#stray zbalthazar
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Zbalthazar content is lacking so I am here to provide pretty screenshots of him 👀👍
(Feel free to use as art refs if you want)
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haru-desune · 2 years
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Somewhere in another world
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I know this is boring and bland, but what would the First time the main 4 robo-guys see a rotting dead animal body look like? (In the outside by the way) Like they walk over a maggot-infested dead dog one day. (For the stray asks) don’t judge me please 🥲
I’m assuming you’re asking about the four Outsiders, and if you are I think they’d have varying reactions
-Doc would be a bit taken aback, but still be a bit intrigued on the process of decomposition
-Momo is a softie and would be very distraught
-Clem doesn’t like the thought of her friends seeing such a sight, so she’d likely turn away and try to keep it to herself
-Zbalthazar understands the pain of seeing a once lively creature meet its end, but he knows everything exists for only a certain amount of time
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daftpatience · 2 years
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i had to draw what i wanted to seeeeeee ;w;
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
Stray/Raft au: Walled city 99 is on a high point of what’s left of land in that area of the world. The Outsiders, being the main force of exploring outside the city once it opens, eventually hit the sea and spend time on the beach. Eventually they see a weird speck on the horizon and then they’re met with a literal floating city anchored off shore. Soft ones-- those that weren’t able to get into cities-- managed outside while things went to hell. After a hurricane, one of said soft ones washes ashore with nothing but the clothes on their back and a book about being a forward scout. The island with the city isn’t enough to sustain a whole human population, and certainly not ALL the humans left, and the scout explains that their family had been searching for a place humans could live on dry land. Clementine, 100% down for adventure, offers to go with since the scout is literally totally alone and no one else has washed up alive. Momo wants to stay back, because he’s aware he doesn’t float. This is ruined by Doc pointing out they have time while the scout mourns to build flotation devices. Seamus goes where Doc goes, from this point on. Zbalthazar volunteers to be the first with floats on, because this means a new body with water proofing that he can move around with. He also likes the rhythmic sounds of the waves. Momo gets persuaded to go along partially because swimming is actually fun, but also because he realizes his friends are 100% going to help the human do the thing and he doesn’t want to be alone. Helping this is the little outsider following along with its family. The scout says its good to have them, because rats tend to find their way onto rafts. Exploring!
have i thought about this way too much? yes.
is there deffo a scene where the scout dives after one of the bots who’s having a floatation malfunction? also yes
Does grandma gift the scout a sail and some warm clothes? also yes.
Does B12 get uploaded into a companion body after Elliot pokes around the city’s systems and contacts him, followed by B12 frantically trying to catch up to the little outsider and co, beause 1: holy shit the outside isn’t a flaming wreck, 2: he misses the cat, 3: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE OTHER HUMANS? Yes.
Is there deffo a scene where the scout overexerts themselves and gets scolded by the robots? yes Is there a scene where the group celebrates the scout hauling up a bunch of scrap to be used to patch up the bots as needed? and finding discarded oil that can be remixed to be useful? yes
Will the little outsider body a seagull and stand all triumphant for having defended the potatoes? Also yes.
No really, i have thought about this way too much. It also works because Raft humans are juuuust a little too off to be quite the same as the humans that went into the cities. They’re like mostly microplastics at this point, really only get lightly hurt by acid that GLOWS, don’t get heat stroke apparently--or it takes so long that its not a going concern--and are capable of tanking shark bites pretty well. They’re weird is my point. And while the 1.0 update altered the timeline a bit, i hold that it’s been several gens since the world flooded because like 20 years or whatever makes no goddamn sense. My canon now. And that means this au is a go.
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blindpawdoo · 1 year
The lift is on. finally, the slum dwellers were able to climb up and get into Midtown. Clementine ran up to the Outsiders, Momo and Doc. They were glad to see her alive! Clem ran up and... hugged Doc, ignoring Momo, who stood awkwardly next to Doc.
Clem: you're alive! Doc!
Doc laughed: ahaha, of course alive! like you!
They stopped hugging and Clem frowned: next time, warn me when you go into a dangerous place with questionable weapons!
Doc: There won't be a next time, I'm sure.
Momo, who had been standing next to him all the time, said awkwardly, embarrassedly: um..a.. hello? Clementine?
Clem squinted at him: what?
Momo shifted from foot to foot: I.. good to see you?... what happened?...
Clem snorted: I still resent you for betraying us and not coming with us.
Momo: but-
Doc: no need to be mad at him, he did a lot actually.
Clem butted an eyebrow: what?
Seamus intervened: he sent a little zurg here... you met him, didn't you?
Clem: A stray cat? Yes, he is a real Outsider.
she turned her head towards Momo.
- An outsider who won't quit.
I'm too lazy to write more. this is just a sketch.
Due to Blazer's betrayal, Clementine is very nervous and won't trust her friends much, only Zbalthazar, and will still have her doubts..But friends will restore her trust. She will be able to forgive Momo.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I feel like Momo would be very alarmed to see Zbaltizar has like fifty heads now cuz like
It's funny to imagine him finding him and being alarmed but also
How did he even get to the tree thing village place if he had those the whole time??? Did he use a wagon to carry all of them or something?? Was he carried through the sewers?? Did Clementine just dump him at the tree and tell him to send someone to her when he could??
