#stephen dartnell
mariocki · 6 months
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Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus (1.5, BBC, 1964)
"I want to speak of your father. You know, he was a very wise and brilliant man and I know how you felt when you learned of his death."
"And his life's work destroyed."
"Oh, no, no, no, no, I wouldn't say that. His work will go on, only not quite in the same way. But I don't believe that man was made to be controlled by machines. Machines can make laws, but they cannot preserve justice; only human beings can do that."
#doctor who#classic doctor who#the keys of marinus#1964#bbc#terry nation#john gorrie#william hartnell#jacqueline hill#william russell#carole ann ford#george coulouris#robin phillips#katherine schofield#donald pickering#fiona walker#henley thomas#stephen dartnell#francis de wolff#edmund warwick#raf de la torre#another old favourite from childhood. i distinctly remember first watching this with my bro as a nipper; he hated it (boring and naff) but#i was entranced; something about all those mini adventures strung together‚ the different locations and traps and menaces. it.. doesn't#entirely hold up to my childhood memories (tho I'm surprised to read so much antipathy towards the serial) but considering the complete#lack of money available (post Marco Polo extravagance) and the ambitious multiple sets and costume changes‚ i think the team did fairly#well. surprised to find that‚ despite Coulouris' Arbitan being seared into my mind as a main player of this story‚ he only actually appears#in part 1. the script isn't Nation at his best (but as ever i love his imagination in alien world building‚ with acid seas and glass#beaches) and the plot does Susan dirty (reduced to quivering child for much of the story‚ where's the alien brilliance of the first story?)#but Barbara gets a good showing here‚ particularly in part 2 (the brains with eyes! they shouldn't be adorable but they are). the trial ep#is a little clunkier‚ slowing down the pace as the story starts to wrap up‚ but I'm still quite fond of this silly story
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part six
With Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Hartnell as The Doctor, Ilona Rogers as Carol and Stephen Dartnell as John
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cleowho · 6 years
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“Let’s hope they were made by the Doctor...”
The Sensorites - season 01 - 1964
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labjegyzet · 3 years
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Az Akkord Kiadó idei könyvei
Így, az év végén foglaljuk össze az Akkord Kiadó – a GABO Kiadócsoport ismeretterjesztő és tudományos kiadói tagjának – 2020-as megjelenéseit. Lássuk időrendi sorrendben a megjelent könyveket, amelyek komoly és megalapozott tudományos háttérrel rendelkeznek, vagy éppen személyes tapasztalatokra épülnek.
Martin Rees: A jövőről (Az emberiség kilátásai)
A jövőről lebilincselő bepillantást nyújt az élenjáró tudományos kutatás és a csúcstechnológiák világába; közérthető és bárkit magával ragad, aki meg akarja érteni az emberiség földi és földönkívüli jövőjét meghatározó kritikus kérdéseket.
Martin Rees, a világ egyik legkiemelkedőbb tudósa ebben a könyvében arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy mi vár ránk a jövőben. Nyugtalan, rohamosan változó világunkban létünket fenyegető problémákkal kell szembenéznünk. Ha el akarjuk kerülni ezeket az ijesztő veszélyeket, akkor globálisan, távlatokban kell gondolkodnunk. Rees szerint az élhető jövőbe vezető út megtalálása, elválaszthatatlan a tudomány és a technika fejlődésétől.
A biotechnológia, a kibernetika, a robotika és a mesterséges intelligencia fejlődése segíthet leküzdeni az emberiséget fenyegető veszélyeket az éghajlatváltozástól az atomháborúig. Az űrtudományok további fejlődése pedig lehetővé teszi az emberiség számára, hogy robotjaink segítségével felderítsük a Naprendszert és az azon túli világot. A legnagyobb kihívás, hogy vigyázzunk a Földre és törődjünk vele, mert nincsen számunkra B-terv, elérhető távolságban a Föld az egyetlen hely, ahol élhetünk.
