#still slightly iffy on whether i shouldve made the hot pink darker
moonstruckdraws · 3 months
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okay- yeah- okok look- yes- alright- okaaaay @hellishgayliath
This. This is my favorite outfit.
I figured I wouldn't be able to make the dress look like the flower & then I stumbled upon a dress that had a rose on the hip with fabrics flowing out of it. Then it hit me & I made this draft
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I love how the band & top of it kinda looks like petals & the heavy and light materials over the actual dress!!
I do think it might be too light? like I could've made the colors deeper, but i color dropped from the flower so. I was also going to make the gloves white, but the darker color fits more, I think so.
It's giving prom dress to me which I'm not entirely sure if I like or not. But I still think it's my favorite.
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