#stigma and misunderstanding around one of the most stigmatized conditions in the country
mythicalcoolkid · 1 year
As a real life schizo I cannot even begin to express how much I hate the phrase schizoposting
Edit: just to make it clear the stigma and misinformation around psychotic disorders gets vulnerable people killed in real life. Also I can almost guarantee you know at least one person who's experienced psychosis, more likely MANY people who've had psychosis. (We see you when you're cruel to psychotic people by the way and you've made it clear that you are not a safe person for us to be around so thanks)
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socialmedia29-blog1 · 4 years
5 Bad Habits That People in the common myths Industry Need to Quit
The Main Principles Of Myths And Facts About Sleep - Speaking Of Women's Health
Together, we can stop discrimination and stigma against people with Hansen's illness. We can discover to recognize signs and know when to see a doctor for diagnosis. Inform yourself and your community and separate the truths from the misconceptions about Hansen's illness. Around the world: The number of new cases reported globally to World Health Organization (WHO)external icon in 2016 was more than 200,000.
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Fact and Myth
An approximated 2 to 3 million people are coping with Hansen's disease-related impairments internationally. In 2016, the nations with the highest number of brand-new diagnoses were India, Brazil, and Indonesia, followed by some of the nations in Africa. Two-thirds of all new cases of Hansen's illness are identified in India, which remains home to a 3rd of the world's bad, a group disproportionately affected by the disease.
In 2015, 178 brand-new cases were reported to the National Hansen's Illness Program (NHDP)external icon, which coordinates care, research, and info about Hansen's disease in the U.S. The majority of those cases take place in people who have resided in areas of the world where the disease is still common. Approximately 5,000 people in the U.S.
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In some southern states of the U.S., nine-banded armadillos have been discovered to carry the bacterium that causes Hansen's disease. It is thought that transmission to individuals may occur when they deal with these animals. Geographical circulation of brand-new cases of Hansen's disease reported to facts and myths WHO in 2016. Thanks to WHO.
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common myths
Hansen's illness mainly impacts people in resource-poor nations who live in crowded conditions and have difficulty accessing healthcare due to cross countries to centers familiar with Hansen's disease, and high expense of going to the physician. Because of this, regardless of the WHO's program to offer treatment free of charge, much of those affected do not finish it or do not get it at all.
Girls and females impacted by Hansen's illness deal with the included issue of gender and social discrimination, which might likewise postpone detection of the illness. In some countries, the law allows a person to lawfully divorce a spouse since they are impacted by the disease. Unfortunately, this may leave lots of ladies destitute, homeless, and not able to care for their kids.
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The good news is that Hansen's illness is curable. Education and enhancing access to fundamental health services for all are keys to effective removal of stigma and disability related to the illness. There are some typical misunderstandings about Hansen's disease that continue to trigger confusion and fuel preconception and discrimination.
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Fact and Myth
Myth Fact Leprosy (Hansen's disease) is hard to catch, and in fact, 95% of adults can not catch it due to the fact that their immune system can eradicate the bacteria that causes HD. The digits do not "fall off" due to leprosy. The germs that causes leprosy attacks the nerves of the fingers and toes and triggers them to end up being numb.
This takes place in advanced stages of unattended illness. Historic leprosy is not the very same as contemporary leprosy. The "leprosy" found in historic and spiritual texts explained a range of skin problem from rashes and irregular skin to swelling. They were kept in mind to be really contagious, which is not real for Hansen's disease and likewise did not have a few of the most obvious signs of Hansen's illness, like disfigurement, blindness, and loss of discomfort sensation.
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Leprosy is caused by the slow-growing bacterium Mycobacterium leprae and is not the result of one's habits or a curse. People with leprosy who are being treated with antibiotics can live a typical life amongst their family and good friends and can continue to go to work or school. You can not get leprosy through casual contact such as shaking hands, sitting beside or talking to someone who has the disease.
An individual is not infectious within a couple of days of starting the treatment with antibiotics. However, the treatment must be completed as recommended (which may take up to 2 years) to make certain the infection does not return. Lots of people think of leprosy as an ancient disease that was gotten rid of lots of years earlier.
Despite effective treatment, leprosy is among the world's most stigmatized diseases, and people coping with leprosy-related disabilities in numerous nations are avoided, denied standard human rights, and discriminated against. The preconception of leprosy impacts the physical, psychological, social, and financial wellness of those with leprosy, contributing to the cycle of poverty in the impacted areas.
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Inform yourself about Hansen's disease and show friends and family that leprosy is a curable disease. Informing yourself and others about leprosy assists illustrate a positive picture of leprosy and increase awareness about it in your neighborhood. Promoting a favorable picture of leprosy helps concentrate on the abilities of the affected individuals instead of disability.
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