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 Leonard Mlodinow: Stephen Hawking (Emlékeim barátságról és fizikáról)
Leonard Mlodinow egyedülálló és mélyen személyes visszaemlékezésében azt a csaknem két évtizedet idézi fel, amikor Hawking munkatársaként és barátjaként ezzel a sokoldalú emberrel dolgozott. Találkozunk azzal a zseniális Hawkinggal, aki a világegyetem rejtélyein gondolkozik – és végül megfogalmazza a fekete lyukak úttörő elméletét, amellyel új lendületet ad a kozmológiai kutatásnak és utat mutat a fizikusok számára, hogy merőben újszerű módon vizsgálják az univerzum eredetét. Megismerjük Hawkingot, a kollégát és az embert, aki betegsége miatt percenként mindössze hat szót képes megformálni, mégis arra törekszik, hogy beszélgetéseit humorral fűszerezze. Emellett találkozunk Hawkinggal, a baráttal, aki grimaszaival, mosolyával, vagy egyszerűen csak szemöldöke rándításával közvetíti gondolatait és érzéseit.
Mlodinow bepillantást enged Hawking magánéletébe, amint a bor és a curry iránti szenvedélyének hódol; megosztja érzéseit szerelemről, halálról és saját fogyatékosságáról; vagy éppen a filozófia és a fizika legmélyebb kérdéseivel birkózik. Akár Hawking munkája iránti odaadó lelkesedését ábrázolja, akár azt mutatja be, miként ragadja meg a pillanat varázsát, például amikor a Cam folyón csónakáznak (bár a kis kirándulás halálos kockázatot jelent számára). Mlodinow mindig kidomborítja Hawking öntörvényű szellemét. Mélyen megható beszámolója barátságukról nemcsak a fizika természetéről és gyakorlatáról szól, hanem számos tanulságot rejt az életről, valamint arról, hogy sokkal többet is el tudunk érni, mint amire képesnek tartjuk magunkat.
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Brian Cox: A végtelen majomketrec (Hogyan építsünk univerzumot?)
A BBC Radio 4 legendás rádióműsora az Infinite Monkey Cage, vagyis A végtelen majomketrec, fesztelen hangulatban ünnepli a tudomány csodáit. Tarts velünk zűrzavaros kalandozásunkon az emberi képzelet legbizarrabb ötletei között a sötét anyagtól a neutrínókon és a földigilisztákon keresztül a tudatosságig!
Brian Cox professzor és Robin Ince remek és változatos szórakozást kínál, még egy univerzumot is felépítenek a könyvben. A történetet kiváló tudósok és komikusok elmesziporkái színesítik.
A fogalmak és a rejtélyek milliárdjait érintve mindennel foglalkoznak az ősrobbanástól a párhuzamos univerzumokig, a furcsa teremtményektől a földönkívüli életig, az agykutatástól a mesterséges intelligenciáig. A Hogyan építsünk univerzumot? a tudomány tanulságos és lelkesítő ünnepe – néha lenyűgöző, máskor meghökkentő és sokszor elég humoros.
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Jared Diamond: Zűrzavar (Hogyan kezelik a nemzetek a válságot és a változást)
Jared Diamond korábbi könyveiben azt mutatta be, hogyan alakulnak ki, majd omlanak össze a civilizációk. Most, amikor helyi és globális válságokkal kell szembenéznie a világnak, rávilágít arra, hogy egyes országok miért tudják jobban kezelni a hatalmas zűrzavart. Lenyűgöző utazásra viszi az olvasót, és megmutatja, hat ország (Finnország, Chile, Indonézia, Japán, Németország és Ausztrália) hogyan élt túl jelentős katasztrófákat az elmúlt kétszáz év során. Érdekes szabályszerűségeket talál abban, hogy ezek az egymástól nagyon különböző, modern országok – amelyek mindegyikében élt már – hogyan épültek fel a traumákból. Előre tekintve fontolóra veszi, melyek lesznek a legnagyobb fenyegetések a jövőben, és megvizsgálja, milyen kockázata van annak, ha a világ elherdálja természetadta erőforrásait, és elindul a katasztrófa felé vezető szomorú úton. Elkerülhetetlenül ez a sorsunk? Vagy tanulhatunk a múltban történtekből?
A szerző összes könyvére jellemző történelmi, földrajzi, biológiai és antropológiai szempontok mellett a Zűrzavar megmutatja azokat a tényezőket, amelyek meghatározzák, hogy egy ország vagy egy személy hogyan reagálhat az emberfelettinek tűnő kihívásokra – a könyv így lesz egyszerre nagy léptékű és személyes.
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Lewis Dartnell: Eredetünk (Hogyan alakította a Föld az embert?)
Amikor az emberiség történetéről beszélünk, nagy vezetők, népvándorlások és mindent eldöntő háborúk a főszereplők. De vajon maga a Föld hogyan határozta meg sorsunkat? Hogyan alakított bennünket?
