#stede removed himself from the picture and that's what izzy always wanted?
iggy-hands · 2 years
Stede rescues the crew from the island, they pile into that dinghy like it's a clown car
They search for a little while, but the show's logic of "you can easily find anything you're looking for" fails them. Blackbeard doesn't want to be found.
So they decide to regroup at the Republic of Pirates, atleast they might be able to pick up some resources and intel there, maybe even get in a little r and r.
But they still don't have a ship, and Stede can't just buy whatever they need anymore, but what he does still have is his ~charm and wit~ which leads him to conclude, "We'll join a crew! Some dastardly pirate must be looking for some strong and capable sea-men! We're a catch!"
They eventually get wind of some dark, mysterious stranger post up in Spanish Jackie's, looking for only the most competent, experienced, and fearsome of pirates. So of course, Stede feels they're the perfect fit!
They'll join a new crew! Stede can get some real pirating in now that he's not too preoccupied being in charge! They'll be so successful at plundering and pillaging that they'll surely have enough for their own ship in a matter of weeks! Maybe the captain will be so impressed with them that he'll give them his ship!
So Stede strides over to the dark corner indicated to him. He may not have the full "Gentleman Pirate" ensemble anymore, but he carries himself like he does - first impressions are important! - the rest of the crew trailing hesitantly behind.
He reaches the table at which the man sits, still in shadow. "I hear you're looking for a crew...!" Stede announces, only the slightest quiver in his voice, he really has come a long way.
The man let's out a deep, rasping sigh as he slowly picks up his bottle and swallows down the remaining liquid. He lifts the bottle high over his head and - all of a sudden a loud SMASH as he brings the bottle swiftly down and it connects with the edge of the table, shards of glass spraying everywhere as the man springs forward. Stede stumbles back but he can't get far, inadvertently penned in by the crew around him. The sharp edge of the glass is pressed to the side of his neck, his eyes squeezed shut in anticipation-
"Stede. Fucking. Bonnet." snarls out Izzy Hands.
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