I can imagine him getting attacked by zurks and maybe the first head falling and him just deciding to stay at antvillage(I forget these places names) and telling Clem to go on without him maybe he hooks up to more tvs as time goes on
Anyways new headcanon that after the end Momo and Doc go to help move Z but like jump when he turns on/lh
-salt anon
Yeah I wonder how he ended up with all those monitors. Maybe it helped him achieve some robot equivalent to enlightenment??? Or maybe he was testing how far he could spread his AI onto multiple devices and got stuck that way
I hc his body gave up/became too damaged by the time he reached Antvillage after a zurk attack so only his screen/head functions now
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
Keep imagining the best way to start the stray raft au.
Because the best i have rn is the Outsiders get really fond of the shore, because of the postcards, and thus make a little outsiders clubhouse sort of deal in the tree line. Seamus and Doc spend approximately enough time fishing [because this is a known father and son bonding activity] that they’re a little sun bleached... and Doc has started cataloguing said sea life. Seamus is in charge of drawing them for physical record purposes. Also because Doc loves to see his son make art and Seamus loves being a part of whatever his dad’s working on. Zbalthazar just lives out there, via being hauled outside. The repairs on his body are a bit slow going, due to the salt air not making matters better, but its peaceful. Easier to hear himself think when he’s focused on wave sounds instead of bots yelling about mahjong or clanging around in the garbage. It helps that he likes to sit on a platform in front of a window so he can watch the horizon. Sometimes he just watches it for hours, observing the waves and clouds. He never thought he’d see those, or all the shapes they can make. His legs are mostly rusted into position, but with some effort he can move his upper body just fine. The others sit with him and talk about the things he sees when they aren’t there. Like what his old intranet meditation searches tell him are dolphins, jumping in the far distance. Or water spouts when it storms. Lightning was extremely interesting the first time he saw it, the static in the air sending an odd tingle through his wires. Clementine goes between the city entrance, where some braver bots are building a little city, and the clubhouse. She and Zbalthazar spend a lot of time catching up, but then again they all do. But she’s the one that brings back little plants in pots to surround him with while she tells him about where she found them. She’s also the first one to scale a tree after Stray and excitedly explain what she saw. Momo was... reluctant to go to the beach. Not because he didn’t want to see it, or spend time with his friends-- but he was still... him. He fussed around even leaving the Slums when the elevator unlocked. Then he kicked around Midtown with some other bots before Doc and Seamus dragged him to the surface. Then he was in too deep NOT to follow them around, and he certainly couldn’t duck out of helping Zbalthazar get from Antvillage to the surface... and then when Clem discovered the beach, he dragged his feet before helping Zbalthazar head over. He was getting a little braver, but it feels... odd to have a sky that isn’t finite. Odd to hear wind whistling through and around things. It all felt rather too large. But it was beautiful. And while his ‘braver’ was mostly hanging out with Zbalthazar and tinkering with a radio to see what they could pick up outside, it was still there.
The outside being beautiful was actually rather puzzling, even to the outsiders, if only because they expected safe at best. As in, lacking zurks and maybe not raining acid or something. Logically they knew that the outside... changed... but after so long of stagnation in their environment, it felt surreal. Not to mention the fact that the little outsider was nowhere near the only one like him, and that there were more organics surrounding the city than they could shake a servo at. Not to mention all the ones Doc ended up fishing up. The ancestors had hidden away because they had dealt with horrible disasters they couldn’t survive on the outside, and yet it seemed to have recovered.
.... Do i know how to segue from this into “wtf is that” said zbalthazar pointing at a giant raft on the horizon and the rafters being like “hi”? ABSOLUTELY NOT
am i having fun? YES
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
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I did it,, i made the starting Stray Raft au raft,,,
Second floor is the radar level, but the bunkroom is also up there. Theres just like 5 beds shoved in there, with one to the side where Gia sleeps to avoid being crushed by the robot recharge pile. Cats have beds under the stairs. Top level is garden and can be moved around for bees later. In this house we pretend there are more than 4 plants to grow for food, so ignore the million pineapple and watermelon. Potatoes reign supreme ok.
Rug up top is for Zbalthazar to meditate on, covered in cats. The lower deck table gets pulled out for meetings and when Gia eats dinner with the cats. The outsiders tend to congregate about the same time to watch them.
There’s not a lot of hanging plants in game so just... pretend with me that Clem and Momo combined have covered the place.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
Newsies/Stray au where they’re striking on Neco corp, since Neco owns LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
Stray cat is Jack. B12 is Davy. Momo is Denton, but if Denton was bothered by Jack for like an hour ahead of time. Clem is Spot, just bc vibes. Zbalthazar is Crutchie because i love them both.
Setting is after the city opens, but before people realize they don’t HAVE to listen to the bots currently running Neco.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
Actually in the stray raft au, sensing the community raftbots to say hi to other groups first is probably standard procedure.
You dont know if someone's friendly/neutral, you dont know if they're sick or you might be asymptomatic for something.
Raftbots would be the faces of most communities, adding to their importance. Not to mention like. At worst sharks might investigate them once before the smell of metal in water = not food, which is useful when your life depends on getting into SharkLand a lot.
So basically I'm saying the Rafters 100% sent a bot and a scout to go get resources from in/around the island, ran into Zbalthazar who was just vibing in the clubhouse and they assumed he was the trader until they got waved over by the actual traders while Zbal vibrates out of his casing because holy shit.
Ooh it could be Gia, practicing resource management and another scout with the bot. Which jumpstarts them knowing her and vice versa.
Also allows for the Outsiders to watch in stunned silence as the raftbot wades into the surf to go get scrap and check if theres ore to use to fix up zbalthazar bc sometimes pure metal is more helpful than random spare parts Necos bots have around.
I just want Zbalthazar content and I'm making it myself
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