Mint minden fajt, minket is a környezetünk formál. Geológiai erők segítették evolúciónkat Kelet-Afrikában, a görög demokrácia a hegyvidékek miatt fejlődött ki, és ha térképre rajzoljuk az Egyesült Államok mai pártpreferenciáit, egy ősi tenger körvonalait kapjuk. Az ember története a geológiai és földrajzi erők története a lemeztektonikától és az éghajlatváltozástól a légkör és az óceán keringéséig.
Mi a kapcsolat a Himalája és a Föld pályája, valamint a Brit-szigetek kialakulása között? Lewis Dartnell professzor több milliárd évvel visszavisz minket bolygónk múltjába, és megmutatja eredettörténetünket. Amikor elérjük azt a pontot, ahol a történelem természettudománnyá válik, kibontakozik mai világunk hatalmas összefüggés-hálózata, amely segíthet megfelelni az elkövetkező kihívásoknak. Az első termesztett növényektől a mai államok alapításáig az Eredetünk megmutatja, hányféleképpen hatott a Föld az emberi civilizációk alakulására.
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Ugyancsak idén került sor Bill Bryson: Majdnem minden rövid története újranyomására, így egy új generáció tarthatja kezében ezt a kötetet, amely egy utazási könyvhöz hasonlóan a Big Bangtől kezdve mutatja be időrendben az egyes tudományos eredményeket a kvantum mechanikától kezdve, az evolúción át a geológiáig. Ötszáz oldalon keresztül nem csak a tudomány történetét és a jelenlegi tudásszintjét írja meg, hanem a feltárja az esetlen és gyakran humoros kezdeteket is.
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rebweicht · 5 years
Books: May 2019
What I’ve read:
Lewis Dartnell: The Knowledge; How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch Absolute waste of time. Not what I expected when I bought it - I spent money on this kmn - and dragged on too much. 
Mariana Mazzucato: The Entrepreneurial State Makes it to the top 5 reads this week. The premise of the book is fairly simple. It’s a worthwhile read. 
Stephen Hawking: Brief Answers to the Big Questions Also a good read. Hawking is of course funny yet informative and the audiobook is ready by Ben Wishaw with original bits by Hawking.
What I’m reading:
Orhan Pamuk: My Name is Red
Amor Towles: A Gentleman in Moscow 
What I might read next:
Raj Kumar; The Business of Changing the World; How Billionaires, Tech Disrupters, and Social Entrepreneurs Are Transforming the Global Aid Industry
Jonathan Haskel & Stian Westlake: Capitalism without Capital
Julian Barnes: Nothing to be Frightened of
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guluamnews-blog · 7 years
Sewer broadband fraudsters gave long jail terms False $200 million fiber organize racket prompts aggregate 44 years in the slammer.
Four men who deceitfully tricked banks into loaning them cash to finance the rollout of fiber broadband systems in sewers have been sentenced to a sum of 44 years in prison.On Friday evening, judge Gledhill QC—talking at Southwark Crown Court—said that the proof against George Alexander, Stephen Dartnell, Simon Mundy, and Carl Cumiskey was "convincing." He included:
Not one of you has acknowledged deceptive association in these offenses. Obviously, you have each acknowledged that with knowledge of the past that extortion was conferred, yet have looked to excuse yourselves.
One of the slightest alluring parts of the case has been the endeavors of each of you to accuse others, including each other, for what happened.
Dartnell and Alexander, both of Total Asset Finance (TAF), Cumiskey, who was the previous back executive of H2O Networks, and Mundy of KBC Lease—the UK wing of Belgian bank KBC, were each discovered liable by a jury taking after a trial that kept going more than five months.
It took after an examination by the Serious Crime Office into H2O Networks, which was established 14 years back and fell into organization in 2011.
In his sentencing comments, Gledhill said that the "fund was an issue" for H2O Networks "from the earliest starting point."
The firm looked for financing from TAF, the judge noted, which was "readied to propel assets to H2O on being relegated the agreement amongst H2O and the client, so being alloted the yearly rental pay." It was an "impeccably authentic" game plan that implied H2O got the assets forthright and TAF pulled in consistent benefit. The judge proceeded:
Lamentably, it was now that the extortion started. TAF was a built up and fruitful business. It loaned cash to organizations from its own assets, and obtained cash to loan from different organizations, normally banks.
