowne · 2 years
catkin moment!!!!
caught a mouse
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stray-dude · 5 months
men should get their pussies eaten like kings
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stray-dude · 5 months
new about me dropped lol
figured id refresh it n all before i forget, so uh, yeah, be ready for somehat of a ramble bc i dont know how bios or about mes work
name/s: miles/galaxy (host/main), stray
pronouns: they/them/themself, he/him/himself, it/its/itself, cat (used as a noun exclusively, no pronoun variation, example: "the cat says its time to eat." can be used in combination with the other pronouns)
interests: fortnite, fortnite, bomb rush cyberfunk, fortnite, cats/cat videos, basically any music that includes the same vocal samples used in iwatodai dorm, 3d modeling n stuff
dni: basic dni stuff, obviously no terfs or anything even remotely similar, anyone who claims maps/nomaps are part of the lgbt, anyone who tries to exclude anyone for being: [aro/ace, fags/dykes, xenogenders, neopronoun users, "unpleasant" gender expressions or descriptions]
uhhhhh okay now i ramble bc i dont know what else to add. idk i kinda just put anything and everything on this blog, i draw n stuff n my brain is goo, if it interests you, hey, cool. theres lots of things on here that i considered deleting, most of it from my eddsworld days, but after a while, i think i dont want to go back to that. mostly private reasons, so if you came mostly for that, sorry, i wont blame you for leaving. i do have an alt blog where i reblog any cat or cat adjacent videos i find, but i dont want it getting swarmed so if you want that, feel free to dm, its mostly untagged stuff n just pure animals, kind of a side project for serotonin boosts.
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stray-dude · 10 months
living in a small fairly right wing town is weird bc one day youll just be coloring a picture of a beach in a public library with two older ladies with families and lives of their own and youll introduce yourself as your preferred name and they wont bat an eye or even question it and actually use it. i think they avoided any pronouns for me just in case too. they were really nice i may try going again next week if im not busy by then
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stray-dude · 11 months
debating taking pics of things ive doodled with my vita but also i havent drawn anything. been very much just trying to exist n its been a lot to deal with. but anyways ive been enjoying all the totally 100% legal things i can do on my vita!!!! i hope itll be enough to keep me busy on a long car ride bc in a few weeks itll really be put to the test. long car rides without music are not fun at all
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stray-dude · 11 months
tumblr desktop how ive missed you and your layout. also actually being able to download videos straight from the player why did mobile get rid of that i will never forgive
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stray-dude · 11 months
man ive got so much goin on these days i feel real bad not posting art as much bc i really havent drawn in like. a few weeks. that may change if what i think happens, happens bc like. itll change a lot abt my schedule/social life in general haha
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stray-dude · 1 year
idk if ive memtioned it but in case you guys forgot, im very much still a fox clan gay and the more i play this game the more im sure of it. theyre my family n all of us are cool disasters
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stray-dude · 1 year
im still reeling from the fact that i spent a majority of my time learning the fortnite lore just going "omg, so just like homestuck" and i swear to this day im still finding more, like just now while typing this i remembered that theres so many factions/groups in both games, but only two are extremely relevant to the story
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stray-dude · 1 year
the urge to drop all other pronouns so people can start referring to me as it/its because i want to reject my humanity, but also at the same time i want to be only he/they while im shifted so i technically need those other pronouns n i know ill forget to keep changing them but also
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stray-dude · 1 year
i wonder if the people finding my stray art know. i wonder if they know just how gender he is. i wonder if they know i am he.
Tumblr media
literally me
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stray-dude · 1 year
yeah im changin my @ lols im feelin restless w it i need the change gotta keeps it fresh
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