Throughout this misrepresentation it swung to the Belgian bank KBC for the subsidizing expected to buy H2O's agreements. Furthermore, similarly as H2O alloted the agreements and rental salary to TAF, so TAF reassigned them to KBC. It was a twofold task game plan. Once more, this was very real.
Gledhill noticed that Dartnell detected a chance to "cheat KBC of unfathomable wholes of cash" by changing the figures of the first contact. By method for instance, the judge said that the yearly rentals of £10,000 could be expanded to £100,000, or £1, at least million—the "swelled contract" could then be doled out to KBC.
When it turned out to be certain that the "false" movement worked, Dartnell "raised the misrepresentation." The judge stated: "KBC was tricked into propelling cash on adjusted, and afterward totally invented contracts.
"In a time of three years, KBC was cheated of over £142 million. On three events, Barclays Asset Finance was swindled in the very same way, £16.8 million being gotten."
He said that KBC lost £117 million thus of the misrepresentation and included that Barclays misfortune was "nil" in light of the fact that the three false installments were "reimbursed from assets which were gotten by reassigning the agreements to KBC."
Various reasons were given for the fraudsters' prosperity however the key thing, the judge stated, was that TAF "had an insider in KBC's UK office." Mundy was paid £881,000 to "guarantee that every one of TAF's applications for financing from KBC was endorsed"— some of which he used to reserve his "excessive way of life."
Gledhill said that the techniques utilized by the four men in the vicinity of 2007 and 2010 had "solid likenesses to what is regularly called a Ponzi extortion."
The Serious Fraud Office found amid its test of the business that "H2O provided fiber-optic Internet link associations and their extraordinary offering point was to utilize sewers as stations for these Internet links. H2O focused on open establishments, for example, neighborhood specialists, colleges, universities, and the NHS with long haul installment contracts."
H2O Networks' previous MD, Elfred Thomas, and TAF's ex-organization secretary, Kerry Lloyd, were vindicated of any wrongdoing recently.
Alexander and Dartnell were sentenced to 12 and 15 years separately, while "inside man" Mundy was given a seven-year jail term, and Cumiskey was beat up for a long time.
0 notes
foxtech-blog1 · 7 years
Sewer broadband fraudsters gave protracted jail terms Counterfeit $200 million fiber arrange racket prompts aggregate 44 years in the slammer.
Four men who falsely duped banks into loaning them cash to finance the rollout of fiber broadband systems in sewers have been sentenced to a sum of 44 years in prison.On Friday evening, judge Gledhill QC—talking at Southwark Crown Court—said that the confirmation against George Alexander, Stephen Dartnell, Simon Mundy, and Carl Cumiskey was "convincing." He included:
Not one of you has acknowledged untrustworthy association in these offenses. Obviously, you have each acknowledged that with insight into the past that misrepresentation was conferred, however have tried to absolve yourselves.
One of the minimum appealing parts of the case has been the endeavors of each of you to accuse others, including each other, for what happened.
Dartnell and Alexander, both of Total Asset Finance (TAF), Cumiskey, who was the previous fund executive of H2O Networks, and Mundy of KBC Lease—the UK wing of Belgian bank KBC, were each discovered blameworthy by a jury taking after a trial that endured more than five months.
It took after an examination by the Serious Crime Office into H2O Networks, which was established 14 years prior and fell into organization in 2011.
In his sentencing comments, Gledhill said that the "back was an issue" for H2O Networks "from the earliest starting point."
The firm looked for financing from TAF, the judge noted, which was "readied to propel assets to H2O on being appointed the agreement amongst H2O and the client, so being relegated the yearly rental salary." It was a "consummately authentic" game plan that implied H2O got the assets forthright and TAF pulled in general benefit. The judge proceeded:
Deplorably, it was now that the extortion started. TAF was a set up and effective business. It loaned cash to organizations from its own particular subsidizes, and acquired cash to loan from different organizations, normally banks.
Over the span of this misrepresentation it swung to the Belgian bank KBC for the financing expected to buy H2O's agreements. Furthermore, similarly as H2O appointed the agreements and rental salary to TAF, so TAF reassigned them to KBC. It was a twofold task game plan. Once more, this was very authentic.
Gledhill noticed that Dartnell recognized a chance to "swindle KBC of incomprehensible totals of cash" by adjusting the figures of the first contact. By method for instance, the judge said that the yearly rentals of £10,000 could be expanded to £100,000, or £1, at least million—the "swelled contract" could then be relegated to KBC.
When it turned out to be evident that the "counterfeit" movement worked, Dartnell "heightened the misrepresentation." The judge stated: "KBC was tricked into propelling cash on changed, and afterward totally imaginary contracts.
"In a time of three years, KBC was swindled of over £142 million. On three events, Barclays Asset Finance was duped in the very same way, £16.8 million being acquired."
He said that KBC lost £117 million therefore of the extortion and included that Barclays misfortune was "nil" in light of the fact that the three false installments were "reimbursed from assets which were acquired by reassigning the agreements to KBC."
Various reasons were given for the fraudsters' prosperity however the key thing, the judge stated, was that TAF "had an insider in KBC's UK office." Mundy was paid £881,000 to "guarantee that every one of TAF's applications for subsidizing from KBC was endorsed"— some of which he used to store his "excessive way of life."
Gledhill said that the strategies utilized by the four men in the vicinity of 2007 and 2010 had "solid similitudes to what is frequently called a Ponzi misrepresentation."
The Serious Fraud Office found amid its test of the business that "H2O provided fiber-optic Internet link associations and their extraordinary offering point was to utilize sewers as stations for these Internet links. H2O focused on open establishments, for example, neighborhood specialists, colleges, schools, and the NHS with long haul installment contracts."
H2O Networks' previous MD, Elfred Thomas, and TAF's ex-organization secretary, Kerry Lloyd, were absolved of any wrongdoing not long ago.
Alexander and Dartnell were sentenced to 12 and 15 years individually, while "inside man" Mundy was given a seven-year jail term, and Cumiskey was beat up for a long time.
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ndbasilica · 7 years
£160m sewer broadband fraud men convicted
Four men who conned major lenders to gain £160m financing for a Merseyside firm to install ultrafast broadband networks in sewers have been convicted on fraud and bribery charges.
The fraud involved the funding of Merseyside company H2O Networks, which entered administration almost six years ago.
Stephen Dartnell and George Alexander of Warrington-based lender Total Asset Finance, Carl Cumiskey of H2O Networks and Simon Mundy who worked for Belgian Banking Group KBC were found guilty at Southwark Crown Court for conspiracy to make corrupt payments and conspiracy to commit fraud against Barclays Bank and KBC
The jury were told by counsel for the Serious Fraud Office that there was no dispute that fraud on a massive scale had occurred, but the defendants denied involvement and, in the main, blamed each other.
Dartnell, Alexander and Cumiskey had conspired to create, sign and sell falsely inflated or entirely false contracts from the company H2O to business lenders, Barclays Bank and KBC.
H2O supplied fibre-optic internet cable connections and their unique selling point was to use sewers as channels for these internet cables. H2O targeted public institutions such as local authorities, universities, colleges and the NHS with long-term payment contracts.
Mundy was paid nearly £900,000 as an “inside man” at KBC by Dartnell to approve the funding provided by KBC to TAF.
Between 2007 and 2010 this fraud amounted to almost £160m.
Director of the SFO, David Green CB QC said: “This was a carefully planned, complex and lucrative fraud which ran over three years. It took a determined investigation to ensure that those responsible for it were brought to justice. We will now turn our attention to securing confiscation of criminal assets from those convicted”.
The men will be sentenced on Friday.
from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2017/02/08/160m-sewer-broadband-fraud-men-convicted/
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part five
With William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Hartnell as The Doctor, Ilona Rodgers as Carol and Stephen Dartnell as John
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dragoneat · 13 years
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Stephen Dartnell. A 1960's British actor who appeared in the 1963 version of Doctor Who, Adventure 7: The Sensorites...kinda has a resemblance to David Tennant to me.
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part 6
With Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, William Hartnell as the Doctor, Ilona Rogers as Carol and as Stephen Dartnell as John
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part five
With Carol Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, William Hartnell as The Doctor, Ilona Rodgers as Carol and Stephen Dartnell as John
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part two
With William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Hartnell as The Doctor and Stephen Dartnell as John
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part three
With Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright, William Hartnell as The Doctor, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Ilona Rodgers as Carol and Stephen Dartnell as John
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ian-chestert0n · 1 year
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Doctor Who - The Sensorites part four
With William Hartnell as The Doctor, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, William Russell as Ian Chesterton, Ilona Rodgers as Carol and Stephen Dartnell as John
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